- 网络erosion surface;Erosion level;eroded surface

The slices are truncated by the pre-bulawayan erosion surface .
Several isolated oil fields have been discovered in this region , and their reservoirs underlie the erosion surface and are controlled by the surface .
Unconformities are surfaces of erosion or non-deposition .
The palaeomorphologic feature is one of the primary geological parameters in basin analysis .
A primary research on erosional soil surface in loess region in north part of Shaanxi Province
The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the stratigraphic sequence .
Mineral pyroelectricity can be used to judge the denuding levels of deposits and to assess the mineralized district .
To the surface erosion in small , shallow level of patients , the spherical electrode ablation is recommended ;
Ancient karst erosional surface 、 fault 、 local structure play an important control role in controlling oil / water distribution .
During the period of recent tectonic movement , the Hong Kong area showed intermittent up-and-down movements , and generated multi-cycle erosion surfaces .
Ancient karst erosional surface control the longitudinal distribution of reservoir openning , and the distribution of fracture-cave reservoir is interrelated with oil-water distrbution .
Fe , Al mudstones developed in a belt above paleo erosional face , while meteoritic water corrosion belt occurred below the erosional face ;
And the boundary of them has the same lithologic character : the ravinement surface of river course or exposure mudstone of flooding plain and root clay .
Most corallum is broken up to be transported coast-ward along tidal channels by the tempest tide and curve soft limes to have formed erosional surface meanwhile in the tempest peroid .
Today the ore geologists all over the world are paying more attentions to the area of rock cap when beginning exploration of hidden deposits , which are buried by sediments .
Two drought-enduring moss species were collected from local and neighboring areas and mixed with mixed with the river sediment and humus , and evenly scrawled or sprayed to the bare rocks .
Particularly in the west , plutonic and sedimentary rocks from deeper erosion level or more distal sources contribute to the basin fill , apart from reworked intra-basinal components such as shelf carbonates .
The western slop belt dominated by Paleozoic basement generally was a slop dipping to east in evolved history , and there were lot of erosive mountains developed which formed an erosion mountain belt .
According to the analysis of seismic and well log sequence stratigraphy , four sequences are identified in Upper Paleozoic of north Ordos Basin , which are all separated by the regional erosion surfaces and channel washing surfaces .
It is considered that vertical expansion of Early Paleozoic mudstone and gypsum salt rock layers in compressional stress field might promote the formation of large flat structure trap close to the Caledonian erosional surface where the gas fields are situated .
And ⑥ Well logging records below the erosional face show characteristics of low gamma , low time difference , medium high electric resistivity , and medium high density ; while logging characteristics above the erosional face are just the reverse .
On the seismic profiles of sand ridges in the East China Sea , the foreset beddings incline mostly to the southwest and the wave eroded surfaces were occasionally seen , which reflect the internal structure characteristics of tide-dominated sand ridges ;
Residual trend surface analysis on elevation of stratigraphic top surface of prototype basins and the analysis on the geometry of corresponding sedimentary basements indicate that a large flat uplift close to the Caledonian erosional surface exists in the central Ordos Basin .
On the seismic profiles of sand ridges in the Celtic Sea , there are many complex cross beddings and wave eroded surfaces , which are typical internal structure characteristics of sand ridges formed by the joint actions of tidal current and wave .
The authorities in various places should not start rectification in all the units under them at the same time , but should stagger it and carry it out by groups . The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the stratigraphic sequence .
Influence of base level lowering on sediment yield and drainage network development : an experimental analysis
Erosion base level is the base line for it . The Discussion on the Types of Magnetic Discontinuous Face
The unconformity , river rejuvenation surface and lithology and lithofacies transition surface are the main types of sequence boundaries .
The highest elevation for the landslides distribution are correspond to the hypsography of the region , and lowest to the river erosion level .
There are three different conceptions about base-level that are base level of erosion , base level of deposition and stratigraphic datum , respectively .