
  • 网络CORDOBA;Córdoba;cordova;Cordovan;SHELL CORDOVAN
  1. 929年的今天,科尔多瓦埃米尔阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼三世建立科尔多瓦哈里发国。

    929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba .

  2. 这一点我们在宗教法庭时期安达鲁西亚和科尔多瓦的历史上看得很清楚。

    We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition .

  3. 墨西哥卫生部长科尔多瓦(JoseAngelCordova)说,疫情的发展目前正处于消退阶段。

    ' The evolution of the epidemic is now on its descending phase , 'said Jose Angel Cordova , Mexico 's health minister .

  4. 科尔多瓦皮革,高级皮革:最初用山羊皮制成的好皮子,现多用剖开的马皮。

    Cordovan : a fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide .

  5. 第一次伟大的摩尔文化繁荣发生在新首都城市科尔多瓦城。

    The first great flowering of Moorish culture took place in the new capital city of Cordoba .

  6. 西班牙南部城市科尔多瓦一年一度的春季庭院节迎来百年庆典。

    The annual spring patio festival in the southern Spanish city of C ó rdoba is celebrating its centenary .

  7. 他偶尔用了新闻照片的时间主要在杂志,电影一科尔多瓦和画室。

    He sporadically devotes time to photo journalism , mainly in the magazines , Film a doba and Ateli é r.

  8. 穆斯林信徒们在西班牙的科尔多瓦,托莱多,尤其是格拉纳达的阿罕布拉建造了许多这种形式的花园。

    The Moors in Spain buit such gardens at Cordoba , Toledo , and especially at the Alhambra in Granada .

  9. 花生主要分布在科尔多瓦省,占全国总种植面积的96.3%。

    Argentina peanut is mainly distributed in Cordoba province , where the crop covers 97.3 % of total national peanut area .

  10. 比亚雷马斯拥有5000名居民,是科尔多瓦省的旅游城市,坐落在在布宜诺斯艾利斯西北方向750公里(466英里)处。

    Home to 5000 inhabitants , Bialet Masse is a tourist destination in Cordoba Province , 750 kilometers ( 466 miles ) northwest of Buenos Aires .

  11. 在9世纪,西班牙科尔多瓦学校里的学者和开罗、巴格达、布哈拉、撒马尔罕的学者保持通信联系。

    In the ninth century learned men in the schools of Cordoba in Spain were corresponding with learned men in Cairo , Bagdad , Bokhara and Samarkand .

  12. 墨西哥的卫生部长何塞科尔多瓦,他推出了一项新的2月25日健康运动,对此表示同意,他说:“我们必须制止住肥胖问题。”

    Mexican Health Secretary Jose Cordova , who launched a new health campaign Feb.25 , agrees : " We have to put the brakes on this obesity problem . "

  13. 墨西哥卫生部长何塞天使科尔多瓦说,虽然一些怀疑死亡已经略有上升,形势是“比较稳定”。

    Mexico 's Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova has said that although the number of suspected fatalities has risen slightly , the situation is " more or less stable " .

  14. 主导该项研究的西班牙科尔多瓦大学医学院的戴安娜·瓦蒙德教授说,其他研究也表明,高强度的体育锻炼对男性和女性的生育能力都会造成负面影响。

    Study leader Professor Diana Vaamonde , from University of Cordoba Medical School in Spain said other studies had shown very high levels of exercise affected fertility in both men and women .

  15. 中世纪西班牙的都城科尔多瓦是后倭马亚王朝的统治中心,更是著名的三种信仰共存之地。文化渗透、改宗、混合婚姻是9世纪科尔多瓦社会的三大现象。

    As the governing center of Umayyad in medieval Spain , Cordoba isa land of three religions , and the three phenomena of acculturation , conversion and interfaith marriage defined it in the ninth century .

  16. 本站赛事总部位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯北面的卡洛斯帕兹山庄,这是一个位于壮观的圣罗克湖湖畔的城镇,该湖泊则位于科尔多瓦城西面的布涅拉峡谷。

    Based in Villa Carlos Paz north of the capital Buenos Aires , the town lies on the banks of the spectacular San Roque Lake in the south of the Punilla Valley west of the city of Cordoba .

  17. “一条穿过马下颚的绳子或皮带,与马衔铁连接用来控制马.”科尔多瓦皮革,高级皮革:最初用山羊皮制成的好皮子,现多用剖开的马皮。

    A chain or strap that passes under a horse 's lower jaw and serves in conjunction with the bit to restrain the horse . Cordovan : a fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide .