
  • 网络new edition chart;New Edition;Out of Home;new dispensation
  1. 寻找新版图开辟新天地于是我停掉了栏目推出了OWN

    Find new territory , break new ground . So ended the show , and launched OWN .

  2. 虽然一直没有正式的宣布,但是具有规模庞大的诺森德将是未来魔兽世界新版图。

    There has been no official announcement , but based on the massive size of Northrend , it will be a future World of Warcraft Expansion .

  3. 英国新版护照的设计图周二(11月3日)发布,安全措施更严格,却立刻引发了一场性别歧视“口水战”。

    A new UK passport design was launched Tuesday with tougher security measures - but immediately sparked a sexism row .