
  • 网络The Republic Of Venice;venetian republic
  1. 16世纪时的威尼斯共和国与奥斯曼帝国的关系就是一例。

    Consider , for example , the Republic of Venice in its relations with the Ottomans in the 16th century .

  2. 这贝壳比威尼斯共和国送给佛朗索瓦一世的那些美丽贝壳还要大得多,

    so it was even bigger than those fine giant clams given to King Franois I by the Republic of Venice .

  3. 狮子是古威尼斯共和国的标志。

    The lion is the symbol of the ancient Venice Republic .

  4. 威尼斯共和国就此灭亡。

    The Venetian Republic was no more .

  5. 财富被认为是给威尼斯共和国而非给个人增光添彩的,不论其地位或成就如何。

    Riches were supposed to be used to glorify the Republic , not Venetian individuals , whatever their standing or achievements .

  6. 热那亚与威尼斯共和国交战多年,并于1381年在基奥贾战役中遭受毁灭性打击,热那亚实际上已经破产。

    After years of war with Venice and a crushing defeat at the battle of Chioggia in 1381 , the state was effectively bankrupt .

  7. 这个小小的威尼斯共和国不再是一个贸易强国了,它已经发现了一个无穷无尽的新财源&旅游业。

    No longer a great mercantile power , the tiny republic of Venice had discovered a new and endless source of finance & the tourist trade .

  8. 在这高墙壁垒之内,威尼斯共和国在这里建造并维修自己的大型帆船,这些船供威尼斯海军和大部分商队使用。

    Here , hidden behind fortified walls , the republic built and maintained its 9 ) galleons , the ships that made up its navy and much of its commercial fleet .