
  • 网络Multiple Sequence Alignment;Multiple Alignments;ClustalX
  1. DNA分类中的遗传算法和多序列比对模型研究

    On the Models of DNA Classification Based on GA and Multiple Sequence Alignment

  2. 基于Progressive多序列比对方法的求解多序列比对的启发式算法

    A heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment base on progressive multiple alignment

  3. 进行了32株SARS冠状病毒基因组的多序列比对分析。

    Multi alignment of 32 SARS - Cov genomes is analyzed .

  4. 在此基础上,根据冠状病毒识别基因组包装信号的机理,对来自这五种病毒的N蛋白、M蛋白序列也进行了多序列比对,探讨基因组包装信号与这两个蛋白质的进化关系。

    Meanwhile , the N and M proteins of all five viruses were analyzed to study the evolutionary relationship with genomic packaging signals .

  5. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel)用于多序列比对研究是生物信息学研究的新领域,其可以通过训练识别同一特征的蛋白质序列。

    Hidden Markov model used in multiple alignment is a new field of bioinformatics . It can be used to distinguish protein sequence with the same characterstics .

  6. 在其多序列比对结果的基础上,对所设计的SARS冠状病毒PCR检测试剂盒的引物进行了分析,证明了该引物在全部20株SARS冠状病毒的PCR检测分析中的适用性。

    A new primer pair in the PCR identification of SARS-Cov is designed , which is suitable to all 20 SARS-Cov identification .

  7. 多序列比对是一个NP-Complete问题。

    The problem of multiple sequence alignment is a NP-Complete problem .

  8. 多序列比对问题是NP完全问题,研究快而精确的算法是一个巨大的挑战。

    Sequence alignment is a NP Complete problem and a great challenge to any quick and accurate algorithms .

  9. 基于FFT和k-mer划分的多序列比对

    Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on FFT and k-mer Dividing

  10. 由于多序列比对问题是一个NP完全问题,如何求解至今仍是生物信息学中的一个难题。

    As a combinatorial optimization problem of NP-completeness , how to solve multiple sequence alignment is still a problem in bioinformatics so far .

  11. 虽然以往的免疫算法有许多优良的计算特性,但在DNA多序列比对(MSA)中已知的免疫算法模型仍有许多不足。

    Despite immune system has many perfect calculation properties , the known immune algorithm models exist many bugs to be used to DNA multiple sequence alignment .

  12. 最后,给出了将GAMA应用于DNA多序列比对的算例,实验结果验证了本算法的可行性。

    This paper present an example of applying GAMA to DNA multiple-sequence alignment , the experiment results validate the feasibility of this algorithm .

  13. 多序列比对(MSA)是一个典型的NP完全问题,星比对是一种有效的多序列比对算法。

    Multiple Sequence Alignment ( MSA ) is a typical NP-Complete problem . Star alignment is an effective algorithm for MSA .

  14. 多序列比对问题是一个NPC问题,由于时间和空间的限制不能够求出精确解。

    As multiple sequence alignment problem is an NPC problem , so its optimum solution cannot be obtained because of the time and space limits .

  15. TT-DCP可以用来求解生物计算中的多序列比对、motif查找等问题。

    TT-DCP can be used to solve computational biology problems like multiple sequence alignment , motif finding , etc.

  16. 通过vectorNTI8软件进行多序列比对后,针对曲霉菌rDNA基因的转录间隔区ITSI设计引物,可特异扩增出多种曲霉菌菌株。

    Through the compare of the Vector NTI 8 software for multi-sequences alignment , the target gene in Aspergillus rDNA transcribed spacers ITS I designed primers , specific amplification can produce a variety of Aspergillus strains specially .

  17. 多序列比对结果表明,在推导的氨基酸水平上,该基因编码的蛋白含有特征性的TCP保守结构域,与已知的玉米、金鱼草和水稻的TCP家族基因中都存在显著性的保守性。

    Multiple sequences alignment result showed that the gene encoded a protein containing the TCP conserved domain , which shared the high similarity in amino acid sequence with formerly reported TCP family transcription factors from maize , Antirrhinum and rice .

  18. 为了克服遗传算法应用于多序列比对时所遇到的比对序列数受限制以及比对寻优速度慢的缺点,提出了一种基于遗传算法的DNA多序列比对方法(GAMA);

    In order to solve the problems of both the alignment sequences number limitation and time-consuming which genetic algorithm will encounter in multiple sequence alignment , the authors propose a DNA multiple sequence alignment method based on genetic algorithm ( GAMA ) .

  19. 本课题重点研究了如何利用deBrujin图进行多序列比对及其并行化处理方案,提出了一个新的多序列比对并行算法PLGAlign。

    This research is focusing on how to apply the de Brujin graph in Multiple Sequence Alignment as well as parallel processing program . We also propose a new Multiple Sequence Alignment algorithm , namely PL_GAlign .

  20. 通过把k-mer应用在序列比对中,并结合分治思想,本文提出了一个新的多序列比对方法:KMDMSA。

    In this report , combining the divide-and-conquer approach , k-mer is applied to the sequences alignment , a novel multiple sequence alignment program , KMD_MSA , has been developed .

  21. 本文通过对模拟退火SA-MSA算法的理论分析和实验测试,证明了目前的模拟退火在多序列比对问题上的应用模型具有不敏感和效率低的缺点。

    In this paper we demonstrate that existing multiple alignment algorithms using simulated annealing algorithm are low biology sensitivity and inefficiency , which is proved by the theoretical analysis and experiment of the SA-MSA .

  22. 此外,Trefoil单元的多序列比对,发现了四个三重复模块,它们有较大的残基相互作用数目和较小的B-Factors,我们推测它们是关键结构氨基酸。

    On the other hand , we found four three-repetitive motifs with the aid of multiple sequence alignments on trefoil units . These motifs have large residue interaction numbers and small values of B-Factors . They seem to be key structural residues .

  23. 基于信息熵的全局多序列比对算法研究

    Research of Global Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithms Base on Information Entropy

  24. 基于A~算法的启发式算法求解多序列比对问题

    A ~ - based heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment problem

  25. 基于小波包变换的多序列比对方法

    A novel method for multiple sequence alignment based on wavelet package transform

  26. 关于多序列比对和系统发育分析中的序列空位研究

    The Study on Sequence Gaps in Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Analyses

  27. 生物信息学中的多序列比对与模体识别问题研究

    Study on Multiple Sequence Alignment and Motif Discovering in Bioinformatics

  28. 基于遗传退火进化的生物多序列比对算法

    Biology Multiple Sequence Alignment Algorithm Based on Genetic Annealing Evolution

  29. 多序列比对优化方法研究

    The Study of Heuristics Method for Multiple Sequence Alignments

  30. 基于量子粒子群优化和隐马尔可夫模型的多序列比对算法

    Multiple sequence alignment based on quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization and hidden Markov model