
lí tǐ
  • in vitro;detachment;separation;shedding
离体[lí tǐ]
  1. 在截断章鱼的腕足后,研究人员观察发现断肢在离体一小时后仍相当有活力。

    Researchers observed the behavior of amputated octopus arms , which remain very active for an hour after separation .

  2. 为了找到答案,研究人员将章鱼腕足截取下来,观察其行为,这些腕足在离体一小时后仍然相当有活力。

    To answer that question , the researchers observed the behavior of amputated octopus arms , which remain very active for an hour after separation .

  3. 离体猪肺动脉性纹理和静脉性纹理CT研究

    Computed Tomography Research About the Artery and Vein of Separated Pig Lung

  4. 典型醛类污染物单独及联合作用对小鼠脾淋巴细胞DNA损伤的离体实验研究

    Effect of typical aldehyde pollutants on the DNA damage of spleen lymphocytes of mice

  5. 激光辐照对离体质粒DNA的断裂效应

    Effect of Laser Radiation on Single and Double Strand Breakage of in vitro Plasmid DNA

  6. 氮离子束对离体和体内DNA影响的初步研究

    Preliminary study on effects OP nitrogen cation beam on in vitro and in vivo DNAs

  7. 离体的维管束鞘细胞束也有一定的CO2固定能力。

    Isolated bundle sheath cells alsoshowed a certain capacity of CO_2 fixation .

  8. 方法采用离体大鼠子宫肌张力记录法和westernblot方法。

    Methods Recording of the uteruses smooth muscles tensity and Western blot were used .

  9. 高产SOD植物细胞的离体评估模型

    A Model for Evaluating SOD Overproduction Plant Cells in vitro

  10. 低浓度H2O2促进兔角膜培养上皮细胞黏附及移行的离体实验研究

    Low Concentration of H_2O_2 Promoted-Cell Adhesion and Migration in Cultured Rabbit Corneal Epithelial Cells

  11. 离体工作鼠心再充氧时SOD活力变化的意义及维生素C的作用

    Changes in SOD activity and effect of vitamin C in the reperfusion of isolated working rat heart

  12. 玉米雄性不育的基因表达与调控Ⅰ.克隆化玉米线粒体DNA的离体转录

    Gene Expression and Regulation of Male Sterility in Maize ⅰ . In vitro Transcription of Cloned Maize Mitochondria ! DNA

  13. Vc二步发酵离体实验系统的建立

    The establishment of an in vitro experiment system for vitamin C two-step fermentation

  14. 结果表明,以离体去皮根段为外植体,MS为基本培养基,诱导愈伤组织较为适宜。

    Callus was efficiently induced from in vitro root segment devoid of rhizodermis on MS medium .

  15. 铈对马尾松离体胚DNA、RNA及蛋白质合成的影响

    Effect of Cerium on Synthesis of dna , RNA and proteins of Pinus massoniana embryos cultured in vitro

  16. 离体热暴露大鼠心肌细胞内钙及Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活力的变化

    The intracellular calcium and ca2 + - atpase in rat cardiomyocytes after heat

  17. 直到离体6小时,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)水平逐渐耗竭。

    ATP level diminished progressively to its depletion at 6 hours following isolation .

  18. 目的研究MR对离体肝脏体积测量的准确度及其在劈离式肝移植中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate a method of using MR to accurately measure the volume of vitro conserved liver , and its value for liver transplantation .

  19. 以离体欧芹叶片为实验系统,研究了CO2对叶片中蛋白质降解的影响。

    The effect of CO 2 on protein degradation in leaf was studied with detached parsley leaves .

  20. He-Ne激光对离体大鼠淋巴细胞超微结构变化的影响

    Ultrastructural Changes of Rat Lymphocytes Following He Ne Laser Irradiation in Vitro

  21. 结论六味地黄汤及其乙醚萃取的有效成分对人类精子离体6h的活率、a级、b级以及a+b级精子的活率均有显著提高。

    Conclusion Liuwei dihuang decoction and its extraction by ether could rise the activity rate of human sperm in vitro .

  22. NAA,GA3和BA对离体花生子房结荚的影响

    The Influence of NAA , GA_3 and BA on Pod Formation of Peanut Ovary Cultured in vitro

  23. 离体小鼠胃切片高亲和性GABA摄取及其特性的研究

    Studies on high-affinity ~ 3 h-gaba uptake and its characterization in slices of mouse stomach

  24. GABA促进小鼠离体胃胃酸分泌活动的机制探讨

    A Study on the Mechanism for Promoting Gastric Acid Secretion in Isolated Mouse Stomach by GABA

  25. 目的观察异丙酚对离体大鼠全心缺血再灌注损伤心肌c-fos基因表达的影响,探讨其对缺血再灌注损伤心肌保护作用机制。

    Objective To study the protective effects of propofol on isolated rat heart during global myocardial ischemia-reperfusion .

  26. 促癌剂TPA促进离体培养的鸡胚水晶体过度生长的实验研究

    Study on tumor promoter , tpa , promoting overgrowth of chicken embryo lens in vitro

  27. 热激处理对桃、李离体花枝2n花粉产生的影响

    Induction of 2n Pollen in Prunus by Heat Shock

  28. 按离体细胞培养和RIA分析法研究锰对睾丸细胞分泌睾酮的影响。

    The effect of Manganese on testosterone secretion of testis cells was studied by cell culture and radioimmunoassay .

  29. 提示GPS能减轻CCL4能减轻CCl4对离体培养的大鼠肝细胞损伤,保护肝细胞DNA合成,其作用机理与抗脂质过氧化有关。

    It suggests the protection , which is associated with anti-lipid peroxidation , of GPS on CCl_4 induced hepatocellular injury in vitro .

  30. 离体肠系膜动脉研究发现刺激D3受体可舒张动脉血管。

    Vaso-relaxation was found in ex-vivo isolated mesenteric artery when D_3 receptor was stimulated .