
qīn quán xíng wèi
  • infringement act;delict;tort
侵权行为[qīn quán xíng wèi]
  1. 数人致害的侵权行为及其民事责任

    The Infringement Act of Several Persons Caused Damage and Its Civil Liability

  2. 侵权行为主客观归责原则的适用

    Application of Responsibility Principle of Infringement Act

  3. 过失民事侵权行为可能具有维护目的。

    Trespass torts may have a vindicatory purpose .

  4. 侵权行为法的目的在于补偿被侵害人。

    The law of tort aims to compensate those who have suffered as a result of a tort .

  5. 依据WTO规则的要求和中国有关法律法规的规定,对于纳税人和税务机关的违法侵权行为,必须依法认定并惩处。

    The illegal tort act of the taxpayers and tax authorities must be maintained and punished according to the requirements of WTO regulations and provisions of Chinese legal rules concerned .

  6. 人们尝试将秘密信息隐藏于普通文件中散发出去,用以跟踪侵权行为并提供法律保护的证据,这称为信息隐藏(InformationHiding)或更严格地称为信息伪装(Steganography)。

    People try to hide the secret information into the ordinary works and distribute them , so that we can follow tort and offer legal protection , this can be called information hiding and maybe Steganography is more exact .

  7. Trips协议下我国假冒注册商标罪的立法应从以下方面加以完善:将服务商标、类似商品、近似商标侵权行为和反向假冒注册商标行为纳入本罪的保护范围;

    On the basis of Trips , legislative perfection of the crime of shamming registered trademark as follows : bring service trademark , resembling commodity , approximate trademark and opposite shamming into the protection area of the crime ;

  8. 侵权行为(TORT)是对他人(自然人和法人)合法利益的不法侵害行为,而新闻评论侵权则指新闻评论在写作和传播过程中侵害公民和法人人格权的行为。

    Tort is illegal infringement of others ' legitimate benefit including natural persons and corporation . While news review means that news review encroach on the right to human dignity of citizen and corporation in the course of writing and propagation .

  9. 新闻舆论监督侵权行为的界定与防范

    Legal Definition and Precaution on Tort of News Public Opinion Supervision

  10. 其次,对侵权行为的类型、方式重新进行准确的定位。

    Secondly , we need to redefine the type of tort .

  11. 第三,产品责任具有新类型侵权行为的特征。《关于产品责任法律适用公约》和我国现行立法对产品责任的规定均体现为侵权责任。

    Thirdly , products liability has characteristics of new type tort .

  12. 域名抢注&一种新的商标侵权行为

    Rush Registration of Domain Names : A New Violation of Trademarks

  13. 违法是对侵权行为本身可归责性的一种法律评价。

    Illegal infringement is a kind of legal evaluation to torts .

  14. 论婚内侵权行为的民事救济

    On the Civil Relief of the Marriage Inner Act of Tort

  15. 论义务教育阶段学校侵权行为的法律救济

    Tort behavior at the phase of compulsory education and legal help

  16. 侵权行为法渊源于古代罗马法。

    The law of tort originated in the ancient Roman law .

  17. 论妨害经营侵权行为及其责任

    On infringing act of disturbing management and the tortious liability

  18. 论违反安全保障义务侵权行为及其责任

    On the Tortious Conduct of Violating the Safeguard Obligation and Its Liability

  19. 传统的精神损害赔偿主要是针对侵权行为的直接受害人,而并不承认对第三人的精神损害赔偿。

    Conventional inspirit injury amends mostly aim at the direct tortious victims .

  20. 现代侵权行为法中过错责任原则的发展

    New Developments of Fault Liability Principle in Modern Tort Law

  21. 无效产品责任处于合同法和侵权行为法的交错领域。

    Ineffective product liability lies between the field of contract and tort .

  22. 社会保险法与侵权行为法的冲突与融合

    The Conflict and Integration between the Social Insurance and the Tort Law

  23. 侵权行为法律适用的新发展

    The New Development of Pondering on The Application in Law of Tort

  24. 归责原则,是指确定侵权行为人承担侵权赔偿责任的一般准则。

    Responsibility principle is to determine violations bear tort liability of general guidelines .

  25. 共同侵权行为制度若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of the Joint Tort System

  26. 美国侵权行为准据法的新发展&兼论我国的有关立法

    The New Development of US'Tort Applicable Law & Concurrently on Our Relating Laws

  27. 因此,有必要对网络侵权行为的法律规制进行研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research law regulation on Internet infringement .

  28. 海上侵权行为法主体研究

    The Research of the Subject of Maritime Tort Law

  29. 浅议国家侵权行为之精神损害赔偿

    A Study on the Spiritual Damages for National Tort

  30. 模仿秀民事侵权行为研究

    On the civil tort of notability - imitation show