
qīn fàn xínɡ wéi
  • Violations;aggression;infringement;aggressive behavior;trespass
  1. 对于一只轻拍会引起出现侵犯行为的猫来说,你不能一边心不在焉地拍着她,一边注意着其它事物。

    For a cat with petting-induced aggression , you can 't absentmindedly pet her while focusing on something else .

  2. 上述描述当行为被称之为“轻拍引发出的侵犯行为”。

    The behavior described above is referred to as petting-induced aggression .

  3. 目的:研究发现,动物实验的暴力侵犯行为与中枢5-HT(5-羟色胺)系统有密切的关系。

    Objective : Previous researches have shown that there are close relations between aggressive behavior and center 5-HT system in animal experiments .

  4. 产权侵犯行为及原因分析

    The Invasion of the Property Rights and the Reason 's Analysis

  5. 人际侵犯行为较多的发生于同学之间。

    Most of interpersonal transgression indeed happened between fellow students .

  6. 竞技运动中侵犯行为社会学解释

    The Sociological Explain of Aggression in the Competitive Sport

  7. 侵犯行为容易使冲突升级,甚至造成严重的身心伤害事件;

    In general , a conflict will experience a mental to behavior process .

  8. 试论大学校园侵犯行为的形成原因及控制途径

    On the Reasons and Controlling Ways of Aggression on the Campus of University

  9. 可以被理解为侵犯行为。

    Could be construed as an act of war .

  10. 评侵犯行为的习性学理论

    On Ethological Theories about Aggressive Behavior

  11. 第六步:不要忽略狗的侵犯行为。

    Step 6 : Never ignore aggression

  12. 教育部官员说,这些教师由于致使学生怀孕以及其他性侵犯行为而已经被开除。

    Education officials say the teachers have been dismissed for impregnating students and committing other sexual offenses .

  13. 第二类是准侵犯行为即作为侵犯商业秘密罪论的行为。

    The second category is quasi-infringement act which is regarded as the crime of breaching commercial secret .

  14. 侵犯行为是伤害别人、反社会的行为,它与文明背道而弛。

    Aggression is the action of hurting others and antisocial behavior , which runs counter to civilization .

  15. 一些社会学家认为气温的升高往往引起侵犯行为和暴力犯罪的增加。

    Some sociologists believe that rising temperature is generally accompanied with increases in aggression and violent crime .

  16. 研究表明,群体因素是大学生侵犯行为的主要影响因素之一。

    Researches indicate that group factors are one of the main factors affecting the college students ' aggression .

  17. 比如,人们把它当作是负面的东西,认为它是消极的、敌意的、有破坏性的侵犯行为。

    For example , people negatively view it since they consider it as a hostile , destructive aggression .

  18. 因为他们的危险和意图被视同为实施性侵犯行为。

    Because of their dangerousness , attempts are treated the same as completed acts of criminal sexual abuse .

  19. 但是随着越来越多的人们在公众场合做出侵犯行为举止,因此出现一个潜在的那么做的”社会许可“。

    But with more people behaving aggressively in public there is an unspoken " social permission " to do so .

  20. 同时接触网络还可能增加青年的亲社会行为。换言之,在特定的情境下,网络可能会导致青年人的侵犯行为或亲社会行为倾向。

    That is to say , in certain circumstances , the network may lead the youth to aggressive or prosocial behavior .

  21. 通过查阅相关的文献资料,制定了自然观察纪录表,然后据记录表对课外体育竞赛中的侵犯行为相关特点进行了记录。从展示到纪录

    The nature behavior observation table can get the result of the observe and know about the future . From Record to Documentation

  22. 如果它要咬,狂吠或是呲牙,这种侵犯行为必须马上制止。

    If it is prone to bite , growl , or curl its lip , the aggressive behavior must be addressed right away .

  23. 这说明遭遇一桩攻击或侵犯行为时,装作楚楚可怜可能比表现得怒不可遏更能减少受伤害的可能性。

    It states that when we confront aggressive or violate behavior , acting as pathetic can reduce the probability of being hurt than getting angry .

  24. 防止性骚扰:防止性骚扰培训通常包括详细传达公司关于性骚扰的政策,有其得明示哪些行为属于侵犯行为。

    Sexual harassment : Sexual harassment training usually includes careful description of the organisation 's policies about sexual harassment , especially about what are inappropriate behaviors .

  25. 为了回应美国对在中国的猖狂知识产权侵犯行为,中国官方上周开展了一次解决该问题的行动。

    In response to American concerns about rampant violations of intellectual-property rights in China , the Chinese authorities have staged a show of resolve in recent weeks .

  26. 病理性攻击行为主要指心理、社会与生物因素导致的心理障碍或心理疾病所产生的对他人、物体与社会规范的侵犯行为。

    Pathological aggressive behavior is an aggressive behavior on other people caused by mental disorders and mental diseases which result from mental , social and biological factors .

  27. 这份草案呼吁终结过度的电子监控行为,称非法采集个人信息“构成高度侵犯行为”。

    The draft calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance , noting that the illegal collection of personal data " constitutes a highly intrusive act . "

  28. 本文从心理学角度分析影响大学生侵犯行为的群体因素,探讨大学生群体侵犯行为的成因,并试图做出客观的解释。

    The article analyzes it from the psychological angle , explores the contributing factor of college students ' group violating behaviors and intends to give an objective explanation .

  29. 控制大学校园侵犯行为的主要途径是:加强思想品德教育;开展心理健康教育和心理辅导;

    So the main ways to control the aggression on the campus of university are that moral education must be strengthened , psychological education and healthy construction must be launched .

  30. 对于犯罪,人们通常关注的是它本身的违法性和社会危害性,但是在更广阔的历史和空间的角度上,犯罪其实是对先前侵犯行为的报复。

    Although it is the illegitimacy and social harmfulness of crime that we are usually concerned with , crime is actually retaliation to previous violation in a broader historical context .