
cān kǎo shū
  • reference book
参考书 [cān kǎo shū]
  • [reference book] 主要用于查询而不用于连续阅读的书籍(如字典、百科全书、地图册)

参考书[cān kǎo shū]
  1. 那本书有许多遗漏之处,即使如此,尚不失为一本有用的参考书。

    It has many omissions ; even so , it is quite a useful reference book .

  2. 本书内容翔实、语言流畅、易学易懂,可作为计算机编程人员学习VisualFortran的参考书。

    Informative book , language fluency , easy to learn , to learn computer programming can be used as a reference book for Visual Fortran .

  3. 这家图书馆藏有许多常用的参考书。

    The library contains many popular works of reference .

  4. 这本小说纯粹是由一堆文学参考书胡乱拼凑而成。

    The novel is a thicket of literary references

  5. 有几本参考书专门帮你作出选择。

    There are several reference books which have been compiled to help you make your choice .

  6. 图书馆有大量的外文参考书。

    The library contains a large number of foreign language reference books .

  7. 不得将参考书携出阅览室。

    Reference books may not be taken out of the reading room .

  8. 这些参考书是我们所必需的。

    These reference books are necessary to us .

  9. 本阅览室参考书不得私自携出。

    No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission .

  10. 我们应训练他们学会使用参考书。

    We should train them to make use of reference books .

  11. 案头放着几本参考书。

    There are some reference books on the desk .

  12. 请你核对一下我们这份参考书订购单。

    Please check through this list of reference books which we are going to order .

  13. 参考书太多,简直看不过来。

    There are just too many reference books . I simply can 't read them all .

  14. 历史哩,地理哩,哲学哩,各种参考书都在书架上放着。

    History , geography , philosophy & you 'll find all sorts of reference books on the shelves .

  15. 我喜欢把参考书放到伸手可取的地方。

    I like to have my reference books within my reach .

  16. 20-21)《CognitioninPractice:Mind,Mathematics,andCultureinEverydayLife》(在实践中认知:心智、数学和日常生活的文化)是关于这个观点的一本有趣的参考书。

    ( p.20-21 ) The book Cognition in Practice : Mind , Mathematics , and Culture in Everyday Life is an interesting reference for this viewpoint .

  17. Python库参考书精辟讨论了Python中的序列类型。

    Python Library Reference has a nice discussion of the sequence types available within in Python .

  18. 在三维场景中绘制和标注文字是OpenGL提供的一个强大功能,但是由于国内资料的短缺,几乎所有的OpenGL参考书对文字绘制部分的内容都没有进行详细论述。

    Word drawing and marking in three-dimension scene is one of the most important functions offered by OpenGL .

  19. PracticalUnixInternetSecurity(O'ReillyAssociates,1996)是一本有关系统安全性各个方面的优秀参考书,内容涉及从用户管理到起草安全策略。

    Practical Unix Internet Security ( O'Reilly Associates , 1996 ) is an excellent reference on all aspects of system security from user management to drafting a security policy .

  20. 但梅茨尔表示,自行车运动员和跑步运动员面临着截然不同的问题——盐分摄入太少。梅茨尔参加过30次马拉松比赛,著有为运动员撰写的医学参考书《跑步者健康指南》(RunningStrong)。

    But cyclists and runners face an entirely different problem - too little salt , says Dr Metzl , who has run 30 marathons and is the author of a medical guide for athletes calledRunning Strong .

  21. 《领域驱动设计(Domain-DrivenDesign)》,作者EricEvans:自从该书在2004年面世以来,它已经成为了软件开发社区的一个极好的参考书。

    Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans : This book has been a great reference to the software development community since it was released in2004 .

  22. 他曾与杰克·普莱诺(JackC.Plano)合著重要参考书《美国政治辞典》(TheAmericanPoliticalDictionary)。该书于1962年首次出版,现已第11次再版。

    He is co-author ( with Jack C.Plano ) of a major reference work , The American Political Dictionary , first published in1962 and now in its11th edition .

  23. 无论如何,它都值得Perl程序员去购买,毕竟它是目前Perl语言最好最明确的参考书。

    Perl programmers should consider purchasing the third edition of Programming Perl for all these reasons , but most of all because this is now the definite and best reference for the Perl language .

  24. 阐述了一个常见VC参考书中鲜有提及的关于使用VC开发绘图程序时,不仅可在屏幕上绘制出美妙的图形,还可将屏幕图形捕获并存储为磁盘位图文件的方法。

    The paper expounds a method that can not only draw a beautiful picture in the screen , but also capture screen picture and store as a disk bitmap file as VC development drawing program is used , which is rarely referred in common VC reference book .

  25. 如果你是过程改进中的一员,希望你像我一样将这本书当成提示和指南&事实上,可以作为CMMI的一本全面的参考书。

    If you are part of a process improvement effort , I expect you will use it as I do , as a reminder and guide & in fact as a comprehensive reference book for CMMI .

  26. 指出在高等院校工科电气电子类模拟电子技术课程常用教材和参考书中关于模拟集成运算放大器输入失调电流IIO的定义不一致的问题。

    This article points out the difference in the definition of input offset current about analog Integrated Operational Amplifier Circuit ( IOAC ) in common teaching material for analog electronics .

  27. 在参考书上做笔记或注明亮点。

    Take notes or use a highlighter in those reference books .

  28. 我们还培养他们使用参考书。

    We also train them to make use of reference books .

  29. 这本参考书对我的写作是很重要的。

    The reference book is of great importance to my writing .

  30. 老师提出了几种有价值的参考书。

    The teacher made mention of a few valuable reference books .