
cān kǎo xiāo xi
  • Reference News
  1. 掌握那些随手可得的参考消息,这样万一要用上的时候,你就有信息可以使用了。

    Capture those random reference pieces of information so that you have them when you least expect it .

  2. 发行《参考消息》以及出版其他反面教材,就是种牛痘,增强干部和群众在政治上的免疫力。

    The publication of News for Reference and other negative teaching material is " vaccination " to increase the political immunity of the cadres and the masses .

  3. 现在,我们决定扩大发行《参考消息》,从两千份扩大到四十万份,使党内党外都能看到。

    We have now decided to increase the circulation of News for Reference from 2,000 to 400,000 so that it can be read by people both inside and outside the Party .

  4. 最近我读《参考消息》,看到上面讲美国加州理工学院的情况,使我想起我在美国加州理工学院所受的教育。

    Lately , when I was reading Cankao Xiaoxi , I saw an introduction piece for the California Institute of Technology ( Caltech ) . It reminded me of the education I received at Caltech .

  5. 《经济参考报》消息,物价的持续上涨,使白领们也感到通胀的压力,部分中低层白领生活质量下降。

    White collar workers are beginning to feel the squeeze of inflation , as rising prices drag down quality of life for low and middle-income households , Economic Information Daily reported .

  6. 希望到首尔游览的家人们参考我提供的消息。

    I hope the families who visit Seoul consider the news I have given above .