
  • 网络Eating disorder
  1. cineMRI对女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的诊断价值北京女大学生进食障碍与家庭功能关系调查

    The diagnostic value of cine MRI in pelvic floor disfunction Correlation Between Eating Disorders and Family Function of Female University Students in Beijing

  2. 女性进食障碍的心理社会学因素研究

    A study on psychological and social factors of female eating disorders

  3. 励瘦对那些饱受进食障碍折磨的人而言有潜在危害。

    Thinspiration is potentially harmful to users who suffer from disordered eating .

  4. 但人们怀疑,这个过程在有患厌食症风险的人群中出现了偏差,从而使他们有进食障碍。

    The suspicion is this process goes awry6 in people at risk of anorexia , making it easier for them to starve themselves .

  5. 进食障碍症状组在FMPS和SPAS上的得分高于对照组,差异有显著性。

    Compared with the control group , the scores of FMPS and SPAS were higher in the eating disorder symptom group , the difference is significant .

  6. 进食障碍疗效的影响因素分析

    Analysis of influence factors on efficacy in patients with eating disorder

  7. 北京女大学生节食状况及进食障碍状况的初步调查

    Dieting and Eating Disorder of Female Students in Colleges in Beijing

  8. 进食障碍发病机制的研究进展与思考

    Philosophic Thinking and Research Progresses on Pathogenesis of Eating Disorders

  9. 北京女大学生进食障碍与家庭功能关系调查

    Correlation Between Eating Disorders and Family Function of Female University Students in Beijing

  10. 目的:治疗进食障碍患者的疗效观察。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Chinese medicine on eating disorders .

  11. 我国7城市中学生进食障碍的流行状况

    Status of eating disorders of high school students in seven cities of China

  12. 此项研究发表在《国际进食障碍杂志》上。

    Thats according to a study in the International Journal of Eating Disorders .

  13. 消极身体意象伴随的注意偏向是负面身体自我或进食障碍的维持因素之一。

    Attentional bias is one of the maintain factors of negative body image .

  14. 大学生进食障碍症状的相关心理因素

    Eating disorder related psychological factors of university students

  15. 心理特征是伴有进食障碍的胃肠功能紊乱患者的重要预测指标

    Psychological features are important predictors of functional gastrointestinal disorders in patients with eating disorders

  16. 进食障碍患者的体象障碍

    Body image disturbance in patients with eating disorders

  17. 精确概率劝导模型分析青少年对进食障碍教育信息的评价

    Evaluation of Eating Disorders Educational Information by Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion Among Adolescents

  18. 组间比较分析揭示了进食障碍分量表得分的年龄和区域的显著差异。

    Group comparison analyses reveal significant age differences and race differences in several EDI scales .

  19. 进食障碍疾患对人类健康状况影响巨大,甚至有可能危及生命。

    Eating disorders dramatically affect people 's health status , potentially in a life-threatening manner .

  20. 反对者说该言论可能在莫斯的年轻粉丝中引发进食障碍。

    Critics said the comment could contribute to eating disorders among Moss 's young fans .

  21. 目的:了解进食障碍住院患者疗效的影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the influence factors on efficacy in the inpatients with eating disorder .

  22. 大学生进食障碍症状的心理因素及饮食诱导的情绪生理反应研究

    Research of Psychologic Factors on Eating Disorder Symptom and Diet Induced Emotional Reaction in College Students

  23. 进食障碍与心境障碍、焦虑障碍、物质滥用和人格障碍共病。

    Eating disorders can comorbid with affective disorder , anxiety disorder , substance abuse and personality disorder .

  24. 大学生歪曲的身体意象、过度的完美主义倾向是进食障碍症状发生的关键因素。

    Bodyimage disturbance and perfectionism exorbitance are the key factors of eating disorder symptoms in university students .

  25. 长期严重的控制饮食必然会加速进食障碍症状的发生发展。

    Long-term and serious diet is bound to accelerate the occurrence and development of eating disorder symptom .

  26. 法国卫生部门表示,此举旨在抵制进食障碍以及难以达到的以瘦为美的理念。

    The health ministry says the aim is to fight eating disorders and inaccessible ideals of beauty .

  27. 目的:探讨北京女校大学生的进食障碍状况及其相关心境。

    Objective : To investigate the eating disorder and mood among students of a female university in Beijing .

  28. 看看其他新闻,Ke$ha因为不明的进食障碍而到康复机构进行检查。

    In other news , Ke $ ha has checked herself into a rehab facility for an unidentified eating disorder .

  29. “女运动员三联征”包括了相互联系的三个征象,即进食障碍、闭经和早发骨质疏松。

    The female athlete triad syndrome includes three interrelated components of a serious nature : disordered eating , amenorrhea , and osteoporosis .

  30. 神经性厌食症属于进食障碍病,特点是拒绝体胖,尽管它已经是最低限度的正常体重。

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain body weight that is within the minimal range of normal .