
  1. 世界黄金协会报告称,全球而言,黄金ETF是首季黄金需求的亮点,自2012年末季以来首次录得资金净流入。

    Globally gold ETFs had been a bright spot for the bullion in the first quarter , with inflows for the first time since the fourth quarter of 2012 , the WGC report said .

  2. 与此相对应的是,其他国家向德国的持续资金净流入。

    So non-Germans have been making net transfers of funds to Germany .

  3. 资金净流入将继续小低收入经济体缺乏自然资源。

    Inflows will continue to be small in low-income economies lacking natural resources .

  4. 这些大规模的官方干预,防止了巨额资金净流入新兴市场的现象出现。

    These huge official interventions prevent the emergence of large net capital inflows into emerging countries .

  5. 今年出现资金净流入的基金,几乎都关注于台湾、俄罗斯、中东和非洲。

    Funds enjoying inflows were nearly all focused on Taiwan , Russia , the Middle East and Africa .

  6. 拉丁美洲基金的资金净流入为3.07亿美元,而不包括日本在内的亚洲基金则有1.12亿美元的净流入。

    Latin America funds had net inflows of $ 307m , and Asia ex Japan funds took in $ 112m .

  7. 如果外汇储备的增量大于上述各项之和的增量,这就表明资金净流入中国;

    If foreign-exchange reserves increase more than the sum of the components , it suggests extra cash is flowing into China .

  8. 与此同时,美国股市五年来首次出现了资金净流入。

    For the first time in five years , investors are putting more money into the market then they are pulling out .

  9. 印度当季资金净流入也颇为强劲,高达150亿美元,原因是降息后,投资者纷纷把资金转移至货币市场及债市基金。

    India also posted a strong quarter of $ 15bn net inflows as investors switched to money market and bond funds after interest rates fell .

  10. 上周,投资者赎回30亿美元,仅为之前两周每周赎回规模(60亿美元)的一半,有的基金甚至出现资金净流入。

    Last week investors redeemed $ 3bn , half the $ 6bn in each of the previous two weeks , while some even saw inflows .

  11. 当季韩国资金净流入最为强劲,达290亿美元,资金转移至本币市场基金起到了推动作用。

    South Korea posted the strongest net inflows of $ 29bn for the period , driven by a shift into local currency money market funds .

  12. 最终,新兴国家将出现经常账户赤字,来自高收入国家的私人资金净流入,将为这种赤字买单。

    In the end , the emerging world would run a current account deficit financed by a net inflow of private capital from the high-income countries .

  13. 近些年来,资金净流入仍保持在高位,但大部分资金流入是来自资本账户,而不再是经常账户。

    In recent years , while net inflows have remained high , the bulk of these inflows has switched from the current account to the capital account .

  14. 第一季度,投资者从美国、日本和西欧的基金撤出了700亿美元,而去年和此前的多数年份均为资金净流入。

    Investors pulled $ 70bn from US , Japan and Western Europe funds during the quarter , compared with inflows last year and in most previous years .

  15. 最终结果显而易见:目前,有巨额资金净流入发达国家政府的负债。

    The bottom line is clear : there exists , at present , a gigantic net flow of funds into the liabilities of the governments of advanced countries .

  16. 另外,资金净流入比率与基金业绩的标准差之间呈现出负相关,与理论分析一致。

    In addition , the ratio of net capital inflows and the standard deviation of the fund performance are negatively correlated , which is consistent with the theoretical analysis .

  17. 首先从单个基金的角度,分析了明星基金是否会给自身带来资金净流入以及对家族中其他的非明星基金又会产生怎样的影响。

    From the point of view of the individual funds , if star fund will bring net inflow to itself as well as non-star fund of the same fund family .

  18. 只有四分之一的投资者预计该行业将出现资金净流入。在接受调查的1000名受访者中,82%的受访者表示,赎回是对冲基金经理面临的最大问题。

    Only a quarter of investors expect net inflows into the industry , and 82 per cent of the 1,000 surveyed said redemptions were the biggest issue hedge fund managers face .

  19. 亚洲资产规模最大的市场日本,出现了40亿美元的资金净流入,投资者大举进入高收益的债市基金,该领域吸纳了30亿美元的新增资金。

    Japan , Asias largest market in terms of assets , registered net inflows of $ 4bn with investors pitching into high yield bond funds which took in $ 3bn of new money .

  20. 但造成局面改变的是中国,中国投资者从各资产类别基金中撤资330亿美元,亚洲其余国家则录得总计620亿美元的资金净流入。

    But it was China that changed the picture , with investors there pulling $ 33bn from funds across all asset classes , while the rest of Asia registered inflows of $ 62bn .

  21. 截至8月底,新兴市场股票型基金连续6周录得资金净流入,亚洲基金所占比重也在提高尽管在此期间资金流入整体上有所减少。

    Emerging market equity funds have recorded six consecutive weeks of positive inflows to the end of August and the share for Asian funds has been increasing , despite new flows reducing overall through the period .

  22. 投资者仍对债券感兴趣&实际上固定收益基金的资金净流入从4000万美元增加至3.88亿美元。股票基金资金净流出达5.24亿美元,彻底抵消了一周前净流入的4.71亿美元。

    There was still appetite for bonds - inflows into fixed income actually increased from $ 40m to $ 388m - but equity funds reported $ 524m of outflows , more than erasing a $ 471m uptick a week before .

  23. 如果外汇储备的增量大于上述各项之和的增量,这就表明资金净流入中国;如果外汇储备的增量小于上述各项之和的增量,甚至开始下降,这就意味着资金因某种原因流出中国。

    The two sides of the equation should match . If foreign-exchange reserves increase more than the sum of the components , it suggests extra cash is flowing into China . If reserves increase less , or even fall , it means money is somehow getting out .

  24. 模型二是从基金家族的角度来进行分析,得出的结论是明星基金对整个家族的影响是显著为正的,即资金是净流入的状态。

    The second model is the analysis from the point of view of the fund family , the results show that the star fund produces significant positive spillover effects to the entire family .

  25. 本文认为QFⅡ资金将呈长期持续净流入状态,长期投资行为将引导市场健康发展,引入成熟市场的投资理念和方法。

    The article considers that the continuing net inflow of capital and the long-term investment will lead the market to a healthy development , and bring some experienced investment ideas and techniques .

  26. 债券型基金资金净流出,股票型基金资金净流入,投资国际、欧洲和亚洲股市的基金备受资金青睐,表明投资者再次愿意承受股票风险。

    Net outflows from bond funds and positive flows to equity strategies dominated by an allocation to international , European and Asian funds was proof that investors were once again willing to take equity risk .

  27. 不过,大部分资金都流入了货币市场基金,只有30%的注册基金从资金净流入中受益。

    However , most of the money went into money market funds , with only 30 per cent of registered funds benefiting from a net inflow .

  28. epfrglobal最新的资金流数据显示,资金连续第四周流入新兴市场,新兴市场股票资金上周净流入25亿美元。

    The latest fund flow data from EPFR global show that emerging market equity funds had net inflows of $ 2.5bn last week , their fourth straight week of inflows .