
xiě zuò jì qiǎo
  • Writing Skills;writing technique;art of writing
  1. 老师应当指导学生们更好地掌握写作技巧。

    Teachers should guide students toward a better mastery of the art of writing .

  2. 写作的艺术是比写作艺术的本身或写作技巧的艺术更广泛的。

    The art of writing is very much broader than the art of writing itself , or of the writing technique .

  3. 这本书笔调忧伤,却并不令人沮丧,这很能说明布鲁克纳超群的写作技巧。

    It says much for Brookner 's skill that the book is sad , but never depressing .

  4. 钱德勒先生竟然以如此不被看好的素材写出了一本引人入胜的书,这充分证明了他的写作技巧。

    It is a tribute to Mr Chandler 's skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material .

  5. 良好的写作技巧将有助于我们提高成绩,并有利于我们以后的生活。

    Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life .

  6. 但是,通过几个简单的步骤,我们可以提高写作技巧,学习如何写更好的文章。

    But with a few simple steps , we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles .

  7. 莉莲.赫尔曼的巨作以富有洞察力和写作技巧著称。

    Lillian Hellman 's plays are marked by insight and finesse .

  8. 针对CET-4作文评分原则提高写作技巧

    Improving Writing Skills by Analyzing the Grading Standard of CET-4

  9. 作文的质量与所使用的元话语的类型以及元话语的使用量是否适度有关。TEM4作文写作技巧初探

    Writing quality is correlated with the types of meta-discourse and the appropriateness of the use . First Exploration of Composition Writing Techniques on TEM4

  10. 大学英语四、六级短文写作技巧谈

    Types and Methods of Passage Writing in CET Band-4 / 6

  11. 申请书写作技巧信用证欺诈研究

    Application Essay Writing Tips On the Fraud of Letter of Credit

  12. 凯默的排版技术和写作技巧并不坏。

    Keimer was not bad at composing , or at writing .

  13. 这种写作技巧充分体现了复调小说理论强调的主人公思想意识的主体性特征。

    This writing technique embodies the subjectivity in a polyphonic novel .

  14. 同时,写作技巧训练也是必不可少的。

    And lastly , the practice of writing skills is necessary .

  15. 略论劳森短篇小说的主题及写作技巧

    On the Themes & Writing Techniques of Lawson 's Short Stories

  16. 坦白说,甚至连写作技巧都是失败的。

    Frankly , it even fails as an exercise in craft .

  17. 你确定你的写作技巧比较好?

    Are you sure it 's considered to be good writing ?

  18. 大多评论关注的焦点都是其后现代的写作技巧,但至今为止,对其进行全面研究的并不多。

    However , most concern is concentrated on his post-modern writing techniques .

  19. 在翻译的过程中,要模仿她的写作技巧。

    During translation , he should imitate her writing skills .

  20. 对联的公关功能和写作技巧

    Antithetical couplets 's role in public relations and its ' writing techniques

  21. 摘要在科技论文中的重要性及写作技巧

    The importance and writing skills of abstracts in scientific papers

  22. 他模仿那些著名作家的写作技巧。

    He models those famous writers on their writing skills .

  23. 这种写作技巧有助于揭示作品的多层面主题。

    Symbolism , a writing technique , helps unfold the many-faceted themes .

  24. 同时他们也在使用他们正常的书面表达写作技巧,

    which they 're using alongside their ordinary writing skills ,

  25. 本篇论文旨在研究小说中的这一奇幻的写作技巧。

    And this thesis is designed to study this fantastic writing skill .

  26. 改善你的商业字汇和必备的写作技巧。

    Improve your business vocabulary and learn essential writing skills in English .

  27. 坚持写英语日记可以改善你的写作技巧。

    Keeping an English diary can improve your_writing_ ( write ) skills .

  28. 她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。

    She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills .

  29. 这本书最出彩的地方还是科茨卓越的写作技巧。

    What makes this book stand out is Coates " great writing .

  30. 令人遗憾的是,很多学生在离校时没有掌握扎实的写作技巧。

    It 's sad how many students leave college lacking solid writing ability .