
qīn fàn zhī shí chǎn quán zuì
  • Crime of Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights;crime of infringing upon intellectual property rights;criminal infringement
  1. 侵犯知识产权罪若干问题研究

    A Study of Several Problems on the Crime of Infringing Intellectual Property Right

  2. 第七节侵犯知识产权罪

    Section 7 crimes of infringing on intellectual property rights

  3. 论侵犯知识产权罪的刑法定位

    Orientation of Intellectual Property Crime in Criminal Law

  4. 我国刑法却将侵犯知识产权罪定位于轻微危害社会犯罪的范畴,对该罪的法定刑过轻。

    However , our national criminal law sets it in the scope of minor crime , and the corresponding penalty is relatively light .