
  1. 同时,李大光也认为科普作品列入国家科技奖也会促进出版商把更多资金投入这个领域。

    Li thinks the awards will prompt publishers to pour more money into the field as well .

  2. 本文着重从哲学解释学观点出发,运用传统文、道关系理论,对科普作品的文、道关系做出了粗略的分析与界说。

    With philosophical interpretation , this ( paper ) applies the traditional theory of literature and law to popular science texts .

  3. 介绍了全国地震科普作品评比结果概况。

    This paper gives a brief account of results of the Contest and Assessment of Na - tional Popular Science Works on Seismology .

  4. 全国群测群防地震会议暨全国地震科普作品评比结果概况汇编

    A compilation of general accounts of the China National Seismological Conference on mass observation and preparedness and results of the contest and assessment of national popular science works on seismology

  5. 科普作品首次列入了中国一年一度的国家科技奖中,这表明决策者对这个领域给予了更高的重视。

    Science popularisation has been recognised for the first time in China 's annual national science awards , reflecting a recent increase in the importance policymakers attach to the field .

  6. 科普写作的精髓是创新,创新才能赋予科普作品的生命力。

    The marrow of popular science writing lies in innovation , which could endow the words with vitality .

  7. 本文通过对一悬棺葬考古学学术专著与考古科普读物的版权侵权纠纷的个案分析,提出了学术作品的版权法保护范围及科普作品对学术专著的合理使用的界定。

    The writing , by analyzing the case study of the intellectual property rights piracy of archeological academic works and common scientific readings , puts forward the protection range of intellectual property rights law and the definition of the rational use of academic works in common scientific readings .