
  • 网络Capitalist market;market capitalism
  1. 中国已宣布实行社会主义的市场经济,并且己正式加入WTO,中国社会主义市场经济与资本主义市场经济的对接和交往已成为世界经济一体化的重要内容。

    China has claimed its adoption of market economy and it also entered WTO so the combination and communication of Chinese socialist market economy and the capitalist market economy have become the important content of the integration of the world economy .

  2. 资本主义市场经济自行调节论述评

    A Review on the Theory of the Self-adjustment of Capitalist Market Economy

  3. 当然,以社会主义市场经济为基础的中国国家观,不仅与以资本主义市场

    Of course , Chinese view of state which is based on socialist market

  4. 在资本主义市场经济发展的进程中,产生了福利国家。

    Welfare country came into being in the development of capitalist market economy .

  5. 新教伦理与资本主义市场经济

    The Protestant Ethic and the Capitalist Market Economy

  6. 资本主义市场经济是市场经济典型的一般的形态。

    Capitalist market economy is a typical and normal form of the market economy .

  7. 在一个先验理论中,竞争性市场不必是一个资本主义市场。

    In a priori theory , competitive markets do not have to be capitalist ones .

  8. 起初,刘是一名交易师,并探寻到了中国资本主义市场的增长趋势。

    Liu 's early beginnings as a trader traced the growth of the Chinese capital markets .

  9. 资本主义市场经济伦理对社会主义市场经济建设的借鉴意义。

    The capitalist market economy ethic use for reference to the development of socialist market economy .

  10. 世界资本主义市场经济主要存在美国和欧洲两种模式。

    Tow models , namely US and European ones , exist in the world capitalist market today .

  11. 第三阶段是明清时明,由于资本主义市场经济的萌芽。

    The third stage is clear and pure period , because of the capitalism market economy of embryotic .

  12. 马克思劳动价值论是分析资本主义市场经济的理论基石和有效方法,在社会主义制度下,它仍然起作用。

    Marxist labor Theory of Value is the basis and an effective way in analyzing capitalist market economy .

  13. 它拥有一个宏图伟志,即钝化全球化这把剑最锋利的一面,同时使资本主义市场趋向良性发展。

    It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization , and make capitalism benign .

  14. 从对康德美学的分析中,阿多诺向我们揭示了启蒙辩证法和资本主义市场经济原则在美学中的投影。

    By analyzing Kant 's aesthetics , Adormo revealed Aufklarung dialectics and the principles of the capitalist market economy reflecting on aesthetics .

  15. 马克思是伟大的经济学家,他用著名的资本家&工人模型深刻分析了资本主义市场制度内在规律性。

    Marx is a great economist , who deeply analyzed the internal logic of capitalism market institution by employing his famous Capitalist-worker model .

  16. 我国债券市场严重落后西方发达资本市场,在发达的资本主义市场制度下,地方政府债券和公司债券是债券市场的重要组成部分,债券市场又是金融市场的重要组成部分。

    Ours bond market is seriously lagging behind the developed capital market . Municipal bond is an important part of the financial market .

  17. 社会主义市场经济将最终体现对资本主义市场经济的超越,为人类展现出通向理想社会的道路。

    Socialist market economy will show its transcending capitalist market economy as well as presenting for the human being a way towards ideal society .

  18. 一些政治分析人士和学者预测,资本主义市场模式已不合时宜,并认为已有迹象表明全球化在退缩。

    Some political analysts and academics are now predicting an end to the capitalist market model and point to signs that globalization is in retreat .

  19. 它是资本主义市场经济发展的产物,它为资产阶级实行自由主义市场经济政策提供了伦理辩护。

    It is a product of the development of capitalist market economy , which provided a defense of ethics of the bourgeois-liberal market economic policy .

  20. 它既具备一般市场经济的基本特征,又与资本主义市场经济有着本质的不同。并通过具体算例计算对各种模型进行了对比分析。

    Above all , it has basic And , by means of the calculation of examples and the comparisons are presented on above all models .

  21. 扩展秩序或资本主义市场秩序中相互服务的主要特点是间接性、条件性和相互性、自愿性或非强制性以及竞争性。

    The main characteristics of mutual service in capitalist market order or the Expansive Order are indirect , conditional and mutual ; voluntary and competitive .

  22. 在美国和欧洲的一些市场经济国家中,开始了对资本主义市场经济和社会主义计划经济的比较和反思。

    In the United States and some European countries of market economy , capitalist market economy and the socialist planned economy are compared and reflected on .

  23. 建设共同富裕的和谐社会,是发展社会主义市场经济的根本目的,也是区别于资本主义市场经济的重要标志;

    Building a harmonious society of common prosperity is the basic objective of developing socialist market economy and an important symbol of difference with that of capitalism .

  24. 人类设想过许多非资本主义市场经济体制,但作为经济体制而言它们迄今仍停留在蓝图阶段&尽管工人合作社确实取得了一定成功。

    There have been many blueprints for a non-capitalist market economy but despite some successes for workers ' co-operatives , as economic systems they have remained blueprints .

  25. 马克思的资本主义市场经济下劳资矛盾理论,是研究社会主义市场经济下劳资矛盾的理论根据。

    Karl Marx 's labor-capital contradiction theory under the socialistic market economy system , is the theory basis of studying labor-capital contradiction under the Socialistic market economy system .

  26. 通过跨学科的研究。哈耶克试图从经济学、社会学、哲学等不同角度,为资本主义市场经济秩序提供一个完整的论证框架。

    Based on multi-discipline research , Hayek try to create a complete frame for capitalism market economy order from several angles , such as economics , sociology and philosophy .

  27. 通过对自由资本主义市场经济、国家资本主义市场经济和社会主义市场经济的评述,着重论述我国当前发展社会主义市场经济的诸多问题,并提出建立社会主义市场经济学的若干要点。

    This paper comments on free-capitalist market economy , state-capitalist market economy and socialist market economy , deliberating on the problems in China 's progress towards socialist market economy .

  28. 它是列宁在当时经济文化落后的俄国的一种改革运动,实质上是以社会主义体制与资本主义市场经济相结合的一种混合经济的创造性实验。

    It was an innovation in Russia with the backward economy and culture . Basically , it was a creative mixed experiment between socialist system and capitalist market economy .

  29. 资本主义市场经济为人的发展提供了前所未有的强大的物质基础,但同时也发生了如马克思所指出的严重异化。

    While strengthening unprecedented abundance of material base for human development , the capitalist market economy leads to what Carl Marx refers to as serious alienation of human beings .

  30. 二者虽然都是以资本主义市场经济赖以存在的排他性所有权作为产权基础,但增税规则有损所有权的排他性,两种规则从而有各自不同的效率。

    The former is called increasing-tax fairness and the latter decreasing-tax fairness , both of which are based on taking property rights of exclusiveness relied on capital economy market .