
fēn pèi jié ɡòu
  • distribution structures
  1. 居民收入分布(IncomeDistribution)是反映居民收入和财富分配结构状态、变化趋势最重要的概念之一,是经济发展过程中收入和财富分配结果的表现,是定量研究居民收入分配问题的基础。

    Resident income distribution is one of the most important definitions which reflect the structural status and changes of income and wealth distribution in residents . It is also the basis of further quantitative researches on income distribution .

  2. 本文首先对我国现在所处技术创新阶段进行了分析,在RD经费投入强度、RD经费来源结构、分配结构、使用结构等方面与发达国家进行了有益的对比。

    This article starts from the analysis of the Chinese technology innovations stage , including comparison with the developing countries on R D / GDP , the R D Structure of the source , distribution and using .

  3. 现有的基于非对称密码的IP前缀劫持防范机制中,密钥分配结构大多基于组织,这种密钥分配结构主要目的是降低公钥证书存储管理任务的复杂性。

    In the existing cryptography-based mechanisms for preventing IP prefix hijacking , architectures for issuing asymmetric keys are always based on organizations , whose main purpose is to reduce the complexity of storage and management of public key certificates .

  4. 消费需求与收入分配结构的相关性

    On the Relationship between Consumption Demand and Income Relocation Structure

  5. 第四部分对我国政府介入教育领域的状况、教育财政体制结构状况和教育财政分配结构状况进行了透彻分析。

    Section 4 analyzes the public educational financial structure of our country .

  6. 卫生事业费分配结构调整的政策思考

    Reflection on policy of structure adjustment for distribution of health recurrent budget

  7. 实现和谐社会需要一个与之相适应的社会分配结构。

    A harmonious society needs to have a corresponded social distribution structure .

  8. 调整林业利益结构促进林业可持续发展&贵州锦屏木材经营利益分配结构调查

    Adjusting forest benefit structure to push forestry sustainable development

  9. 中国收入分配结构变动及其对经济增长的约束

    The Structure of Income Distribution and Its Restrictions on the Growth of Chinese Economy

  10. 收入分配结构不合理。

    The income assignment structure is unreasonable .

  11. 调整职工收入分配结构。

    5 , adjusting the income structure .

  12. 中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较

    Comparative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries

  13. 知识产出与价值分配结构是有其新规则的。

    There are new rules for the output of knowledge and its value allocation structure .

  14. 盈余管理与制度失效&股份合作制企业以会计利润为依据的激励制度和分配结构安排的缺陷

    Profits Management and Institution Invalidation & Defects of Stimulating Institution Based on Accounting Profits and Distr

  15. 省、市、县卫生事业费分配结构与水平分析

    Analysis of the allocation structure of health recurrent budget at provincial , city and county level

  16. 投入产出表中直接消耗系数的分配结构投入结构调整法

    Applied Structure of Distribution and Input to Regulate Direct Consumable Coefficient on the Input - Output

  17. 经济上,它深刻影响和改造了农村的生产、交换与分配结构,并成为计划经济不可或缺的组成部分。

    Economically , it influenced and transformed the production , exchange and distribution structure in the countryside deeply .

  18. 我们可以更好地分配结构,哪一个项目是属于哪里的,我们也可以为将来的精彩功能和内容提前准备空间。

    We can better structure what belongs where and we can also prepare the pages for upcoming exciting features .

  19. 第四部分是投资制度安排,制度安排决定投资主体结构和投资的分配结构,即投资产业结构和空间配置。

    Institutional arrangements decide the investor structure and investment distribution , that are the industrial structure and spatial distribution .

  20. 新桂系中学教育投资筹措与分配结构分析;

    An analysis of the raising and distribution structure of high school educational investment in the period of New Guangxi Department ;

  21. 最后,要通过完善分配结构、规范收入分配秩序及发展社会慈善、救助事业使收入分配进行补充、调节。

    Finally , complement and regulate income distribution through improving the distribution structure , standardize income distribution and developing social charity .

  22. 应当在发展经济的同时,采取有针对性的改革措施,使居民收入分配结构趋于合理。

    We should take valid measures to make the income of citizen reasonable while we promote the development of social economy .

  23. 如何通过政府规制,规范资源开发秩序,调整收益分配结构,是一个重要的管理问题。

    How to standardize the order of resources development and adjust income distribution structure through public regulation is an important management problem .

  24. 本论文主要探讨居民金融资产分配结构的财富效应,分析各类金融资产分配对居民收入分配的影响。

    This study defines the concept of residential financial asset distribution structure and analyses its absolute wealth effect and the relative wealth effect .

  25. 反过来,分配结构影响企业的资本结构,资本结构决定公司治理结构和治理机制等等。

    In turn , structure of distribution affects capital structure , which determines corporate governance structure and management mechanisms , and so on .

  26. 第二章为完善国民收入分配结构的理论基础,简单介绍了收入分配理论和公平理论及其信息基础,并在此基础上理清了几个基本认识。

    The second chapter is the basic theories , introducing the theories of income distribution and equity , and clarifying some basic understanding .

  27. 《方案》实施将改变原有的石油、石化行业的利益分配结构,促进全国统一的成品油流通体制的建立,是石油、石化企业向市场化迈进的标志。

    It will change the original benefit-allocation framework for the petroleum and petrochemical industries and help establish an unified distribution system for oil products .

  28. 进一步调整国民收入分配结构和财政支出结构,加大对农业的支持和保护力度。

    We also should further adjust distribution structure of national income and structure of finance expenditure , and step up support and protection for agriculture .

  29. 通过对我国高等投资的分配结构和使用结构进行简要分析,阐明其中存在的问题,并提出具体对策。

    Through brief analysis to our higher education investment distribution and using structure , expounding the existing problems , the article brings forward some concrete countermeasures .

  30. 在国有企业改制后,企业和和劳动者在新的分配结构和分配方式渐形成后,利益矛盾逐步显露出来。

    In the reform of state-owned enterprises , enterprises and workers in the new structure and mode of distribution gradually formed , interest contradiction gradually revealed .