
tān wū shòu huì
  • Corruption and bribery;guilty of corruption and accepting bribes;embezzle money and engage in corrupt practices
贪污受贿[tān wū shòu huì]
  1. 伊恩·特里默贪污受贿,是个彻头彻尾的贪官。

    Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal .

  2. 这位部长透过贪污受贿致富。

    The minister became rich through graft .

  3. 贪污受贿赃款数额认定当中“扣除法”之我见

    Personal View On " Deduction Method " in Determining Bribes Amount

  4. 我们希望那些工作无效或贪污受贿的官员为自己的行为负责。

    We expect those who are ineffective or corrupt to be held accountable .

  5. 那意味着贪污受贿还是很猖狂。

    That means corruption is still widespread .

  6. 贪污受贿一贯是很好的新闻。

    Payoffs are always good news breakers .

  7. 古时候有一个县官,贪污受贿,谋取私利。

    In ancient times there was a country magistrate who took bribes and practised graft .

  8. 警方正在对这家公司的高级管理人员涉嫌贪污受贿的指控进行调查。

    Police are investigating allegations of corruption and bribery involving senior executives in the company .

  9. 这个县长已经因为贪污受贿而被拿问了。

    The head of the county has been detained for interrogation due to corruption and bribery .

  10. 对罪犯的刑罚执行贪污受贿罪的刑罚适用与我国刑罚体系的完善

    The Adaption of the Penalty Concerning the Offences on Corruption and Bribery and the Improvement of China 's Penal System

  11. 依照我国的刑事法规,我国惩处了一大批的贪污受贿的犯罪分子。

    In accordance with the criminal statutes of our country , China has punished a large number of corrupt criminals .

  12. 在今天的播报中,有些国家网络监管部门干部滥用职权,贪污受贿。

    In today 's podcast , a graft case uncovers abuse of power in the Communist Party 's Internet censorship division .

  13. 司法实践中,贪污受贿罪的量刑,无论是从纵向(时间的维度)看还是从横向(地域的维度)看均显现出不均衡现象。

    In judicial practice , sentencing of corruption and bribery shows imbalances both vertically ( time dimension ) and horizontally ( geographical dimension ) .

  14. 前俄亥俄州议员詹姆斯因涉嫌贪污受贿被监禁,享年73岁。

    Former Ohio congressman James Traficant who spent years in prison after he was convicted of corruption has died at the age of 73 .

  15. 中国足球贪污受贿案将一些球员、裁判和经理人送进监狱,导致许多粉丝不再对中国足球抱有幻想。

    A bribery investigation that led to several players , referees and managers serving jail terms has left many fans disillusioned with the Chinese game .

  16. 特伦顿市长托尼·麦克等人被起诉在停车场建设工程中贪污受贿。

    Trenton Mayor Tony Mack and others have been charged with partly ongoing corruption investigation into bribery allegations related to a parking garage project . 3 .

  17. 仲裁员在仲裁该案时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。

    Where the arbitrators involved in any of conducts of embezzlement , bribery , practicing favoritism for himself or relatives , twisting the law in rendering arbitration award .

  18. 官方媒体新华社称,由省级卫生行政部门负责组织的医疗设备集中采购,是对贪污受贿行为的打击。

    The official Xinhua news agency said collective equipment purchasing , which would be organised by provincial-level governments , represented an attack on corruption and bribe - taking .

  19. 当然,其中潜藏的巨大的贪污受贿、收取回扣的机会,也是促使地方官员最初提议建设机场的重要动机。

    Of course , the enormous opportunities for graft and skimming off the top are great incentives for the local officials to propose the projects in first place .

  20. 一直以来,受传统思想的影响,对贪污受贿犯罪都过分强调定罪的重要性,量刑轻重并不是那么重要。

    Has been influenced by traditional thinking , on the corruption conviction of crime is too much emphasis on the importance of the sentence imposed is not so important .

  21. 冯先生本来有一个温暖的家和一份稳定的工作,只因一时贪污受贿,现在过着潦倒不堪的生活。

    Mr Feng used to have a warm family and a steady job but now he leads a dog 's life all because he accepted bribes in moment of greed .

  22. 审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。

    The judge is found to have taken bribes , conducted malpractice out of personal considerations , and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case .

  23. 这部戏主要描绘了两种类型的官员:一种是全心全意为人民服务的人,另一种是那些为了谋求私利而贪污受贿的人。

    The drama features two types of officials ; those who wholeheartedly serve the people and those who are preoccupied with pursuing their own interests by embezzling money and lining their own pockets .

  24. 上述任何人士若被发现有贪污受贿欺诈或严重失职行为,董事会可以随时撤销其职务。

    If any of the above-mentioned persons is found to be guilty of corruption , embezzlement , fraud or serious neglect of duty , he may be dismissed by the Board at any time .

  25. 由于巨额财产来源不明罪的法定刑相对较轻,从而刺激了贪污受贿等经济犯罪。

    The legal sentence for the crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources being relatively too light , it promotes crimes such as corruption and bribery n the economic field .

  26. 贪污受贿是那些受教育阶级无所事事的结果,关于这方面,在清朝晚期小说家刘鄂的《老残游记》中作了极为详细的描写。

    Corruption and bribery was the consequence of a lack of tasks for the educated class ; a very intense description of this situation is Liu E9s late Qing novel u Travels of Lao Can M.

  27. 职务犯罪作为贪污受贿、渎职侵权类犯罪的总称,对其开展侦查是应对与打击职务犯罪的重要方面。

    Job-related crimes as corruption , bribery , malfeasance of the general category of crimes , to carry out their criminal investigation is to deal with an important aspect of the fight against job-related crimes .

  28. 试论我国刑法中主刑刑罚结构的协调化贪污受贿罪的刑罚适用与我国刑罚体系的完善

    The Elaboration on the Coordination of the Structure of the Main Crime Punishment in Our Country ; The Adaption of the Penalty Concerning the Offences on Corruption and Bribery and the Improvement of China 's Penal System

  29. 第四部分着重论述唐代官员获取隐性收入的各种方式方法:贪污受贿、掠夺百姓、违法经商,甚至是官员内部间的自相侵夺等等。

    The fourth part focuses on the Tang Dynasty officials for recessive income in all sorts of ways : corruption and bribery , robbing people , illegal business , and even the official internal self phase hijacking .

  30. 针对中国刑法中有关贪污受贿罪的规定与公约的规定存在诸多差异,从犯罪构成的四个方面提出具体的修改完善建议。

    In view of the differences between corruption and taking bribes crime in Criminal Law of China and UN Convention , this article brings forward concrete suggestions on modification and improvement from four constitutive elements of a crime .