
  • 网络Prevention of influenza;prevent the flu
  1. 微笑可以预防流感和伤风

    Prevent the flu and colds by smiling 。

  2. 微笑可以预防流感和伤风。

    Prevent the flu and colds by smiling .

  3. 体育锻炼可以预防流感。

    Physical exercise can protect you against the flu .

  4. 《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)的一项研究表明,与普通的外科口罩相比,微粒过滤口罩并不能更有效地帮助护士预防流感。

    Small-particle filters offered nurses no better protection against the flu than standard surgical masks , according a study in JAMA .

  5. 比如说,盘尼西林就是panacea(万灵药),它能治疗很多疾病;而流感疫苗就不是panacea(万灵药),因为它只预防流感。

    For instance , penicillin is a panacea . It cures a bunch of diseases . The flu vaccine is not a panacea because it only protects against the flu .

  6. 目前仍没有可有效预防流感大流行的疫苗。

    Vaccines effective against a pandemic virus are not yet available .

  7. 健康习惯加上良好生,有助预防流感。

    Healthy habits and good hygiene can help you prevent influenza .

  8. 这些药草据说可预防流感。

    These herbs are said to fence out influenza .

  9. 目的研制一种预防流感效果显著的免疫制剂。

    PurposeThe aim is to find out an effective preventing influenza immune preparation .

  10. 流行性感冒(流感)病毒可引起世界范围的大流行,因此需要及时地生产流感疫苗来预防流感的流行。

    Influenza virus may cause pandemic in the world .

  11. 流感疫苗接种是目前预防流感最有效的措施。

    Influenza vaccination is the most effective measure for prevention of influenza at present .

  12. 这种方法正在用于设计一种预防流感大流行的疫苗。

    This method is being used to devise a vaccine against pandemic influenza . [ 13 ]

  13. 为探索流感病毒变异规律,有效预防流感。

    Objective To study the variation of influenza virus in order to prevent the influenza efficiently .

  14. 口服野菊花、贯众、板蓝根等,也可预防流感。

    Oral wild chrysanthemum , Guanzhong , such as Banlangen , but also the prevention of influenza .

  15. 对于含有稀释活病毒的疫苗,通过喷鼻喷剂进行使用。两种疫苗都是预防流感的有效方式。

    Another type of vaccine is made with live viruses , and it is administered by nasal spray .

  16. 接种疫苗仍然是预防流感、流感病毒引起的呼吸系统疾病的基础。

    Vaccination remains the cornerstone of preventing influenza , a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza virus strains .

  17. 本地传染病专家劳永乐表示香港已经采取很多措施预防流感疫潮。

    Local infectious disease specialist Lo Wing-lok said Hong Kong had done a lot to prevent a flu outbreak .

  18. 结论人群接种流感疫苗后可有效预防流感样疾病及相关慢性疾病的发生,对老年人群可获得较高的成本效益。

    Conclusion The influenza vaccination can decrease ILI incidence and related chronic disease recurrence rate in population and obtain better economic benefits for old-age persons .

  19. 通过总结历史教训,分析目前可能引起流感大流行的原因,展开预防流感大流行与共建和谐社会关系的讨论。

    To draw lessons from history , make an analysis of current situation and discuss the relationship between prevention flu pandemic and creating an harmonious society .

  20. 目前尚无特效药,接种流感疫苗被认为是预防流感发生与传播的最佳方法。

    Now there is no specific medicine to prevent anyone from getting the flu , but vaccination is regarded as the best method of influenza prevention .

  21. 尽可能地保持空气新鲜,晚上要穿睡衣,注意保暖,晚上喝热柠檬水对预防流感非常有效。”

    keep in fresh air all you can ... and keep warm put your bathrobe on at night ... hot lemonade at night is excellent for influenza . "

  22. 对易感人群接种相应的流感疫苗是目前预防流感的重要措施,但是,WHO选取研制的流感疫苗株会因为流感病毒的变异而失去对人群的保护。

    Vaccination on susceptible people is an important measure to prevent influenza , but flu vaccine will soon lose the protection for people because of frequency virus mutation .

  23. 应当注意,在社区环境中,就预防流感传播而言,下列一般性措施可能比戴口罩更重要。

    It is important to remember that in the community setting the following general measures may be more important than wearing a mask in preventing the spread of influenza .

  24. 奥斯他韦作为一种预防流感药物,其药力只在服用期间有效;一旦停止服用,预防功效也会消失。

    Can I take oseltamivir Tamiflu as prophylaxis ? For prophylaxis , its effectiveness lasts as long as the drugs are being taken and ceases once the drugs are stopped .

  25. 伦敦医院的病毒学家约翰·奥克斯福德教授表示,戴上口罩就能预防流感的证据十分微薄。

    Professor John Oxford , a virologist at leading London hospital , said : " Really , there is very little evidence that masks actually offer much protection against flu .

  26. 通过给未孵化的卵接种预防流感病毒,我们可以预防野生鸟类和家养禽类感染流感病毒株,从而限制疾病播散至人类。

    By vaccinating eggs against influenza , we could protect wild bird species as well as domestic chickens against pandemic flu strains , limiting the spread of disease to humans .

  27. 该批准是基于该公司的季节性流感疫苗在儿童中的一项研究,该研究显示这种疫苗在生成抗体以预防流感方面具有安全性和有效性。

    The approval was based on a study of the company 's seasonal flu vaccine in children showing the vaccine 's safety and efficacy in inducing antibodies to protect against influenza .

  28. 有些公共卫生组织建议使用呼吸防护口罩,而有些组织则推荐外科口罩。《美国医学会杂志》的这一研究是比较两种口罩在预防流感方面有效性的第一份随机性的评估报告。

    While some public-health organizations have recommended respirators over masks , and other organizations masks over respirators , this was the first published randomized trial comparing their effectiveness in preventing influenza .

  29. 然而,即便疫苗和病毒周期不能很好的匹配,疫苗也可降低疾病的严重程度或对预防流感相关的并发症起到帮助。

    However , even if the vaccine and the circulating strains are not an exact match , the vaccine may reduce the severity of the illness or may help prevent influenza-related complications .

  30. 因此,在进行新流感疫苗研制的同时,开发广谱、高效、环境友好的流感病毒灭活剂,对预防流感的传染具有十分重要的意义。

    Although the development of new effective influenza bacterin is important , it is also important to develop a photocatalyst which has the characteristic of broad-spectrum 、 high efficiency 、 friendly to environment etc.