
chǐ xiàn
  • Tooth line;toothed portion
齿线[chǐ xiàn]
  1. 本文将线接触圆弧齿线(CATT)圆柱齿轮的啮合过程分为三个阶段。

    The meshing processions of circular-arc-tooth-trace ( CATT ) cylinder gear were divided into three stages .

  2. 圆弧齿线(CATT)圆柱齿轮齿根应力的计算与普通渐开线不同。

    Circular-arc-tooth-trace ( CATT ) cylinder gear differs from straight-cut cylinder gear in calculation of the gear tooth bending stress .

  3. 治疗组采用内痔横形缝扎外痔切除保留齿线术,对照组采用传统的外剥内扎术(Milligan-Morgan术)。

    Treatment group use horizontal form suturing internal hemorrhoid and resection external hemorrhoid and retain tooth line surgery , the control group use External Dissection and Internal Ligation technique ( Milligan-Morgan operation ) .

  4. 圆弧齿线(CATT)圆柱齿轮凸、凹齿面刀盘展成半径的大小对该齿轮的啮合特性具有重大影响,本文就该齿轮的刀盘展成半径调整问题进行了分析和研究。

    The paper analyzes and discusses the problem about how to adjust the radius of a cutter head for machining the convex and concave tooth flanks of circular-arc-tooth-trace cylinder gears , which has great effect on their mesh property .

  5. 圆弧齿线双圆弧齿轮的基本啮合原理

    Basic Meshing Principle of Double arc Gear with Circular Arc Trace

  6. 标准圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮不发生根切的最少齿数

    Minimum Teeth of No - undercut Standard Gear with Arcuate Tooth Traces

  7. 弧齿线圆柱齿轮传动理论的研究

    The Transmission Theroy of Cylindrical Gears with Curvilinear Tooth Trace

  8. 对称弧形齿线圆柱齿轮的真实齿面接触分析研究

    Real Tooth Contact Analysis of the Cylindrical Gears with Symmetrical Arcuate Tooth Trace

  9. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮在理想状况下的齿向载荷分布

    The load distribution of circular arc tooth trace cylinder gear under the ideal condition

  10. 圆弧齿线双圆弧齿轮的切齿试验研究

    TESTING Cutting Studies on Circular Arc Tooth Trace Gear with Double Arc Flank Profile

  11. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮根切问题的研究

    A Study on Undercut for Curvilinear Cylindrical Gear

  12. 弧齿线圆柱齿轮齿面形成原理

    Generation principle of arcuate tooth trace cylindrical gear

  13. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮接触疲劳强度的试验研究

    Test and Research on Contact Fatigue Strength of Circular-Arc - Tooth - Trace Cylindrical Gear

  14. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮弯曲强度研究

    Study on the Bending Strength of the Circular - Arc - Tooth - Trace Cylindrical Gear

  15. 关于圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮变位的论证

    Demonstration of Deflection of Arc-tooth-trace Gears

  16. 内注外切保留齿线术治疗环状混合痔临床观察

    Clinical observation of internal injection and external excision with preserved dentate line in treatment of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids

  17. 圆弧齿线双圆弧齿轮传动与加工

    The catching and manufacturing of circular - arc - tooth - trace gear with double arc flank profile

  18. 内痔横形缝扎外痔切除保留齿线术治疗混合痔的疗效观察

    The Clinical Observation on Mixed Hemorrhoid of Horizontal Form Suturing Internal Hemorrhoid and Resection External Hemorrhoid and Retain Tooth Line

  19. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮是一种新型齿轮,1986年在布鲁塞尔第35届国际新技术贸易展览会上展出。

    Gear having arcuate tooth traces is a new type one . It was exhibited in the 35th international new technological trade exhibition .

  20. 本文根据圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮轮齿的独特结构,建立了该齿轮的弯曲强度分析模型;

    According to the special tooth structure of the Circular-Arc-Tooth-Trace cylindrical gear ( CATT gear ), an analysing model of its bending strength is established .

  21. 第一次保留了肛提肌,第二次保留了齿线和肛管移行区(肛管感觉),从而大大提高了排便控制能力;

    The 2nd modification ( 1964 ) preserves the dentate margin and anal transitional zone ( acute anal sensation ), thus greatly improving defecatory control .

  22. 但由于平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动是多齿线接触,使得该传动对实际工况条件下存在的制造误差和承载弹性变形十分敏感。

    Due to the multi-tooth line contact of double-enveloping hourglass worm gearing , it is very sensitive to misalignment errors and load-dependent deformation existing in the practical meshing condition .

  23. 目的将保留齿线和内括约肌侧切运用于改良术中,观察改良术治疗环状混合痔的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of the improved external dissection and internal ligation with the dentate line reserved & internal sphincterotomy in the treatment of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids .

  24. 线接触圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮齿面接触变形对齿根应力的影响突端刀具的切齿研究及小轮齿根应力分析

    THE EFFECTS OF CONTACT DEFORMATION OF LINE-CONTACT CATT CYLINDER GEAR ON THE BENDING STRESS IN THE FILLETS Tooth-cutting Research of Cutter with Top-Rem Profile Blade and Stress Analysis of Pinion

  25. 有效减少该术式并发症的主要措施在于掌握手术操作平面的直肠黏膜与齿线的距离在4.0~5.0cm处完整的切除直肠黏膜,以及荷包缝合的技术也是影响手术成败的关键。

    The key point to operate of this method was the level of 4 ~ 5 cm to anocutaneous line with total rectal mucosa and loop suture is important as well .

  26. 结论:保留齿线悬吊术治疗环状混合痔与外剥内扎术相比,明显缩短术后伤口愈合时间。

    Conclusions Compared with the routine approach in the treatment of Circumferential Mixed Hemorrhoids , the surgical management Dentate Line Preserving Suspend Ligation shortened the healing time of the operative wound .

  27. 本文介绍了一种技术灵活性强,能实现弧线和摆线两种齿线等高齿加工的铣齿机的传动原理、系统、工作循环以及滚动检查附件。

    This paper introduces the driving principle , system , working cycle and rolling check attachments of a flexible gear milling machine , that is capable of cutting arc and cycloidal gears .

  28. 用此法对弧形齿线圆柱齿轮进行了实例分析,分析结果表明此方法是正确可行的。

    The contact tooth surface of the cylindrical gear with symmetrical arcuate tooth trace is analyzed with this method , and the results are compared with those got with the traditional TCA method .

  29. 文摘:说明使用干涉测量方法复制齿线标准的原理。分析它的实验计量结果;介绍新的检定系统。

    Abstract : the principle of reproducing the standard with interference measuring method is presented , the test metrology result has been analyzed and the new calibration system is introduced in this paper .

  30. 文中着重从弧齿线圆柱齿轮齿面的形成原理及啮合特性方面对该齿轮进行了分析和研究,推导出被加工齿轮齿面方程,目的在于为该齿轮的设计提供必要的理论依据。

    The paper develops the generation principle of the gear tooth and the mesh characteristic and deduces the equation of the tooth surface , in order to provide theory assistant for design of the gear .