
  • 网络writing features
  1. 周立波新闻作品的写作特色

    The Writing Features of Journalistic Works by Zhou Libo

  2. 新时期报告文学的女性写作特色

    The Female Writing Features in New Time Reportage

  3. 反讽是简·奥斯汀著作的最主要的写作特色和基调。

    And irony becomes characteristic of Jane Austen and her literature works .

  4. 第四章分析了小说自然主义写作特色。

    Chapter Four focuses on the naturalistic writing techniques of art employed in the novel .

  5. 这三种创作原则与文本紧密结合从三个层次上形成了小说的写作特色。

    These principles combine closely with the novel and form the writing characteristic from three levels .

  6. 有感于港台三大武侠小说家&兼评通俗小说的写作特色

    REFLECTIONS TO THE 3 GREAT FIGHTING NOVELISTS IN HONG KUNG AND TAI WAN & Comments on the Writing Features of Common Novels

  7. 作为一位举世闻名的美国戏剧家,尤金·奥尼尔(1888&1953)为我们留下了五十多部作品,体现在其作品中的悲剧意识、表现主义、象征主义、自然主义、文化阐释、写作特色和意识流等已经引起了广泛关注。

    As a distinguished American playwright , Eugene O ' Neill ( 1888-1953 ) has left behind him more than 50 works .

  8. 写作特色方面,主要从小说的线索、结构、人物描写、事件描写等方面考察了它的独特性。

    The writing characteristic mainly inspects the novel clue , the novel structure , the description of characters and events and so on .

  9. 本文分析了卡森的写作特色,探讨了卡森的深层生态学思想,以及她的生态哲学观对世界环境运动的影响。

    This article analyses the characteristics of carson 's writing , discusses her deep ecological consciousness , and the great influence of her environmental thinking .

  10. 自然主义承接了现实主义的写作特色同时又有所发展,它又为文学现代主义做了铺垫。

    Naturalism has carried on and developed the writing features of realism , and at the same time it has helped lay the foundation of literary modernism .

  11. 本文分为如下五章:第一章引言部分首先介绍德拉布尔及其文学成就,然后是对其写作特色进行简述,最后是国内外对德拉布尔研究和评论的全面介绍。

    The thesis can be divided into five chapters : Chapter one is an introduction to Margaret Drabble , her literary achievement , writing features and the literature review .

  12. 目前关于《寒夜》的研究主要集中在对作品的主题和写作特色等方面,而从文本本身变化来研究的却很少。

    At present about the " cold " studies mainly focus on the work of the theme and the writing characteristics , from the text itself changes to study is less .

  13. 本文通过对杜拉斯小说的整体风貌的宏观把握和文本世界的微观分析,尝试探讨杜拉斯小说的写作特色及其对女性写作的贡献。

    In this thesis , the author presents her personal global understanding of Duras 's styles and features as well as a micro-analysis of her textual world , and intends to approach her characteristics of novel writing and contribution to female writing .

  14. 同时文章具有一定的写作特色,国内目前对于中小城市新区的规划的相关论文资料非常少,没有一套合理科学的理论做支撑。

    At the same time , the article has a certain writing features . So far , small and medium-sized cities at home to related new district planning papers were very small , there is no a set of reasonable scientific theory for support .

  15. 编者按的写作及语言特色但是发表的社论太少也会影响社论重要性的发挥。

    The Writing of Editorial Notes and Their Language Features But the poor editorial will have impact on the latter .

  16. 以陈染的长篇小说《私人生活》为例来看当代女性写作的某些特色,如关注的内容、对女性主义理论阐释和理解的深度以及对当下女性生存状况的思考等等。

    This paper attempts to offer some characteristics of women writers ' writings based on Chen Ran 's Novel Private Life such as the contents , definitions and understandings , and women 's living state .

  17. 首先,阐述了本文的选题背景,生活德育论在国内外的研究现状及本文的写作思路与特色之处。

    First of all , it will briefly introduce the background of the topic-picking , the research status of life morality at home and abroad as well as the writing clues and distinguishing features of the article .

  18. 本文以《ADay'sWait》为例,剖析了海明威的写作风格及语言特色。

    This paper , through a study of A Day 's Wait , analyzes Hemingway 's writing style and his linguistic traits as well .

  19. 内容包括作者卡罗尔简介,以及小说主要内容和写作背景、小说特色尤其是幽默语言的简介。

    It includes the introduction of the author Carroll , the content and background of the novel , the characteristics and its humor language .

  20. 同时,论文还研究了宋代轶事小说的撰述思想、写作体例和写作特色。

    At the same time , the paper concentrates on writing thoughts , writing styles and writing characters of anecdote novels of the Song Dynasty .

  21. 第五部分是总结,归纳本篇论文的写作意义,提出本文的写作特色,找出本文写作中存在的不足以及对该研究领域前景的展望。

    The fifth part is the summary , summarized this paper writing significance , put forward in this paper , the writing features , find out the shortcomings in the course of writing this article and the outlook for the areas of study .

  22. 虽然女作家们在报告文学创作中并不刻意彰显“女性写作”的色彩,但她们的作品还是呈现出比较鲜明的女性写作的特色。

    Although female writers do not deliberately show the tinge of " female writing ", their works do display very apparent female writing features .