
  • 网络Compilation of information;General;data compilation;NAIP;Proceedings,edited-collections
  1. 稠合多环芳烃分子图的系统资料汇编

    Collection of Systematic Data for Molecular Graphs of Fused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

  2. 中国私营建筑设计事务所相关资料汇编

    A Collection of Relevant Materials on Private Architectural Design Firms in China

  3. 南昌教案主要报刊资料汇编及研究

    The Press Material Research and Compilation of " Nanchang Religion Case "

  4. 海洋法参考资料汇编

    Law of the Sea Reference Collection

  5. 福建1574年5(3/4)级地震的历史资料汇编分析

    Analysis on historic data of M5 ( 3 / 4 ) earthquake occurred in 1574 in Fujian Province

  6. 从2006年开始,我们开始将企业监测数据资料汇编成一个被称为蓝色地图的数据库。

    From 2006 , we began to compile corporate monitoring data data into a database known as the Blue Map .

  7. 以地方志资料汇编《方志物产》(广东分卷)为语料,设计并构建了古籍地名识别系统。

    Based on the research about Products in Local Chronicles of Guangdong , this paper designs and implements a recognition system about location names in ancient books .

  8. 它包括比第一版更广泛的一系列受调查国家以及各国关于精神病的流行病学资料汇编。

    It includes a wider range of surveyed countries than the first edition , as well as compilation of epidemiological data about mental illness in each country .

  9. 1875年黔南地震的初步分析&兼与贵州地震史资料汇编作者商榷堇青石和莫来石参比强度的测定供国内同行参考

    THE PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE EARTHQUAKE OCCURED IN SOUTHERN GUIZHOU IN 1875 & Furthermore Deliberate With the Writer of the Compilation of the Reference Material of Guizhou Historied Earthquakes

  10. 《生态批评读本》(1996年)是国际学界第一本生态批评研究资料汇编,是公认的生态批评入门参考书。

    The Ecocriticism Reader ( 1996 ) is the first collection of papers on ecocriticism in the world , and is generally regarded as the ABC book of ecocriticism .

  11. 对具体一个地市电视台的方言节目进行研究时,多数都是广播电视志的资料汇编,进行理论的分析比较少。

    TV on the specific dialect of a city program to conduct a study , the majority are radio and television blog compilations , theoretical analysis is relatively small .

  12. 在系统检索正史、文集、地方志、碑刻等史料的基础上,完成历代淮渎祭祀资料汇编。

    On the basis of the systematically retrieval official history , corpus , Local chorography , inscriptions , etc , the compilation of successive material of Huai sacrifice is finished .

  13. 本文对《陕西省志.地震志》、《中国地震历史资料汇编》(第一卷)有关陕西几次历史地震震中位置作了匡定。

    The seismic centre positions about several historical earthquakes that have been recorded in [ Annals Of Historical Earthquake Materials In China ] ( Vol. 1 ) are corrected in this paper .

  14. 文话是中国古代文学批评的重要著作体裁,除具有说部性质、随笔式的狭义文话外,还有理论性专著、资料汇编式、选本评点式等不同著作类型。

    Wen Hua is an important composition in ancient Chinese literary criticism including various types , i.e. the narrow-sensed Wen Hua , theoretical monographs , material collections , critiques on certain text , etc.

  15. 此外,笔者也大量的查阅了有关历史事件的回忆录、追忆录、回忆文章和追忆文章,以及相关的资料汇编、参考著作,并进行了相关历史人物的口述史研究。

    Besides , the author also consulted a wide range of memoirs and stuff like this concerning the historic events and relative material compilations , reference books , and conducted researches on the nuncupative history of relative historic characters .

  16. 另外,论文的附录包括家族事迹著作编年和家族历代评论资料汇编,从文学文献的角度来历史地展示刘氏家族。

    In addition , the appendix of the paper , including a selection of the family deeds in chronological order and a compilation of reviews of the family through the ages , historically demonstrates the Liu Family from the perspective of literary documents .

  17. XML技术在水文资料整汇编软件中的应用

    Application of XML Technology in Hydrology Data Process Software

  18. 这是特别集中于法庭的评价的第一个专题资料案例汇编。

    This is the first casebook focusing specifically on forensic assessment .

  19. 南方片水文资料整汇编软件系统开发与应用

    Development and Application of the South-Region Hydrologic Data Processing Software

  20. 搜集临床用药资料,汇编药物手册;

    To collect drug materials and write medicine handbook ;

  21. 水文资料整汇编软件的研制

    Research on hydrology data processing software

  22. 为了帮助外国投资者更好地了解上海,他们根据能找到的各种资料来源汇编了这本上海指南。

    To help foreign investors get a better understanding of Shanghai , they 've compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find .

  23. 本文综述了自80年代初期以来四川气田在井控装备配套与组合、井控装备仪器研制、资料图册汇编等方面的成果,指出了井控工艺技术发展尚存在的问题。

    The author offers a special review on the matching and combination of well-control equipment and its development in Sichuan gas field since 1980s and points out some existing problems in the development of well-control technology .

  24. 目前,随着水文行业新仪器新技术的普遍应用,迫切需要在视窗操作系统下开发一套功能齐全、操作简便的水文资料整汇编系统。

    At resent , as application of the new apparatus and the new scientific technology in hydrology , it is necessary to develop a kind of hydrologic data processing software in the windows system , with the characteristics of friendly interface and easy operation .

  25. 《西北开发史料丛编》是一部民国时期专家学者论述西北开发建设和汇集西北地区主要水文资料的史料汇编。

    " The Corpus of Northwest Development Historical Data " is such a book from which the experts and learners elaborate northwest development to construct and to collect northwest area main hydrological and the historical data assembly .

  26. 错误:版权所有的资料-不能反汇编!

    Error : Copyrighted material - can not disassemble !

  27. 将运行一个程序或一组程序所需的资料和数据文件汇编起来的一种文书性的操作程序。

    A clerical function that is concerned with the assembly of data file and materials required to run a program or a set of programs .