
xīn huá tōnɡ xùn shè
  • Xinhua News Agency
  1. 新华通讯社香港分社妇女青年工作部处长邮电和通讯主管部门

    " Division Chief , Women and Youth Affairs Department , Xinhua News Agency ( Hong Kong Branch )"

  2. 官方新华通讯社说,国家税务总局局长谢旭人将接替金人庆。

    The official Xinhua news agency says Xie xuren , the director of the State Administration of taxation , will replace jin .

  3. 新华通讯社的办公室也严重受损。

    The offices of the Xinhua news agency were also severely damaged .

  4. 外交关系、通讯、家庭关系的断绝.外事部〔新华通讯社香港分社〕

    The severance of diplomatic relations , of communications , of family ties Foreign Affairs Department [ Xinhua News Agency ( Hong Kong Branch ) ]

  5. 我们从新华通讯社新闻语料库中随机抽取了300个包含中文姓名的句子作为测试样本。

    The testing sample , involving 300 sentences each of which contains at least one Chinese names , is extracted at random from the Xinhua News Corpus .

  6. 杨涛,23日,被发现犯有诈骗行为,被判处周五就由法院在东部江苏省,新华通讯社的报告。

    Yang Litao , 23 , was found guilty of fraud and sentenced on Friday by a court in eastern Jiangsu province , the Xinhua news agency reported .

  7. 据新华通讯社的报道称,此次画展的全部收入将捐献给一个慈善项目,用作大陆山区校舍的修建。

    Xinhua News Agency reports all the proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to a charity program that repairs school buildings in mountainous areas on the mainland .

  8. 新华通讯社(简称新华社)是中华人民共和国的国家通讯社,是中国最大的新闻信息采集和发布中心。

    Xinhua News Agency ( Xinhua ), the state news agency of the People'sRepublic of China , is a major news and information collecting and distribution center in China .

  9. 新华通讯社称,这次试验取得圆满成功,证明我国可重复使用航天器可提供更加便捷、廉价的太空往返方式。

    Xinhua News Agency said its mission was a complete success and proved that the spacecraft is able to offer space round-trip services more conveniently and affordably than existing approaches .

  10. 同时中央电视台,新华通讯社都在地震发生以后进行了及时的报道,并且发送大量的地震灾区的相关消息。

    Also , CCTV-the state TV media of China-and the Xinhua news agency both reported almost immediately after the quake happened , and have sent dozens of correspondents to the quake area .

  11. 中国官方的新华通讯社说,星期五的爆炸发生在中国西北的甘肃省民乐县,当地人民法院院长和县委一基层官员在爆炸中丧生。

    The explosion Friday in Minle County in the northwestern province of Gansu killed the president of the county court and a local Communist Party official , the official Xinhua News Agency said .

  12. 论坛执行主席、新华通讯社社长蔡名照表示,媒体在促进金砖国家的合作中发挥着重要作用,尤其是在人文交流方面。

    BRICS Media Forum Executive Chairman and Xinhua News Agency President Cai Mingzhao says media has an important role to play to promote cooperation - especially regarding people to people exchanges among BRICS countries .

  13. 8名群众从这堵墙边走过时,被这面超过两米高的围墙倒下掩埋。他们被救援队员救出后都已经死亡,中国国营新闻机构新华通讯社报道。

    Eight people who walked near the wall , more than two meters high , were buried by the debris and found dead after being pull out by rescuers , state-run Xinhua news agency reported .

  14. 本文主要运用文献研究和逻辑思辨等方法,通过对史实的梳理,研究1978-2008三十年间中国的新华通讯社和中国新闻社经营管理的演变轨迹。

    We use literature research and logical thinking to research the change of the management of Xinhua News Agency and China News Service in the 30 years between 1978 and 2008 , through the historical facts .

  15. 新华社对外国通讯社在华业务实施更为严格的限制,很可能为此付出相应的外交代价,欧洲方面的抗议就是初步征兆。

    The European protest was the first sign of the potential diplomatic cost of the moves by Xinhua to limit more closely the Chinese operations of international news agencies .