
  • 网络predictive accuracy;prediction accuracy;forecast accuracy
  1. 在这项测试中的为人类特质的预测准确性水平是高度依赖目前人类DNA信息的。

    The level of predictive accuracy achieved with the test is the highest obtained so far from DNA information for any human trait .

  2. 先后以MOAS量表评分和既往有无攻击行为史,划分攻击组和非攻击组,对划界值的预测准确性进行检验,准确性分别为75%和76.7%。

    The patients were separated into aggressive and non-aggressive groups based on the MOAS total score and the aggressive history . Then we tested the predictive accuracy with PSAP-B response cutting value . The predicting accuracy was 75 % and 76.7 % respectively .

  3. 通过引入一个以“Balance”为核心的修正项,能将小分子靶点蛋白的预测准确性提高27%(从57%提升至72%)。

    Introducing a correction term based on balance improved the target-prediction accuracy by 27 % ( 57-72 % ) .

  4. BP神经网络模型和Elman神经网络模型预测准确性均在60%以上。

    The accuracy of BP and Elman artificial neural networks was more than 60 % . 3 .

  5. 混合校正模型的预测准确性不受MTBE含量的影响。

    The results predicted by mixed calibration model did not influence by content of MTBE .

  6. 在水力机械的内流研究中由于缺少试验数据,使得在采用内流数值CFD分析中内流预测准确性的评价受到制约。

    Due to lack of experimental data in the research of Internal-flow , the forecast of accuracy evaluation is restricted in the Internal-flow numerical CFD analysis .

  7. 多模式诱发电位预测准确性(Cant标准为88.4%)高于单模式诱发电位。

    And the accuracy of multimodal evoked potentials ( Cant standard is 88.4 % ) was higher than that of the simple modality .

  8. 挑选了13个新的剪接类型和9个肿瘤相关的剪接类型,用RT-PCR来检验预测准确性;其中11个新的和8个肿瘤相关的剪接类型被确证。

    By RT-PCR , 11 out of 13 novel spliced variants and 8 out of 9 variants ' tissue specificity , especially in the HCC and lung cancer , were confirmed .

  9. 该方法具有较高预测准确性,为任务合理调度奠定基础。最后,论文将资源管理器Torque和任务调度系统Maui进行集成,配置在现有集群上。

    This method can acquire higher accuracy . Finally , this dissertation integrates Torque and Maui into a task management configured on the current cluster .

  10. 为了克服这个问题,采用多目标EA,在最优模糊规则数目和预测准确性之间,找到折中解的范围。

    To overcome the problem , we use a multi-objective EA to find a range of compromise solutions between the optimal number of fuzzy rules and the prediction accuracy .

  11. 因子分析模型和Logit模型都显示出了较好的预测准确性,且行业研究的预测效果优于整体研究。

    The models got through factor analysis method or Logit method both show good prediction accuracy , moreover , the industry-specific results are better .

  12. 但尚需更大规模的研究来确定结合血清钠水平后是否能增加MELD评分的预测准确性。

    Larger studies are needed to determine whether the addition of serum sodium to MELD can improve its prognostic accuracy .

  13. 与双曲线模型和指数曲线模型比较,Gompertz成长曲线模型适应性较好,趋势预测准确性高。

    Compared with Hyperbolic Model and Index Curve Model , Gompertz Growth Curve Model has good adaptability and precision in trend forecast .

  14. 未发现SLN无转移而盆腔其余淋巴结存在转移者,SLN对盆腔淋巴转移的预测准确性为100%,假阴性率为0。

    No one had positive pelvic lymph node and negative SLN , The predictive rate was 100 % and the false - negative rate was zero .

  15. 为了提高信用评分系统的预测准确性和稳定性,建立了基于反向传播(BP)算法神经网络的信用评分系统,并提出信用评分系统预测力和预测稳定性验证的新方法。

    A credit scoring system based on BP ( back propagation ) neural network model is presented in order to improve the accuracy and stability of the prediction . A new method for evaluating the accuracy and stability of the system is also presented .

  16. 论述影响MPS可行性的因素,主要是基础数据、预测准确性和计划方式与参数选择等。

    This paper discusses the factors that affect the feasibility of MPS ; the factors are the preparative of basic data , the accuracy of forecast , the planning method and the choice of parameter etc.

  17. FOK对于自动加工的预测准确性差异不显著,说明FOK监测对内隐记忆的作用是微弱的,由此推测:无记忆是意识最高层面的活动。

    The difference of the predictive correctness of the FOK to automatic remaking was not obvious , which indicated that the use of the FOR monitor to implicit memory was weak .

  18. 结论多模式诱发电位能更好地反映缺氧性脑病的脑功能损伤程度,Cant标准简便易行,预测准确性高,适于临床推广应用。

    Conclusion Multimodal evoked potentials might better indicate the degree of brain function of hypoxic encephalopathy . Cant standard might be easily carried out , which might highly show the accuracy of the prognosis , and suitably to be spread and applied in work .

  19. EOG,ERG,VEP反映视系统不同平面的功能,故多项联测(尤其是VEP和ERG)对减少假阳性和假阴性,提高预测准确性是必要的。

    EOG , ERG and VEP reflect the function of different levels of the visual system . Therefore multiple testing ( especially VEP and ERG ) is necessary for reducing false positive and false negative and increasing the accuracy of prediction .

  20. 原油期货价格对现货价格的预测准确性分析

    Accuracy analysis of forecasting crude oil spot prices using futures prices

  21. 马尔科夫模型更好的考虑了时间因素,同时具有较高的预测准确性。

    Markov model well considers time factor and produces superior prediction accuracy .

  22. 加强市场调查对提高图书选题策划的预测准确性作用极大。

    Market survey plays an important role in raising accuracy in book-selection prediction .

  23. 实例分析表明,提出的改进方法显著提高了预测准确性。

    Load forecasting results show that the improved method increase the forecast precision .

  24. 该假设过于苛刻,与实际情况不符,影响了模型的应用和预测准确性。

    This rigid assumption limits the models ' prediction precision and their application .

  25. 影响负荷预测准确性因素与对策

    Factor Affecting Accuracy of Load Prediction and Solution

  26. 第四章介绍了确保税收预测准确性的其他相关措施。

    The fourth chapter presents to ensure tax revenue forecast accuracy of other relevant measures .

  27. 影响负荷预测准确性的最主要因素是原始数据的不确定性。

    The main factor influencing the accuracy of load forecasting is the uncertainty of original data .

  28. 从准确性方面看:开博通肾显像对再血管化治疗疗效的预测准确性为870%,高于其他几种指标的预测准确性。

    The predictive accuracy was 87 0 % , apparently higher than those of other markers .

  29. 实验和评估的结果表明改进后的模型达到了提高预测准确性的预期目的。

    The results turn out that the improved model has achieved the anticipated goal of increasing prediction accuracy .

  30. 该方法在保证运算速度的同时,提高了总体预测准确性和拐点处的预测准确性。

    The methods while maintaining speed , improving the overall prediction accuracy of forecast accuracy and inflection points .