
  • 网络William III;King William III;William III of England;Friedrich Wilhelm III
  1. 战役;战斗国王威廉三世在博因河战役中的胜利

    the victory of King William III at the Battle of the Boyne .

  2. 这幅巨大的油画上,一只公牛和几只老虎激烈地扭打,这件作品原本是送给荷兰国王威廉三世的礼物。

    A bull and tigers tumble ferociously over each other in a large oil that was originally a gift to King William III of the Netherlands .

  3. 德霍夫受命创作出大量漫画,将威廉三世与法国国王和其盟友之间的这场战争描绘为自由与宗教专制之间的战斗。

    De Hooghe obliged with sprawling cartoons representing the wars against the French monarch and his allies as a battle between liberty and religious despotism .

  4. 威廉三世把他在荷兰的王位传给他女儿,而把在卢森堡的王位(那时侯限制男后嗣)传给他的远房表妹。

    William III left the Dutch throne to his daughter while Luxembourg ( at that time restricted to male heirs ) passed to a distant cousin .