
  • 网络The University of Dayton;Dayton University;Dayton,OH
  1. 美国俄亥俄州戴顿大学法学院院长保罗·麦格雷尔(PaulMcGreal)表示,加州并不这么看待游戏。

    Paul McGreal , dean of the University of Dayton law school in Ohio , says California did not see gaming that way .

  2. 从俄亥俄州戴顿大学(dayton)法学院毕业后,莱维坦回到了纳什维尔,在那里开始拿到艺人的唱片合约,同时做律师工作。

    Graduation from law school in Dayton , Ohio , led him back to Nashville , where he started to secure record deals for artists alongside his work as a lawyer .