
zī chǎn jiē jí zhuān zhènɡ
  • bourgeois dictatorship;the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
  1. 中国的资产阶级专政和资本主义社会又在何处呢?

    And where are China 's bourgeois dictatorship and capitalist society ?

  2. 美国没有那样一些知识分子,它资产阶级专政怎么能行?

    How could bourgeois dictatorship be possible in the United States without its intellectuals ?

  3. 要在中国建立资产阶级专政的资本主义社会,首先是国际资本主义即帝国主义不容许。

    In the first place international capitalism , or imperialism , will not permit the establishment in China of a capitalist society under bourgeois dictatorship .

  4. 不走资产阶级专政的资本主义的路,是否就可以走无产阶级专政的社会主义的路呢?

    If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question , then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship ?

  5. 在这种情形下,要在中国反帝反封建胜利之后,再建立资产阶级专政的资本主义社会,岂非是完全的梦呓?

    In these circumstances , would it not be sheer fantasy to desire the establishment in China of a capitalist society under bourgeois dictatorship after the defeat of imperialism and feudalism ?

  6. 某些地主和资产阶级联合专政的国家,可以附在这一类。

    Certain countries under the joint dictatorship of the landlords and the bourgeoisie can be grouped with this kind .

  7. 植物生理课的教学中如何实行无产阶级对资产阶级的专政?

    In the teaching of plant physiology , how can one realize the dictatorship of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie ?

  8. 现在是日本资产阶级在中国专政,却不是什么中国资产阶级专政。

    And it is not the Chinese bourgeoisie but the Japanese bourgeoisie that is exercising dictatorship in our country .

  9. 在他那篇最著名的文章《论对资产阶级的全面专政》(1975)中,张承认,要废除“私有财产,金钱和物质的刺激”,还需要经历一段时间的考验。

    His most famous article ," On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship over the Bourgeoisie "( 1975 ), admitted that the abolition of private property , money and material incentives could take a little time .