
tān wū
  • corruption;embezzlement;embezzle;graft
贪污 [tān wū]
  • [corruption;graft] 利用职权非法取得钱财

贪污[tān wū]
  1. 警方的报告免除了对刘易斯贪污的所有指控。

    The police report exonerated Lewis from all charges of corruption .

  2. 她因被控贪污正等候审判。

    She is awaiting trial on corruption charges .

  3. 她被判犯有贪污罪。

    She was found guilty of embezzlement .

  4. 他贪污的恶名已经四处传播开了。

    His noisome reputation for corruption had already begun to spread .

  5. 他因受到贪污和蠹政的指控于去年12月被捕。

    He was arrested last December , accused of corruption and misrule

  6. 他和他的家人受到了贪污指控。

    Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family

  7. 存在贪污腐败现象,我们将予以清除。

    There 's corruption , and we 're going to get rid of it

  8. 他于1979年因被诬告贪污而被捕。

    He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges

  9. 她被指控贪污腐败和大规模操纵选票。

    She was accused of corruption , of vote rigging on a massive scale .

  10. 他谈起触目惊心的贪污腐败和小材大用现象。

    He spoke of scandalous corruption and incompetence .

  11. 伯德先生对贪污指控一直无动于衷。

    Mr Bird remained unmoved by the corruption allegations

  12. 为了过上奢靡的生活,这对冷漠无情的夫妇竟然贪污医院的慈善基金。

    The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle .

  13. 他被判犯有贪污罪,以后7年里将无资格担任公职。

    He was convicted of corruption , and will be disqualified from office for seven years

  14. 他后来被指控贪污。

    He was later indicted on corruption charges

  15. “永远也防不胜防的就是员工内部的贪污腐败。”——“同意。”

    ' One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff . ' — 'Agreed . '

  16. 这很明显是一起贪污案。

    It is a clear case of corruption .

  17. 他因被指控贪污盗窃而锒铛入狱。

    He was accused of graft and embezzlement and was chained and thrown into prison .

  18. 由于贪污,这个公司的经理已被撤职查办。

    Owing to graft , the manager of this company was discharged from his post and prosecuted .

  19. 对那些利欲熏心的贪污盗窃分子,一定要按照政策严肃处理。

    Those embezzlers and grafters who are reckless with greed must be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy .

  20. 那个国家发起了一场全国性的反贪污运动。

    The country launched a national campaign against corruption .

  21. 他们发动了新的反贪污运动。

    They launched a new campaign against corruption .

  22. 贪污和浪费是极大的犯罪。

    Corruption and waste are very serious crimes .

  23. 那个贪污的警察收了钱。

    The corrupt policeman accepted the money .

  24. 贪污犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被责令每月退还部分赃款。

    The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month .

  25. 那是贪污腐败最为臭名昭著的市参议会之一

    It is one of the most notoriously corrupt city councils .

  26. 贪污腐败的法官是国家的耻辱。

    Venal judges are a disgrace to a country .

  27. 伊恩·特里默贪污受贿,是个彻头彻尾的贪官。

    Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal .

  28. 这种繁琐的手续大概是为了防止贪污和小偷小摸,却不管为此会付出多大的代价。

    Presumably , this redundancy reduces petty embezzlement and pilferage , albeit at staggering costs .

  29. 我想他们贪污了不少。

    I suppose they embezzle a lot .

  30. 这位部长透过贪污受贿致富。

    The minister became rich through graft .