
  • 【煤】"prognostic resources,predicted resources"
  1. 四川省拥有丰富的煤层气资源,预测资源量3481亿m3。煤层气的开发利用有利于弥补常规能源的不足,有利于改善煤矿安全生产条件和减轻大气污染。

    The coalbed methane resources was abundant in Sichuan Province which the resources was 3481 × 10 ~ 8m ~ 3.The development and utilization was in favor of making up the lack of conventional energy resources , improving the safety requirements in production and lightening the air pollution .

  2. 贵州素有江南煤海之称,煤炭资源丰富,煤层富含瓦斯,预测资源量达3.15万亿立方米,占全国总量的22%。

    Guizhou , known as the " southern sea-coal " and that rich in coal resources , coal-rich gas is forecast to 3.15 trillion cubic meters capacity resources , accounting for 22 percent of the national total .

  3. 研究区位于西斜坡坡折带,断层对油气的运移及聚集起决定作用;5,共找出有利圈闭3个,并预测资源量为近1000×10~4t。

    The region of interest is situated the slop-break belt of the west slope , the fault have a critical action for the migration hydrocarbon and accumulation ; 5 , we had found three favor subtle trap and forecasted about 10 million ton hydrocarbon resource .

  4. 中国天然气资源丰富,预测远景资源量达48万亿m3。

    The prospect natural gas resources are 48 TCM in China .

  5. 利用化探次生晕累积梯度法预测Pb资源量&以麦兹盆地为例

    Application of the Accumulation Gradient Method of Geochemical Exploration Secondary Halo Anomalies in Predicting the Pb Resource Reserve

  6. 预测金资源量5吨。

    Thepredicted gold reserve is5 tons .

  7. 利用Bayes分析方法预测区带资源量

    Evaluation of petroleum resources in play by using Bayes analysis

  8. 基于Matlab的BP-NN时间序列法预测地表水资源量

    Surface Water Quantity Forecasting with Time Series Method of BP-NN Based on Matlab

  9. 这些扇体主要沿断裂坡折带发育,并且成群成带出现,形成砂岩隐蔽油气藏群,预测其远景资源量约为10×108t。

    These lower-stand fans exist along the faulted slope break , in the appearance of groups and belts , forming conceived lithological sandstone deposits with the prospective reserves over 7000 million barrels .

  10. 该模型预测油气资源量的基本过程是把局部含油地质单元划分成若干个体积单元;

    It proves that the hydrocarbon amount predicted by this method is close to the expectation of the model , and that the estimation interval becomes obviously small .

  11. 在此基础上,利用累积发现的可采储量与累积产量建立了预测可采资源量的有效方法&全程历史拟合法和储采比递减阶段曲线拟合法。

    Two new methods to predict the recoverable resources by using a great deal of data are developed . One is history fitting curve , and another is reserve_production ratio descending phase fitting curve .

  12. 预测油气资源量36.85亿t,目前已发现的油气储量仅为1亿t,具较大的勘探潜力。

    The resource reserve of oil and gas in the area is about 36.85 hundred million ton . But , now oil and gas found is just about 1 hundred million tons in the area , so it has great exploration potential .

  13. 大比例尺矿床统计预测中,矿产资源量的估计是矿体定位预测的前提,其中精度最高的方法是体积估计法。

    In large scale statistical prediction of Au ore deposits mineral resource estimation is the prerequisite for location of the predicted ore bodies . Volumetric estimation method is the most accurate one .

  14. 勘探早期经济评价方法则依据投入产出比原则,在预测圈闭油气资源量的基础上,对圈闭预期的油气销售收入和勘探成本进行估算。

    The economic evaluation in the early stage of exploration is to carry out an estimation of the forecasted oil and gas sales revenue and exploration cost for the trap on the basis of predicting oil and gas resources according to the input-output ratio principle .

  15. 通过对这两种预测结果对比分析,圈定了立体找矿靶区,并预测其资源量。

    After comparing the results between predicting models , the three-dimensional prospecting target areas have been delineated and their resource amount have also been calculated .