
  • Thor;Torr;Tor
  1. A.如果仅仅是看垂直落差的话,加拿大的托尔峰排名第一,它的样子大概是这样的:

    A. THE LARGEST PURELY VERTICAL drop onEarth is the face of Canada 's Mount Thor , which is shaped like this :

  2. 最近的一篇人物专访称,托尔•比约戈夫森(ThorBjorgolfsson)穿着“有型的西装”,并且定期锻炼,“因为它教人自律,并把人推向极限”。

    Thor Bj ö rgolfsson wears " sculpted suits " and works out regularly , according to a recent profile " because it teaches self-discipline and pushes one to the limit . "

  3. 托尔兄弟公司(TollBrothers)是一家行业领先的豪宅承建商,该公司2013年销售的4184套定制豪宅中全部都带有餐厅。

    Toll Brothers , a leading luxury-home builder , sold 4,184 custom-built houses in 2013 & all with dining rooms .

  4. NPR新闻,斯科特·戴克托尔萨克拉门托报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Scott Dectroll in Sacramento .

  5. 现在,苹果公司正远离福斯托尔和乔布斯定义的iOS风格。

    Now , Apple is running away from the Forstall and Jobs style that defined iOS .

  6. 你懂的吧,托尔,“雷神”啊。(其实是索尔Thor)

    You know , Tor , the God of " Tunder . "

  7. 租客尼娜-托尔哈格告诉英国广播公司(BBC)的记者,房东已经告诉她,在两个星期内搬离。

    One tenant Ninna Thorhuge told the BBC she had been given just two weeks notice by her landlord that she had to move out .

  8. 接近贝恩资本(BainCapital)的一位消息人士这样对我评价戴维•托尔。托尔日前表示,总部位于波士顿的贝恩资本将在下次募集大型收购基金时为投资者提供更高比例的利润。

    That 's what a source close to Bain Capital tells me about David Toll , who today reported that the Boston-based firm would offer investors a greater share of the profits on its next mega-buyout fund .

  9. 刘慈欣本次获奖的作品是《三体》三部曲中的第一部,其英译本去年由托尔图书出版社(TorBooks)出版。

    The award is for " The Three-Body Problem , " which was published in English last year by Tor Books and is the first volume of a trilogy that has been a major best seller in China .

  10. 曾亲手打造出包括ETrade“说话的宝宝”在内的众多知名活动的广告公司高管托尔•迈伦(TorMyhren)称,他就使用了“大量创造性的刺激、紧接着是完全封闭式独处”的方式来激活思维。

    Tor Myhren , an ad executive credited with many successful campaigns including the ETrade talking baby , says he uses ' massive creative stimulus followed by total solitary confinement ' to start ideas flowing .

  11. 托尔女士称:我丈夫不止一次向我表达了谢意。现在48岁的托尔女士居住在加利福尼亚州的福尔瑟姆(Folsom),她是一位州预算分析员。

    ' He thanked and thanked me , ' says Ms. Tuel , 48 , who lives in Folsom , Calif. , and is a state budget analyst .

  12. 如今的卡普托尔包括上城东侧,这座城市最著名的建筑、1880年地震后重修的圣母升天大教堂(CathedraloftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary)就在这里,有福的枢机主教阿罗杰兹·斯坦皮纳茨(CardinalAlojzijeStepinac)的陵墓也在这里。

    Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .

  13. 维尔京群岛是归功于其丰富的造船传统,从中托尔托拉船-加勒比sloops之间独特的-进化而来的。

    The Virgin Islands are credited for their rich boatbuilding tradition , from which the Tortola Boat unique among Caribbean sloops evolved .

  14. 对于平行流的托尔明&施里希廷(Tollmien-Schlichting,T-S)波的线性稳定性,采用谱方法求解平面Poiseuille流的Orr-Sommerfeld方程(OSE),得到了精确的临界雷诺数;

    Expansions in orthogonal functions is used to solve the Orr-Sommerfeld equation ( OSE ) in studies of the linear stability of parallel flow . For the plane Poiseuille flow the critical Reynold number is given accurately .

  15. 该书由刘宇昆翻译,他同样是一位获奖科幻小说作家,现居美国(两人没有亲属关系)。目前被译为英文的中文科幻小说非常少见,本书将于周二由托尔图书出版社(TorBooks)在美国发行。

    Translated by Ken Liu , an award-winning science-fiction writer in his own right who is based in the United States ( the men are not related ) , it is one of the few Chinese science-fiction novels to be translated into English . It will be released in the United States on Tuesday by Tor Books .

  16. 钢铁侠,雷神托尔,绿巨人,美国船长和蜘蛛侠等等都让人啧啧称奇。

    Iron-man , Thor , Hulk , Captain America and Spiderman .

  17. 绿巨人和托尔在4层研发层

    We have the Hulk and Thor on Research Level 4 .

  18. 托尔,你得去想办法堵上传送门

    Thor , you got to try and bottleneck that portal .

  19. 他们来到科斯托尔山旁,他赶着马。

    They came to corstal hill , and he walked the horse .

  20. 乐托尔治疗轮状病毒肠炎72例疗效观察

    Observation on Effects of Lacteol Fort on 72 Cases with Rotavirus Enteritis

  21. 托尔在6大街跟一支飞行队干起来了

    Thor is taking on a squadron down on Sixth .

  22. 托尔说得对,我们得先对付这些怪物

    Thor 's right . We got to deal with these guys .

  23. 许多人认为我是托尔。

    A lot of people think me as a Thor .

  24. 年轻就是冲动,托尔,可是这两个都是好孩子!

    Youth is hotheaded , torr , but these two are good boys !

  25. 是我托尔奥丁之子

    It is I. Thor , son of Odin !

  26. 该海盗船长15米(50英尺),根据挪威神话中的雷神托尔命名。

    The15-metre ( 50-foot ) long ship , named after the Norse god Thor .

  27. 以接下来的一幕中赫克托尔吃了含有寄生虫的变质香肠为例。

    Consider an upcoming episode in which Hector eats bad sausage containing parasitic worms .

  28. 根据我们的情报,托尔不是敌人

    Our intelligence says Thor is not a hostile

  29. 听差点蜡烛时,托尔讲述了消息的内容。

    While a footman lighted a candle , Toll told the drift of the news .

  30. 洛基达成了协议,答应他也会带一份很特别的礼物给托尔。

    Loki sealed the deal by promising to bring Thor a very special present too .