
  • 网络Ion permeation;penetration of ions;iontophorese
  1. 方法:运用中药、针灸、按摩、经络疏通,He-Ne激光低能量血管内照射,紫外线氧离子透入,03生命信息仪,参量阵超声药浴,功能训练等手段进行医疗康复。

    Methods : Including Chinese medicine , acupuncture massage , vital message therapeutic instrument , low_energy in_vesscular He_Ne radiation , ultraviolet ray treatment , taser blood therapy , medicine bath with ultrasonic parameter array and functional training .

  2. 方法:以钾离子透入引起大鼠甩尾为测痛方法,侧脑室注射生长抑素(SS)、生长抑素的耗竭剂半胱胺(CSH)和抗生长抑素血清(ASSS),电针刺激大鼠足三里。

    Methods : The tail-flick induced by potassium iontophoresis was used to measure the change of pain threshold following intracerebroventricular ( ICV ) injection of SS , cysteamine ( CSH ) and anti-somatostatin serum ( ASSS ) and EA the " Zusanli " .

  3. 方法制备大鼠佐剂性关节炎动物模型,采用钾离子透入法和辐射热缩腿法两种测痛方法,观察腹腔注射EM1(50μg/kg)的作用。

    Methods The experiment was performed in rats which adjuvant arthritis was treated by K + iontophoresis test and radiant heat withdrawal test to study the analgesic effect of intraperitoneal ( i.p. ) of EM 1 ( 50 μ g / kg ) .

  4. 分别在电针0min和30min(电针组)和不给于电针的相同时刻(对照组)采用钾离子透入法测定痛阈值。

    The pain threshold value was tested by potassium ion penetration method at the beginning of EA and after treatment of EA for 30 min ( EA group ) . The test was conducted at the same time point in the control group which was without the treatment of EA .

  5. 黄连素离子透入联合超短波治疗慢性前列腺炎

    Observation of berberine ion-transmission and ultrashort wave on chronic prostatitis

  6. 中药生骨灵电离子透入促进骨折愈合的生物力学实验研究

    Biomechanical Experimental Study of Sheng Gu Ling iontophoresis to promote fracture union

  7. 中药离子透入法对萎缩型外阴白色病变的临床观察

    Iontophoresis of Chinese Medicine on the White Lesions of Vulva Clinical Observation

  8. 结论中药离子透入对慢性肝炎伴脾肿大的治疗有显著效果。

    Conclusion TCM iontophoresis has obvious therapeutic effect on chronic hepatitis with splenomegaly .

  9. 以钾离子透入法测痛阀。

    Pain threshold was detected by potassium ionophoresis method .

  10. 电流方向对酒石酸锑钾离子透入的影响

    Influence of Polarity of Electric Currents on the Iontophoresis of Potassium Antimony Tartrate

  11. 音频叠加超声波药物离子透入法的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Drug-iontophoresis with Audiofrequency Superimposed With Ultrasound

  12. 头部中药离子透入法对球结膜微循环的作用

    The Role of Penetrating Herbal Ion to Head on Microcirculation of Conjunctiva and Echoencephalogram On Mediation Method

  13. 电针配合中药离子透入治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Electroacupuncture plus Chinese Herbal Medicine Iontophoresis in Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation

  14. 结论丹参眼部电离子透入对改善视网膜细胞功能有较明显的疗效。

    Conclusion Significant effect of therapy of iontophoresis with salvia miltorrihia improved the retinal cell function of eyes .

  15. 氯化钙直流电离子透入疗法

    Ionotherapy with calcium chloride

  16. 理疗有很多种,比如激光、微波、离子透入等都可以有效控制附件炎。

    Physical therapy has a lot of kinds , such as laser and microwave , ion permeate etc all can effectively control annex inflammation .

  17. 亦能明显延长钾离子透入刺激引起的大鼠甩尾时间和热板法所致小鼠舔后肢时间。

    It also prolong the tail-twisting time in rats stimulated by potassium ion permeation , and lengthened the leg-licking time in mice provoked by hotplate .

  18. 像外治的方法,有泡洗、离子透入等等,那么这种外治的方法,可以很快缓解关节的肿痛。

    Like the rule , there are foam washing , Iontophoresis , etc. , then this method of governance can be quickly ease joint pain and swelling .

  19. 对家兔作钾离子透入法测痛,腹腔注射东莨菪碱4mg/kg,给药后30分钟痛阈提高49%。

    Thirty minutes after the intraperitoneal administration of scopolamine to rabbits at a dose of 4 mg / kg , the pain threshold , measured by the potassium iontophoresis method , was increased by 49 % .

  20. 电流脉冲中药离子穴位透入;

    Point-penetration of ion of Chinese traditional medicine by electrode ;

  21. 电极中药离子穴位透入治疗在脑梗死康复护理中的应用

    The application of point-penetration of ion of Chinese traditional medicine by eletrode in treatment recovery and nurse of cerebral infarction

  22. 目的:观察电极中药离子穴位透入对偏瘫肢体的辅助治疗作用。

    Objectives : To observe effect of point-penetration of ion of chinese traditional medicine by electrode in assistant treatment of hemiplegia .

  23. 输卵管复通术早期通液辅以中药离子导入方法的疗效观察氯化钙直流电离子透入疗法

    Therapeutic effect of early hydrotubation and Chinese medicine iontophoresis after tubal reversal ionotherapy with calcium chloride

  24. 为此,我们对由于机体离子浓度改变而引起药物离子导入量的变化进行了实验研究,为临床利用直流电离子透入疗法进行药物治疗提供依据。

    As a result , experimental research has been made on the variations of the pharmaceutical ions transmission quantity on the base of the variations of the density of organism ions by author , it provides an experimental basis for the pharmaceutical treatment of clinical DC electric ions penetrating therapy .