
  • 网络Bay of pigs;Bay of Pigs Invasion
  1. 据说猪湾事件(TheBayofPigs)就是群体思维的后果,因为人们害怕表达对立的观点。

    The Bay of Pigs is said to be a result of group-think because people were afraid to express opposing views .

  2. 这一切使我不安地回想起猪湾事件发生前的情景。

    It all reminded me uncomfortably of prelude to the Bay of Pigs .

  3. 错误的时区注定了猪湾事件(TheBayofPigsInvasion)的失败

    Incorrect Time Zones Doomed The Bay Of Pigs Invasion

  4. 卡斯特罗一如我们所期望,在「猪湾事件」及「十月导弹」的议题上滔滔不绝。

    He is , as might be expected , very informative on the Bay of Pigs and the October missiles .

  5. 他对甘乃迺总统尚算客气,原谅他在「猪湾事件」所做的事(只是继承艾森豪威尔),并谈及其担任总统欠缺经验。

    He seems quite kindly towards John Kennedy , excusing him for the Bay of Pigs ( which he had inherited from Eisenhower ) and speaking about his inexperience as President .