
  • 网络Islamic schools;madrasa;Madrassa;madrassas;Madrasah
  1. In父亲听说很多男孩被JuD安置,住进了伊斯兰学校。

    My father heard that many of the boys were taken in by the JuD and housed in their madrasas .

  2. 两所伊斯兰学校的学生有一部分是来自斯瓦特。

    Some of the students at the two madrasas were from Swat .

  3. 他在信上写到,如果我穿着罩袍回到巴基斯坦,并在伊斯兰学校就读,他们就会原谅我的所作所为。

    He wrote that they would forgive me if I came back to Pakistan , wore a burqa and went to a madrasa .

  4. 大概与塔利班开始在斯瓦特出没同时,红色清真寺旗下伊斯兰学校的女孩们开始对伊斯兰堡的街道造成威胁。

    Around the same time as our Taliban were emerging in Swat , the girls of the Red Mosque madrasa began terrorising the streets of Islamabad .

  5. 在巴基斯坦,伊斯兰学校算是福利制度的一种,因为它们会提供免费的食宿,但校内安排的教学并不按照一般的教育课程。

    Pakistan , madrasas are a kind of welfare system as they give free food and lodging , but their teaching does not follow a normal curriculum .

  6. 法兹鲁拉开始在伊满德里以红砖兴建一栋巨大的总部,完工时会有一所伊斯兰学校、一座清真寺、一堵高墙,和防止斯瓦特河泛滥的防洪堤。

    He began building a vast red-brick headquarters in Imam Deri complete with a madrasa , a mosque and walls and levees to protect it from the Swat River .

  7. 目前为止,人数最多的是巴拉维学派,这个名字取自19世纪在巴雷利的一所伊斯兰学校,巴雷利位于印度的北方邦。

    By far the biggest group is the Barelvis , who are named after a nineteenth-century madrasa in Bareilly , which lies in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh .

  8. 这座清真寺设有两所伊斯兰学校,一所是女校,另一所则是男校。长期以来,这两所学校都被用来招募、训练志愿者,远赴阿富汗与克什米尔地区作战。

    The mosque has two madrasas , one for girls and one for boys , which had been used for years to recruit and train volunteers to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir .

  9. 祖父送父亲去念公立学校,学英文,接受现代教育,而不是把他送去念伊斯兰学校。虽然有些人指责祖父,认为他身为毛拉,不应该这么做,祖父也毫不动摇。

    He sent my father to the government high school to learn English and receive a modern education rather than to a madrasa , even though as an imam people criticised him for this .

  10. 2006年10月底,他的兄弟毛拉.里阿卦连同三个儿子,在美军的无人飞机攻击巴焦尔的伊斯兰学校时,全部丧命。

    His brother Maulana Liaquat , along with three of Liaquat 's sons , were among those killed in an American drone attack on the madrasa in Bajaur at the end of October 2006 .

  11. 这所伊斯兰学校的校长名叫阿媚•哈桑,是阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹的妻子,她甚至吹嘘把自己手下的许多女孩都训练成了自杀式炸弹袭击者。

    The head of the madrasa was Umme Hassan , the wife of the elder brother , Abdul Aziz , and she even boasted that she had trained many of her girls to become suicide bombers .

  12. 接着是德奥班迪派,名称也来自一所19世纪在北方邦德奥班德小镇的伊斯兰学校,他们很保守,大多数宗教学校都是这个教派的。

    Then we have the Deobandi , named after another famous nineteenth-century madrasa in Uttar Pradesh , this time in the village of Deoband . They are very conservative and most of our madrasas are Deobandi .

  13. 这些女人来自我们国家最大的伊斯兰女子学校哈福赛神学院,这所学校也是红色清真寺的一部分,兴建于1965年,因其红色外墙而得名。

    The women were from Jamia Hafsa , the biggest female madrasa in our country and part of Lal Masjid - the Red Mosque in Islamabad . It was built in 1965 and got its name from its red walls .

  14. MICHAELHIGGINS:“我认为,针对建立遵守伊斯兰文明的学院,会遭遇许多担忧或理解。如果成为伊斯兰学校或仅仅是谆谆教诲的学院,都会有许多问题。”

    MICHAEL HIGGINS : " I think there will be a lot of fear or around the establishment of a college that Islam . If it becomes a madrasa or a college of only , that could be hugely