
tān wū àn jiàn
  • corruption case;embezzlement case
  1. 我们这家银行从没发生过贪污案件。

    We hxdye never had a problem with embezzlement at this bank .

  2. *侦察和调查涉及复杂金融活动的贪污案件。

    To detect and investigate the increasingly complex financial aspects of corruption cases .

  3. 芬兰的贪污案件一般涉及公营机构的采购程序、城市规划和建造业。

    Typical cases of corruption are related e.g.to public procurement , town planning and construction business .

  4. 要成功调查贪污案件及把疑犯送往法庭受审,健全的法律架构至为重要。

    A sound legal framework is crucial to the successful investigation of corruption and bringing suspects to trial .

  5. 幸好经过电视台和报社的侦缉记者细心发掘,许多贪污案件终于暴光。

    Fortunately , many corruption cases come to light through the work of investigative journalists in TV and newspapers .

  6. 笔者通过分析几类有代表性的贪污案件来对根据地贪污特点做一个大致的勾勒。

    The author through the analysis of some representative cases of corruption to the corruption features make a rough sketch .

  7. 许多贪污案件的犯罪人,开始时都只是有挪用公款的犯罪故意,只是后来归还不上,而转为贪污的故意。

    Many of the perpetrators of corruption cases , at the beginning there were only embezzlement , criminal intent , but subsequently did not return , while the intent to corruption .

  8. 贪污贿赂案件侦查地域管辖制度的构建

    The Construction of Regional Jurisdiction System for Corruption and Bribery Investigation

  9. 贪污贿赂案件区域侦查一体化模式的构建

    Mode Construction of the Integration of Investigation of Corruption and Bribery

  10. 浅谈对贪污贿赂案件初查的管理

    On the Management of First Check of the Corruption Cases

  11. 实践中,贪污贿赂案件经常产生一些疑难问题。

    In practice , many knotty problems arise in the trial of bribery and corruption cases .

  12. 本文从再生证据在贪污贿赂案件中的存在形式到收集、运用、转化等方面阐述其应用的过程。

    This paper starts with the existing form of regenerate evidence in cases of corruption , then discusses its collection and application and transformation during the process .

  13. 贪污贿赂案件翻供翻证及侦查对策研究被告人翻供口供审查认定的理论探讨&对被告人翻供案件证据的认定

    To Study Overthrowing Confession and Testimony and Investigating Countermeasures in the Corruption and Bribe Cases ; Theoretical Discussion on Inspection and Affirmation of Cases Relating to the Accused Revoking Their Confession

  14. 据统计,平均每个渎职犯罪案件造成的经济损失几乎相当于贪污贿赂案件的17倍,造成人员伤亡的数目更是居于当前各种犯罪之首。

    According to statistics , the average economic loss caused by negligence cases of corruption and bribery cases is almost equal to 17 times the number of casualties is currently living in various crimes in the first .

  15. 其他一些控告这位泰国前总理以及他妻子贪污的案件仍在审理当中。这些贪污指控曾经促使他在军队、官僚体系以及城市上层阶级中的反对者联手于2006年将他推翻。

    The former Prime Minister has other legal cases pending against him and his wife on allegations of corruption - the same issue that drove his opponents in the army , the bureaucracy , and the urban upper classes to push for his ouster in 2006 .

  16. 贪污贿赂犯罪案件立案制度之比较

    Comparing with Filing Case System of Embezzlement and Bribery at Home and Abroad

  17. 贪污、贿赂案件中犯罪嫌疑人对抗侦查心理及对策研究

    Several Strategies on Suspects ' Anti-interrogation Psychology in Cases of Corruption and Bribery

  18. 因此,将挪用公款罪规范得当,可以在一定程度上减少贪污犯罪的案件。

    Therefore , the crime of embezzlement of public funds properly standardized , can to some extent reduce corruption , crime .

  19. 各级法院审结贪污贿赂等犯罪案件3.4万件4.9万人,被告人原为厅局级以上干部的134人。

    Chinese courts concluded 34000 graft2 trials in 2015 with about 49000 people involved in the cases , the figure included 134 officials at prefecture level and above .