
  • 网络Sus;PIg
  1. 目前国际上流行的杂优猪选育属商业行为,其选育方法是商业秘密,国内对杂优猪选育缺乏系统研究。

    It is commercial behavior to breed the famous hybrid swine in the world , the selection method of hybrid swine is their commercial secret . In our country it is rarely to systemically study the method .

  2. 猪圆环病毒属圆环病毒科,是一种小型、无囊膜,单链DNA病毒。

    Porcine circovirus ( PCV ), a member of the Circoviridae family , is a small , non-enveloped , spherical single-stranded DNA virus .

  3. 菽麻(crotalariajunceaLinn·)为豆科猪屎豆属的一年生草本植物。

    Crotalaria juncea Linn . is an annual herbaceous plant of Crotalaria Linn .

  4. 任何猪殃殃属的植物。

    Any of several plants of the genus galium .

  5. 一种西印度群岛猪胶树属的树,结无花果状的果实。

    A West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit .

  6. 猪胶树属的一种刺鼻的树,开白、黄或粉红色的大花。

    An aromatic tree of the genus Clusia having large white or yellow or pink flowers .

  7. 类风湿关节炎患者抗人、猪两种属Ⅱ型胶原抗体检测的意义

    Detection of antibodies to two species type ⅱ collagen in patients with RA and clinical significance

  8. 猪屎豆属的各种植物,在膨胀的荚里种子哗哗响;用作牧草和绿肥作物。

    Any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria having inflated pods within which the seeds rattle ; used for pasture and green-manure crops .

  9. 猪屎豆一种植物属于猪屎豆属其豆荚扁平,当茎被摇动时,里面的果实能发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音有时分在扁轴豆属的多刺灌木或小乔木;假紫荆属树木。

    Any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria , having inflated pods containing seeds that rattle when the stem is moved . spiny shrubs or small trees sometimes placed in genus Parkinsonia : paloverde .

  10. 猪殃殃一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎。

    Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genus galium , having whorled leaves , clusters of small white or yellow flowers , and prickly stems .