
ɡuó wù yuàn zhí shǔ jī ɡòu
  • Institutions directly under the State Council;Agencies Directly under the State Council
  1. 国务院直属机构主管国务院的某项专门业务,具有独立的行政管理职能。

    Certain specialized work of the State Council shall be under the charge of the agencies affiliated with the State Council , which have independent administrative functions .

  2. 在监管框架的构建上,国务院可以设立宏观审慎监管委员会,其地位为国务院直属正部级特设机构,履行相应的职责。

    On building of the regulatory framework , the State Council need to set up a macro-prudential committee , which position is ministerial level , directly under the State Council , carrying out corresponding duties and specific tasks .