
tān shí zhènɡ
  • bulimia;sitomania
  1. 我既有厌食症又有贪食症。

    I was anorexic and bulimic .

  2. Kane的父亲来自Towson的JimKane本月协办了一个由研究贪食症等遗传疾患专家参与的学术会议。

    Kane 's father , Jim Kane of Towson , this month helped organize a conference for researchers who work with genetic disorders that are characterized by hyperphagia .

  3. 原来,这个病人患有贪食症,并已滥用呕吐剂很多年。

    It turns out that the patient is bulimic and has been abusing ipecac for years .

  4. ph.1.神经性厌食与贪食症

    Anorexia nervosa & bulimia

  5. 这书提及家庭暴力与在丹尼尔斯家庭内的辱骂并且论及艾拉贪食症。

    The book also deals with domestic violence and abuse in the Daniels family and touches on Ella 's bulimia .

  6. 但我的自我却如同一场车祸,最终我患上贪食症并接受治疗。

    but my self was a car crash , and I wound up with bulimia and on a therapist 's couch .

  7. 苗博士:嗯,例如,我们今晚有一场厌食症与贪食症互助小组的会议。

    Dr. Miao : Well , for example , there is a meeting tonight of our support group for anorexics and bulimics .

  8. 统计分析数据后,研究员可以对一个人是否患有厌食症或贪食症进行预测,准确率高达80%。厌食症或贪食症是饮食紊乱症最常见的两种症状。

    Statistical analysis of the data enabled researchers to give an80 per cent accurate prediction about whether a person had anorexia or bulimia-the two most common eating disorders .

  9. 那些患有排泄紊乱的妇女告诉说在食用测试餐后感觉更多的饱感,她们比患贪食症的妇女和饮食正常的妇女报道有更多的胃部不适。

    The women with purging disorder said they felt much more full after the test meal , and they reported more stomach discomfort than the bulimic women and the women with no eating disorders .