
cān móu bù
  • staff
参谋部[cān móu bù]
  1. 他后来对各项布置的胡乱更动,使德国海军参谋部忧心忡忡。

    His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff .

  2. 他提升我到总参谋部。

    He 's promoted me to the general staff .

  3. 波兰司法部长马雷克·别尔纳茨基(MarekBiernacki)表示,被捕的两人都是俄罗斯总参谋部情报总局(MainIntelligenceDirectorate)的间谍,该机构是俄罗斯最大的对外情报机构。

    Marek Biernacki , Poland 's minister of justice , said both men were spies for the Main Intelligence Directorate , Russia 's largest foreign intelligence agency .

  4. 1929年,随着苏联红军总参谋部对于装甲部队作战能力的要求不断提高,T-18在各方面的性能都显露出明显的不足。

    In1929 , the performance of the T-18 was already inadequate according to the increasingly demanding RKKA General Staff .

  5. 联邦调查人员和私人网络安全公司透露,它似乎由俄军总参谋部情报总局(GRU)指挥。

    It appears to be operated by the G.R.U. , the Russian military intelligence service , according to federal investigators and private cybersecurity firms .

  6. 该团体据信与俄罗斯军事情报机构总参谋部情报总局(GRU)有关,后者被怀疑卷入了近期发生的民主党全国代表大会邮件和文件失窃案。

    That group is believed to be associated with GRU , Russia 's military intelligence agency suspected of involvement in the recent theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee .

  7. 同时参谋部动员民航飞机支援部队运输。

    Also , civilian aircraft have been mobilized to help with transportation .

  8. 从海军陆战队调往总参谋部的军官。

    An officer seconded from the Marines to staff headquarters .

  9. 总参谋部军事训练部编辑和参考资料事务司

    Military Training Department Division of Editorial and Reference Services

  10. 总参谋部是现代军事的产物。

    Staff is the child of modern war .

  11. 将军深感我少年有为,要我在他的参谋部任职。

    Impressed by my precocity , the general offered me a place on his staff .

  12. 于是参谋部下令,接下来科隆上空的任务中,要让飞机最后的轰炸航程逆风进行。

    So the staff ordered the next mission over Cologne to make its final approach upwind .

  13. 随着电子计算机应用于决策制定过程,当代典型的决策制定体制已由决策中心、决策参谋部和决策支持系统三部分构成。

    The three parts are decision center , the staff office of decision and decision-supporting system .

  14. 在最上面我放了几张多从朋友那里搞到的总参谋部使用的地图。

    On top I put a few General Staff maps I had picked up from friends .

  15. 俄国军队受库图佐夫及其参谋部和彼得堡的皇帝指挥。

    THE RUSSIAN ARMY was commanded by Kutuzov and his staff and by the Tsar from Petersburg .

  16. 前两次战争中,总参谋部就是照此法洗头而取得了极大成功。

    This was the procedure followed with great success by the General Staff in two previous wars .

  17. 德国海军参谋部打心眼里赞成所有这几次延期;事实上,延期是他们从中怂恿的。

    The German Naval Staff were in hearty accord with all the postponements ; indeed , they instigated them .

  18. 连长接到参谋部的命令说他的连队要开往前线。

    The company commander has received order from the General Staff that his company would move to the front .

  19. 总参谋部没有预测到受那个国家空袭的可能性。

    The possibility of an air-attack from that country did not enter into the calculations of the General Staff .

  20. 人力资源管理部门成为企业发展战略的参谋部、执行部和支持部。

    The HRM management act as the ministry of staff , execution and support for the strategy of business development .

  21. 空军参谋部长官迈克尔莫斯里上将希望空军能成为国防部无人飞机计划的代理机构。

    T.Michael Moseley wants the Air Force to be the executive agent for the Defense Department 's unmanned aircraft programs .

  22. 民兵工作在国务院、中央军委领导下,由总参谋部主管。

    The General Staff Headquarters administers the building of the militia under the leadership of the State Council and the cmc .

  23. 总参谋部负责组织领导全国武装力量的军事建设,组织指挥全国武装力量的军事行动。

    The General Staff Department organizes and leads the building-up of the nation 's armed forces , and organizes and directs their military operations .

  24. 在参谋部部署的行动中,我们的伤亡很大,将军们都自觉有罪。

    The headquarters staff planned the action in which so many of our men were killed or wounded ; the generals all have blood on their hands .

  25. 没有哪个特殊的指挥阶层与指挥艺术是独自相关或者唯一相关的。但是,通常是由战场指挥官与他们的参谋部策划并指挥战役。

    No particular echelon of command is solely or uniquely concerned with operational art , but theater commanders and their chief subordinates usually plan and direct campaigns .

  26. 你们的一位曾祖签署过《独立宣言》,另一位是华盛顿参谋部的一名将军,他在萨拉托加之役后接受了伯戈因将军的投降。

    One of your great-grandfathers signed the Declaration , and another was a general on Washington 's staff , and received General Burgoyne 's sword after the battle of Saratoga .

  27. 比如,总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部三大总部为什么机构这样大?

    For example , why should the three general departments , the Headquarters of the General Staff , the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department , all have such big establishments ?

  28. 对落实教育部、总参谋部、总政治部制订的《学生军事训练工作规定》文件精神,促进高校军事课质量的提高是大胆有益的探索,具有较强的应用价值。

    It is of benefit to implement the spirits of the documents formulated by the General Staff Headquarters and General Political Department , and improve the teaching and learning of the Higher education military courses .

  29. 参谋部是指由职业军官所组成的群体,在指挥官(有时为参谋长)手下担负行政管理或作战策划使命。

    A general staff is a group of officers in a military who act in a staff or administrative role under the command of a general officer ( sometimes termed a chief of staff ) .

  30. 正是用这样的方式,欧盟采用了单一货币,统一的外交政策,建立了免护照旅行区,实施司法和内政政策,以及新近成立的有自主参谋部的防务联盟。

    EU has acquired a single currency , a common foreign policy , a passport-free travel zone and policies on justice and home affairs , plus a nascent defence alliance with its own military-planning staff .