
cān zhào
  • refer to;consult
参照 [cān zhào]
  • [consult;refer to] 参考仿照

  • 我们参照原文作了修改

  • 这个句子必须参照上下文来译

参照[cān zhào]
  1. 更多细节请参照Spring参考文档和其它Spring资源。

    For more details refer to the Spring reference documentation or another Spring resource .

  2. 主机控制程序采用了模块化设计,并参照了目前软件设计的先进模型:COM(组件对象模型),这既降低了主机控制程序设计的复杂度,又有利于主机控制程序各模块的调试。

    The modularized structure is adopted in the design , refer to the current advanced model of software design : componet object model .

  3. 已经对约2,300份植物列表进行核对,并注明了相互参照项。

    Nearly 2,300 plant lists have been checked and cross-referenced .

  4. 在这一问题上它特别参照了赫尔曼·诺丁1928年的经典之作。

    It specifically referenced Hermann Noordung 's classic 1928 book on this subject .

  5. 为了便于参照,仅摘录相关规则。

    For ease of reference , only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included .

  6. 我和沃尔特参照着一盘原始电影胶片录像带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。

    Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting .

  7. 有意就读的学生在报名参加一门课程前没有任何参照标准去衡量各个学校的水平。

    There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course .

  8. 她以前从没有过真正的男朋友,所以没有可参照的标准来对比查尔斯的行为。

    She had never had a real boyfriend before and so had no yardstick by which to compare Charles 's behaviour

  9. 参照地图能将这条路线看得十分清楚。

    The route is best seen by reference to the map .

  10. 我们参照原文作了必要的修改。

    We consulted the original and made some necessary changes .

  11. 翻译这个句子非参照上下文不可。

    This sentence cannot be translated without reference to the context .

  12. 宇宙中有一个从优参照系。

    There exists in the cosmos a preferred frame of reference .

  13. 你能否举出几个非惯性参照系?

    Can you list some noninertial frames of reference ?

  14. 一个数据库就是一大组存储起来的、集成的(可相互参照)的数据。

    A database is a large group of stored , integrated ( cross-referenced ) data .

  15. 这条组织完善,统一的课程丰富地被说明,丰富地被相互参照和充分地被标注

    This well-organized , unified course copiously illustrated , amply cross-referenced , and fully indexed .

  16. 报价取决于一年中的具体时间,详情请参照附件中的信息。

    These vary1 depending on the time of year - please see attached for more details .

  17. 威尔士教育部部长柯丝蒂·威廉姆斯认为这个变化是必要的,以给学生提供一个公平的竞争环境。每所学校的评估结果将参照经过商议决定的“全威尔士地区指导方针”,以保证威尔士各地评估标准的一致性。

    The Education Minister Kirsty Williams says the change is needed to allow for a level playing field , and that the result from each school will be played into an agreed ' national approach ' to provide consistency across Wales .

  18. 方法:分析58例缺氧缺血性脑病患儿的CT表现,参照诊断标准,以病变累及程度将脑损伤程度进行CT分度、临床分度。

    Methods : Among 58 cases of HIE , CT findings and clinical manifestations were analysed by the degree of the injury of brain .

  19. 根据校园网的特点,本文采用了基于Web的分布式网络管理模型,并且参照西南交大校园网的实际拓扑结构,设计并实现了一个网络故障管理系统。

    According to the network character of Southwest Jiaotong University , a network fault management system has been designed and implemented with a distributed network management model based on Web .

  20. 同时用经典的克隆形成方法绘制细胞存活曲线,作为评价放射敏感性的参照,并对Comet分析法和克隆形成方法所测结果进行比较。

    The cell-survival curve was plotted by classical colony assay , as the standard methodology .

  21. ‘所有使用动态服务调用的技术业务服务必须部署在IBM的WebSphereBusinessServiceFabric上,参照2009技术路线图规定的版本’。

    All technical business services that utilise dynamic service invocation must be deployed on the IBM WebSphere Business Service Fabric of the versions defined in the Technology Roadmap for2009 .

  22. 以深圳和广州为参照点,按负载系数推算出2030年珠海城市工业容量为以GDP的表示,分别为2780亿元和860亿元;

    With Shenzhen and Guangzhou as the contrast , the capacity of industry ( by GDP ) of Zhuhai , 278 and 86 billion respectively .

  23. 第三,提出适合我国软件企业知识管理的策略,指导软件企业参照CMM展开知识管理活动,实现软件过程改进。

    Finally , the strategies for the knowledge management based on CMM in our software enterprises are put forward .

  24. 监理工作中参照FIDIC条款加强索赔管理

    Claim management in the engineered work by consulting FIDIC

  25. 基于前面的理论基础研究,参照软件产品线方法的思想,提出了一种基于体系结构的软件系统族开发方法:以体系结构为中心的开发方法ACDM(ArchitectureCenteredDevelopmentMethod)。

    Through research on software architecture and domain analysis , a kind of Architecture Centered Development Method is presented , using the theory of software production line as reference .

  26. 参照国内储罐抗震设计规范,针对某大型LNG储罐作地震响应的实例分析。

    This paper makes seismic response analysis for a large LNG storage tank , referring to the domestic storage tank design regulations .

  27. 这一类的开销包括检查约束验证和外键约束(参照完整性(RI))验证。

    This category of overhead includes CHECK constraint verification and foreign key constraint ( referential integrity ( RI )) verification .

  28. 材料和方法:经手术、关节镜确诊的56例盘状半月板,对其MR图像不同层面进行测量,参照Crues等有关半月板损伤行MRI分级。

    Material and Methods : MRI findings of 56 cases of discoid meniscus verifided by operation or arthroscopy were measured in different anatomical section with referring to MRI grading of meniscus injury by Cruse etc.

  29. 等角度重采样加FFT方法只能以一个参考轴作为重采样的参照,提取的阶比波形就会受到相交叉阶比的干扰,产生失真。

    Even-angle re-sampling plus FFT method can only take one shaft as re-sampling reference , extracted order waveform be interrupted by crossing order and cause distortion .

  30. 为避免节点稀疏导致可参照邻居节点数量稀少的问题,采用节点之间的Hausdorff距离分析来选取参照节点。

    The Hausdorff distance analysis was used to select the reference nodes to avoid the problem caused by node sparse .