
ér tónɡ bù yí
  • 熟语be unsuitable for children;A-certificate
  1. 儿童不宜,未成年者请勿进入。

    A-certificate , under age person do not please entrance .

  2. 这个节目儿童不宜。

    This programme is not suitable for children .

  3. 第II级则细分为第IIA级(儿童不宜)及第IIB级(青少年及儿童不宜);

    Category II , which is subdivided into Category IIA ( not suitable for children ) and Category IIB ( not suitable for young persons and children );

  4. 孩子们,我跟你们讲了很多儿童不宜的故事了。

    Kids , I tell you a lot of inappropriate stories .

  5. 大部分的恐怖片都被列为“儿童不宜”。

    Most scary movies are rated " for adults only " .

  6. 家长指导建议。可能包含儿童不宜观看的内容。

    Parental guidance suggested . Some material may not be appropriate for children .

  7. 委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。

    The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children .

  8. 这部电影儿童不宜。

    The film is not suitable for young children .

  9. 你也许会见到一些图像,会认为儿童不宜。

    You may , however , see someimages that you consider inappropriate for minors .

  10. 那部电影有大量的床上镜头,儿童不宜。

    That film has a lot of bedroom scenes that are not for children 's eyes .

  11. 大部分的恐怖片都被列为儿童不宜。她从她童年的经历中找到了她对鸟类莫名恐惧感的原由。

    She traced her irrational fear of birds back to something which had happened to her as a child .

  12. 家长强烈警告。此节目包含家长可能认为14岁以下儿童不宜观看的内容。

    Parents strongly cautioned . This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age .

  13. 但是有些节目是儿童不宜观看的,所以有时父母们应该帮助他们找一些其它的有益并且有趣的事情来做。

    But some programs are bed for children , so parents sometimes should help them to find other interesting and useful things to do .

  14. 在该研究中,一些受访家长看过四岁以下儿童不宜服用的说明后会自行判断给药剂量。

    Some parents in that study would read the instruction not to give the medications to children younger than 4 and simply make up their own dose .

  15. 用以治疗急性病,以及更适合儿童或不宜口服药物的患者使用。

    So that it will be more suitable for patients of children or those could not take medicine by oral .

  16. 四岁到六岁的儿童每天摄取糖分不宜超过5茶匙,六岁到十岁的儿童每天最多摄取量是6茶匙。

    Children aged four to six should have no more than 5tsp free sugars a day , and six to 10 year old , a maximum of 6tsp .