
  • 网络Import drugs
  1. 本文根据近年来药品市场进口药的占有情况,分析了我国实行药品专利保护和恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位后国内药品市场的状况。

    According to the occupancy of import drugs in drug market at present , the situation of domestic drug market , at the time that China regains membership in GATT and carries drug patent protection into effect , is analysed .

  2. 目的:评价国产药与进口药盐酸吉西他滨治疗非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效、安全性及不良反应。

    Objective : To evaluate the curative effect , safety and adverse reaction of domestic and imported gemcitabine hydrochloride in non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  3. 楚说,然而,许多病人尚不能支付国产VIII因子,更不用说价格更贵的进口药。

    " However , many patients cannot even afford locally made factor VIII , let alone the much more expensive import ," Chu said .

  4. 结果:30min时的溶出度均大于70%,符合中国药典1995年版规定。片剂与胶囊、国产药与进口药的溶出参数(t50,td,m)无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS : The dissolution in 30 minutes was more than 70 % , and there were no significant differences in dissolution parameters ( t 50 , t d , m ) among four products ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 进口药应用比例将继续下降。

    The proportion of consumption of imported drugs will continuously decrease .

  6. 结论:国产药与进口药的药动学参数相似,相对生物利用度98.1%±9.9%。

    The relative bioavailability was 98.1 % ± 9.9 % .

  7. 其中,进口药的使用金额为国产药的4~6倍。

    The total cost of purchase of imported cardiovascular drugs was 4-6 folds of that of domestic drugs .

  8. 综合提示本品具有显著的免疫抑制作用,活性与进口药金诺芬基本一致。

    It is indicated that the immunological suppression of this agent is obvious and is similar to the imported auranofin .

  9. 这两年抗肿瘤药金额的近1/3用在少数新、特、进口药上,这是值得注意的问题。

    It is noticeable that 1 / 3 of the sum of money was consumed in new , specific and imported drugs .

  10. 当前血液系统的用药特点是新药、进口药替代老药、国产药。

    Now , itis the distinguishing feature in use of these drugs that new imported drugs gradually take the place of old domestic drugs .

  11. 进口药、合资药、国产药购药金额的结构百分比,进口药逐年下降,合资药趋于稳定,国产药由逐年升高至趋稳定;

    The consumption percentage of important drugs declined , while that of domestic drugs increased and became stable , and that of joint venture drugs remained stable .

  12. 该监察员写到拜尔没有让Nexavar处于“在合理的可承担价位”(一个月的用量拜尔开价高达5000美元),且拜尔对该药的产量不足,并且,从贸易保护这点看,进口该药进一步使拜尔处于不利地位。

    He wrote that Bayer had not made Nexavar " reasonably affordable " ( Bayer offered it for a whopping $ 5000 a month ) , that the company failed to provide enough of the drug and , in a protectionist nod , reckoned that importing Nexavar further hurt Bayer 's case .

  13. 目的:研究进口克拉霉素药代动力学特性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the pharmacokinetics of imported clarithromycin in 10 healthy volunteers .

  14. 结论:重新修订基本药物用药目录,对于部分进口贵重药、新特药提高病人自负费用的比例;

    Conclusions Revise the basic drug list .

  15. 目的对比观察国产七氟烷与进口七氟烷药代动力学和药效学特性,评价国产七氟烷的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of domestic sevoflurane by comparing the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of domestic sevoflurane and an imported product .

  16. 结果:自制缓释片与进口片释药曲线相似,同时建立了缓释片的质量标准。

    RESULTS The releasing profiles of the sustained-release tablets were similar to those of import of tablets . The criteria of quality was established for the bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets .

  17. 方法:按年度区分,分别对药品分类、进口和国产药、单个药品使用金额及百分比进行排序比较。

    Methods : All data related to use of cardiovascular drugs , such as types of drugs used , imported and domestic drugs , and the sum of expenses of each drug category .

  18. 经批准以加工贸易方式进口的原料药、药材,免予办理进口备案和口岸检验等进口手续,其原料药及制成品禁止转为内销。

    The crude drugs , medicinal drugs imported in the form of processing trade shall be exempt from the formalities for import record keeping and port inspection , and the crude drugs and finished products shall not be sold in domestic market .

  19. 目的:研究进口氟罗沙星片人体药代动力学和相对生物利用度。

    OBJECTIVE : To study pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of fleroxacin in healthy volunteers .

  20. 他们也对立法允许从加拿大进口低成本处方药上有冲突。

    The men also clashed over legislation that would permit the importation of lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada .

  21. 国产组用国产0.025%羟甲唑啉滴眼液,进口组用进口同类药,3~4次·d-1,疗程7d。

    Domestic group ( 103 patients ) received 0.025 % domestic oxymetazoline ophthalmic solution made in Tianjin ; imported group received the same kind of ophthalmic solution made in Canada , tid qid , for 7 d.