
  • 网络Xin Dynasty;SICAO
  1. 遗民特指在改朝换代之际衍生出来的一个不仕新朝的特殊士人群体。

    Loyalists in particular refer to a special group of people derived from a new Bushi during the changes of dynasties .

  2. 谢晦虽能顺应潮流,佐命新朝,但终被视为异己。

    Xie Hui could go with the stream and assist the new ruler , but he was still regarded as a dissident .

  3. 汉自高祖刘邦建国,历经十四代230余年(其中包括王莽的新朝>。

    The Western Han Dynasty lasted more than 230 years over 14 generations , including the Xin Dynasty founded by Wang Mang .

  4. 刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。

    Liu Xin was a member of the royal family in Western Han , and an important official in Wang Mang 's new court .

  5. 他们眷恋故国,心怀恢复理想,对新朝采取敌视和不合作态度。

    Antagonistic and not ready to cooperate , they are sentimentally attached to their lost Dynasty and cherish the desire of recovering their dynasty .

  6. 在废兴之际的大背景下,遗民是指在改朝换代之际出现的一批不仕新朝的特殊士人阶层。

    In the the occasion of the background , Dynasty refers to the change of sovereignty emerged in a number of special new class scholars .

  7. 公元前6年,王莽篡位,3年后建立新朝。

    In 6 B. C. , Wang Mang , a nephew of the empress of Emperor Yuandi , usurped the throne and three years later founded the Xin Dynasty .

  8. 公元8世纪,王莽——皇后的亲戚之一,废黜了孺子婴并称自己是新朝(公元8世纪至25世纪)的皇帝。

    In 8 AD Wang Mang , one of the empress 's relatives , deposed Ruzi Ying and proclaimed himself emperor of the Xin Dynasty ( 8 ---- 25 A.D. ) .

  9. 这一时期多是歌颂新朝和献计献策的文章,表现了文人对于新王朝的拥护和参政的热情。

    This period is more than North Korea and sing the praises of the new ideas of the article , the performance of a new dynasty literati support and enthusiasm in politics .

  10. 明遗民,是指活跃在明清之际,不与新朝合作,通过各种方式表达缅怀旧明思绪的士大夫群体。

    Ming Dynasty is active in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , not with the new country through a variety of ways to express thoughts cherish the memory of the old Ming scholar-officials group .

  11. 此后,其家族人物皆能依附新朝,追逐功名,与世浮沉,以保持其家族之荣显。

    The key figure in the clan 's prosperity was Liu Yuanjing , whose descendants were all able to serve new rulers to pursue fame and interest so as to maintain the prosperity of the clan .

  12. 施闰章既仕新朝,心态复杂,感激而恐惧,应仕而慕隐。

    Shi Run Zhang Already Serve as an official at the beginning of QING dynasty , the point of view is complex , the gratitude and the fear , serving as an official and admiring Recluse .

  13. 王莽篡权建立新朝虽然只有14年的时间,但这并非是一个简单的历史插曲,东西汉因此而大不相同。

    The Xin Dynasty lasted only 14 years after Wang Mang usurped the throne , but it was more than a short interlude , and the Western Han and the Eastern Han were completely different because of it .

  14. 王氏家族的崛起和篡位:新朝的创立者王莽是利用西汉末年政治腐败,通过外戚专政来夺取皇位的。

    Chinese historians call this period as the Eastern Han . The rise and reign of the Wang Clan : Avdling himself of the political corrup-tion in the later years of the Western Han , Wang Mang , the founder of the Xin Dynasty , usurped the throne through consort clans monopolizing power .

  15. 这项新法律是朝平等迈进的一步。

    The new law is a move towards equality .

  16. 摘要韩国卢武铉政府执政后,出台了新的对朝政策即“和平繁荣政策”。

    After Roh mu-hyun takes office in the rok , he adopts the new " policy of peace and prosperity " .

  17. 旁白:正在伦敦经济学院教学的哈耶克担心凯恩斯勇敢的新世界是朝着错误方向迈出的一大步。

    NARRATOR : Now teaching at the London School of Economics , Hayek feared that Keynes 's brave new world was a big step in the wrong direction .

  18. 随着世界化纤工业在制造能力、技术设备、品种开发及产品质量方面的不断进步,进入21世纪,新合纤正朝着大容量、超极细的方向发展。

    Entering the 21st century , with the constant progress of the worldwide chemical fiber industry on manufacturing capacity , technical equipment , variety development and product quality , the new synthetic fibers are moving to the direction of large-capacity and ultra-fine .

  19. 这些联合会警告称,国际市场出现了严重的信任危机。它们呼吁欧洲对重建信任作出持之以恒的贡献,其中包括达成一份新条约,朝建立一个更紧密的政治经济联盟迈进一步。

    The organisations warned of the deep crisis of confidence on international markets , and called for Europe to make a sustained contribution to restoring trust , including a new treaty as a step forward towards a closer political and economic union .

  20. 这个新的门户是朝这个方向迈出的新的一步。

    This new portal is one further step in that direction .

  21. 她猛可里操起本厚厚的新话词典,朝电幕扔了过去。

    And suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen .

  22. 圆明园新证&乾隆朝圆明园全图的发现与研究

    New Evidence about Yuanming Yuan : The Discovery and Study of a Complete Map of the Garden Palace Complex from the Qianlong Period

  23. 信息经济学在未来新世纪,将朝着信息网络的经济学研究、电子商务及其对策研究、信息市场及其国际化研究等十个方向发展。

    Information economics tends to develop in ten aspects : study of information network , electronic business , information market and its internationalization , etc.

  24. 在一些实验室和工业试验的基础上,用可持续产品新概念,已经朝前迈进了一大步。

    Based on a number of lab and industrial trials with a new sustainable product concept , a big step forwards has been achieved .

  25. 交融与图新&魏晋南北朝时期的佛教在陶瓷艺术设计中的投影

    The combination and innovation reflection of Ceramic Arts Crafts design from the Buddhism in the period of the Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasty

  26. 这一事态是两国关系改善的最新迹象,韩朝在最近举行了两年多来首次双边谈判。

    The development is the latest indication of improving relations between the two nations , which recently held their first bilateral negotiations in more than two years .

  27. 信息化的飞速发展推动存储系统在规模、体系结构等方面都出现了新的改变,朝着大规模、复杂化的方向演化。

    So many new changes appear in terms of size and architecture of storage system , led by the rapid development of information technologies , evolving towards large-scale , complex direction .

  28. 坚挺的欧元对金融贸易家来说是好彩头,赌徒们却要小心从事了&数学家说新的硬币正面朝上的机会大于反面。

    The strengthening euro might be a good bet for financial traders , but gamblers should be wary of chancing their luck & mathematicians say the new coins favor heads over tails .

  29. 如今,第二代移动通信技术已无法满足日益增长的用户和业务需求,所以必须紧追世界最新发展潮流,朝着移动化,宽带化,智能化(多媒体)的方向发展。

    Now , the second generation of mobile communication technology has failed to meet the growing users and business requirements , so must be followed up the world newest development trend , be toward to the mobile , broadband , intelligent ( multimedia ) direction .

  30. 指出非传统安全问题日趋严峻,分析了非传统安全被纳入到中国新安全内涵之中,并推动中国新安全观朝着“综合安全”、“以人为本”、“合作安全”之新安全观方向转型。

    Points out the even worse non-traditional security problem . Analyses that non-traditional security is admitted into the Chinese new security contents , and it promotes Chinese security concepts to transform toward the new security concepts : comprehensive security , human basic and cooperation security .