
  • 网络country;Countries And Regions;Country and area;countries and territories
  1. 截至2020年9月,已有107家运营商在47个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    As of September , 107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions .

  2. 预计2025年底,将有410家运营商在123个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    By the end of 2025 , 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions .

  3. 那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。

    The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands .

  4. 预计2020年底,将有149家运营商在57个国家和地区商用5G网络。

    It is expected that 149 carriers will commercialize 5G networks in 57 countries and regions by the end of 2020 .

  5. 来自160个国家和地区的约4400名运动员将参加东京残奥会。

    About 4400 athletes are expected from about 160 countries and territories .

  6. 这种迷信被称为“恐四症”,在中国、日本、马来西亚和韩国等东亚和东南亚国家和地区非常普遍。

    This superstition4 is referred to as tetraphobia and is common in East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as China , Japan , Malaysia and Korea .

  7. 来自69个国家和地区的企业参展,国外参展品牌超1300个,国内品牌超1200个,预计展会期间各类观众将超20万人次。

    More than 1300 global brands from 69 countries and regions and over 1200 domestic labels will participate in the expo , which is expected to attract more than 200000 visitors .

  8. 据新华社报道,2020年,20多个国家和地区的螺蛳粉年销售额超过100亿元人民币,同时为整个产业链提供了超过25万个就业岗位。

    Xinhua reports that the annual sales of river snail rice noodles in more than 20 countries and regions exceeded 10 billion yuan ( $ 1.54 billion ) in 2020 , while providing over 250000 jobs across the industrial chain .

  9. 制片方儒意影业表示,这部催泪影片将在北美、日本、韩国、英国、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰、哥伦比亚等国家和地区上映。

    The tear-jerker film will be released in North America , Japan , the Republic of Korea , Britain , Spain , Australia , New Zealand , Colombia and several other countries and regions , according to Ruyi Films , one of the producers .

  10. 教育部部长陈宝生表示,目前,中国慕课数量和应用规模已居世界第一。他指出,中国致力于进一步开放其慕课资源,并与其他国家和地区共享优质教育资源。

    China is committed to further opening up its MOOC resources and sharing its quality education resources with other countries and regions , Education Minister Chen Baosheng said the conference . The country now ranks first globally in the number of MOOCs and viewers , he said .

  11. 中国将继续同各国分享疫情防控有益经验,向应对疫情能力薄弱的国家和地区提供力所能及的帮助,促进疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性,助力世界早日彻底战胜疫情。

    China will continue to share its experience with other countries , do its best to assist countries and regions that are less prepared for the pandemic , and work for greater accessibility and affordability of COVID vaccines in developing countries . We hope these efforts will contribute to an early and complete victory over the coronavirus throughout the world .

  12. Internet是目前全球最大的计算机通信网,它遍及全球几乎所有的国家和地区。

    Internet is the biggest calculator correspondence net in current world , it is almost all over the world and region .

  13. 本文介绍了个人通信业务(PCS)在一些国家和地区的发展现状。

    The status quo of PCS in some countries and regions are described in this paper .

  14. 在2010年世界环境绩效指数(EPI,EnvironmentalPerformanceIndex)的排名中,中国得到了49分,在所有163个国家和地区中排在第121位,环境情况不容乐观。

    China scores 49 points in world environmental performance index ( 2010 ), ranking 121 in all the 163 countries and regions , so the environmental conditions are not satisfactory .

  15. QFII和QDII双Q机制是许多国家和地区逐步开放资本市场的一项过渡性制度安排。

    Double Q mechanism QFII and QDII is transition system arrangement of many nations opening the capital market gradually .

  16. 我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),随着建筑市场逐步对WTO其它成员国家和地区开放,我国建筑业将直接面对来自西方发达国家建筑业的挑战。

    China has joined WTO , as the construction market is gradually opened to the other members of WTO , China construction industry will have to meet the challenge from the developed countries .

  17. 介绍了世界LCD市场发展势头和LCD技术发展动向,综述了世界主要国家和地区LCD产业现状和发展趋势,详述了我国液晶显示技术发展和产业现状。

    The trends of LCD technology and LCD markets in the world are introduced . The state-of-arts of LCD industries in the main countries of the world are reviewed .

  18. 宽带码分多址(WCDMA)作为第三代移动通信技术的首选技术已被许多国家和地区所接受和支持。

    As the strongest candidate for the air interface technology of third-generation mobile communications , WCDMA has been accepted and supported by many countries and regions .

  19. 然而,从WebofKnowledge数据库中收录的知识管理相关论文来看,我国学者在此领域发表的论文所占比重不高,进而说明我国在该领域的研究相对与其他国家和地区还较为薄弱。

    But , from the data of Web of Knowledge database entries relevant papers looked that , the proportion of Chinese scholars ' papers in this field is not high , which explains that the research of this area is not as strong as other countries and regions .

  20. 随着Internet在人们生活各个领域中的应用,网络安全问题同时也引起世界各国的关注,层出不穷的网络安全事件已对众多知名公司造成巨大经济损失,甚至危害到国家和地区的网络安全应用。

    With the application of Internet in various fields , network security issue is attracting more and more attention in the world . A large number of network security incidents have caused great economic loss to well-known companies and even endanger the national and regional network security applications .

  21. 目前,全世界有10多个国家和地区提供PHS服务,PHS的技术和概念已经被广泛接受。

    At present , more than 10 countries and regions offer PHS service in the whole world , advanced technology and remarkable concept of PHS have already been accepted extensively .

  22. 为了便于缔结建设工程合同,发达国家和地区制订了若干广泛推行的建设工程合同标准文本,其中,FIDIC合同条件在国际上的影响最为重大。

    In order to strike a construction agreement , the developed countries and districts have designed a lot of prevailing standard treaty wording , in which FIDIC plays the most important part .

  23. 进入21世纪以来,随着宽带网络、流媒体的发展,以TCP/IP协议网络为承载基础的IPTV即网络电视在全球多个国家和地区迅速发展起来。

    With the development of broadband network and fluid media since the beginning of 21st century , IPTV ( network TV ) which is embedded on TCP / IP protocol network has grown rapidly all over the world .

  24. 自1870年第一次写入美国伊利诺州(Illinois)宪法中后,累积投票制在美国已有100多年的发展历史。美国关于累积投票制的立法态度影响了很多国家和地区的相关立法。

    Since the adoption into the Illinois Constitution in 1870 , the history of cumulative voting has been more than 100 years in America , and the legislation attitude for cumulative voting in America has affected many countries and areas .

  25. 该协会颁发的专业风险管理师(PRM)资格证书是全球财务风险管理经理们遵循的标准,该协会已经为全球140多个国家和地区的专业人员颁发了此证书。

    The Professional Risk Man-agement ( PRM ) certificate is recognized as the global risk management standard by financial risk managers . Risk manage-ment professionals in more than 140 countries and regions have been conferred this certificate .

  26. 目前,世界上已经有50多个国家和地区出现了HPAI,HPAI已经成为制约全球经济发展和威胁人类和动物健康的重大传染病。

    Till now , HPAI has been reported in more than 50 countries and regions and becomes a more and more serious infectious disease that restricts global economic development and threatens health of human being and animals .

  27. 亚洲国家和地区充分借鉴美国REITs产品在资产、管理、分配、税收等方面的成熟经验,制定了与美国相近的的REITs产品设立条件,并且接合自身情况,做了相应的修改和完善。

    Asian countries and regions fully absorb the experience of the American REITs in the fields of the assets , management , distribution , revenue and so on , instituting the establishing condition of the REITs products which similar to that of America , making some corresponding modification and perfection .

  28. 回顾了道路收费技术的发展历程,详细介绍了基于VPS技术的新一代道路收费系统的技术原理,及其在发达国家和地区的应用现状;

    With a review on the development of the road toll collection technology , this paper discusses in detail about the technical mechanism of the new-generation toll collection system based on Vehicle Positioning System ( VPS ) and its application in the developed countries and areas .

  29. 发现高油价下,市场化国家和地区炼油毛利基本是增加的;

    In highly market-economic courtiers , refining margin is basically increase .

  30. 对于实体性上市条件,不同国家和地区创业板市场的标准不同。

    Substantiality listing standard is different depending on countries and regions .