
  • 网络Toledo;Toledo,OH
  1. 当然。在俄亥俄州托莱多汽车行业工作了34年之久的JohnMorris被解雇了,不得不到萧瑟的就业市场中谋求生路。

    After 34 years working in Toledo Ohio 's automotive industry , John Morris was laid off , and left to fend for himself in a bleak job market . '

  2. 该公司的总裁和CEOXunmingDeng相信,托莱多非常适合自己的公司发展,有一部分是因为可以找到像JohnMorris这样的技术工人。“有一些

    The company 's president and CEO Xunming Deng believes Toledo is a good place to grow his company , in part because of the availability of skilled factory workers like John Morris . '

  3. 该艺术作品覆盖上一个保护膜并送往西班牙的托莱多(Toledo),埃尔格列柯在这里创作了这幅画。

    The artwork is to be put in a protective cover and sent to Toledo , Spain , the place where El Greco painted it .

  4. 而那些人却在托莱多身上看到了新的希望。

    Many of those voters found a new hope in Toledo .

  5. 解读盖里的设计&托莱多大学视觉艺术中心

    Formative Analysis of the New Art Building in the University of Toledo

  6. 我在俄亥俄州的托莱多给您打电话呢。

    I 'm on the phone in toledo , ohio .

  7. 帕特住在美国俄亥俄州港口城市托莱多一个居民住宅区的一所平房。

    Pat lives in a bungalow in a residential neighborhood in Toledo , Ohio .

  8. 如果球棒在路上,但是你在托莱多。

    If the bat 's on its way , but you 're in toiedo .

  9. 约克和托莱多是地名。

    York and Toledo are place names .

  10. 这次袭击发生在俄亥俄州的托莱多,发生在新年的早上。

    This drive-through attack . It happened in Toledo , Ohio , New year 's morning .

  11. 但是不仅仅是在托莱多,全国各地绿领行业都如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

    But it 's not just Toledo , green-collar jobs are sprouting up across the country .

  12. 托莱多以前是罗马天主教徒和西班牙穆斯林摩尔人共同的圣城。

    Toledo was a holy city for both the Roman Catholics and the Muslim Moors of Spain .

  13. 你考虑过那个托莱多新商场的开幕式了么?

    Did you , uh , find out about that , uh , mall opening in toledo ?

  14. 它与中世纪时代西班牙的一个重要的宗教中心城市托莱多有关。

    It refers to the city of Toledo , Spain , an important religious center in medieval times .

  15. 至少目前俄亥俄州托莱多的水可以安全饮用。

    It 's apparently safe to drink the water in Toledo , Ohio again at least for now .

  16. 与历史对话&西班牙托莱多市档案馆与圣马可文化中心

    Conversation with history : review on municipal archive of Toledo and temple of San Marcos cultural centre , Spain

  17. 在Xunlight之前,托莱多已经是美国最大的太阳能面板制造商的基地。

    Before Xunlight , Toledo was already home to First Solar , the nation 's largest solar panel maker .

  18. 圆盾剑士皆轻甲简盔,装备金属圆盾和锋利托莱多双刃长剑。

    Superior swordsmen wearing light armour and an open helmet , and armed with a double-edged sword and buckler .

  19. 穆斯林信徒们在西班牙的科尔多瓦,托莱多,尤其是格拉纳达的阿罕布拉建造了许多这种形式的花园。

    The Moors in Spain buit such gardens at Cordoba , Toledo , and especially at the Alhambra in Granada .

  20. 但是一项重大的工程成就,他的同事、托莱多大学的地质学家詹姆斯·哈勒尔说道。

    but it is a major engineering achievement , " said his colleague , geologist James Harrell of the University of Toledo .

  21. 这是一个种族主义很严重的国家,“托莱多在竞选运动的最后一站古印加帝国的首都库斯科说道:”就算最杰出的领导层也很难接受像我这样的人来统治这个国家。

    " This is a very racist society ," Toledo said during his final campaign stop in the highlands city of Cuzco .

  22. 密歇根州历史上曾经有过这样的先例它用托莱多市与俄亥俄州交换了上半岛。

    Michigan has a historical precedent for this - it traded the city of Toledo to Ohio in exchange for the upper peninsula .

  23. 赤潮现象在伊利湖非常常见,该湖距离克利夫兰市以西约1小时的路程,为托莱多市大部分地区供应水源。

    Algal blooms are fairly common on Lake Erie which supplies most of the water for Toledo , an hour west of Cleveland .

  24. 今年7月,60岁的帕梅拉·诺克斯在一条繁忙的俄亥俄州托莱多市街道上行驶时跌入近20英尺的深坑。

    In July , 60-year-old Pamela Knox plummeted into a nearly 20-foot sinkhole , while driving on a busy Toledo , Ohio street .

  25. 托莱多大学的研究人员在报告中曾提到过一个44岁的女性,该女性在熟睡时还能写电子邮件。

    Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman , 44 , who would compose emails while sound asleep .

  26. 如果这些条件没有得到满足,从托莱多到东京的民粹主义政治人物就会施加压力一每个人都会因此变得更穷。

    If those conditions are not met , populist politicians from Toledo to Tokyo will clamp down-and everyone will be poorer for it .

  27. 周末时伊利湖爆发藻类污染,造成托莱多市约40万人受到了影响。

    The city of some 400000 people was put in place over the weekend due to an algae-induced toxin contamination in Lake Erie .

  28. 2011年3月,中国投资者斥资215万美元买下俄亥俄州托莱多市莫米河上的餐饮中心。

    In March 2011 , Chinese investors paid $ 2.15 million cash for a restaurant complex on the Maumee River in Toledo , Ohio .

  29. 因为当你想去拉斯维加斯的时候,你绝不会因为托莱多的票价是拉斯维加斯票价的一半儿而改去托莱多。

    You wouldn 't take a bus to Toledo when you want a trip to Vegas because a Toledo ticket was half the cost .

  30. 由于伊利湖的藻类含有高毒素,俄亥俄州托莱多市仍有50万民众没有饮用水。

    About a half million people in Toledo , Ohio are still without drinking water due to high toxin levels from algae on Lake Erie .