
wǔ huā ròu
  • streaky pork;marbled meat
五花肉 [wǔ huā ròu]
  • [streaky pork] 指肥瘦肉相间的猪肉

五花肉[wǔ huā ròu]
  1. 本文研究了几种抗氧化剂对真空包装辐照熟五花肉中脂肪氧化的影响。

    The effects of antioxidants on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged irradiated cooked streaky pork were studied .

  2. 如果是五花肉的话,应该比较嫩。

    If the meat is marbled with fat it should be tender .

  3. 这还不到中国国家统计局(NBS)汇编的中国50个城市猪五花肉的平均价格——在截至4月15日的那周创下每公斤32.12元人民币的高点。

    Even that was short of the average price for pork belly meat in 50 Chinese cities compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics , which had hit a record Rmb32.12 as of the week of April 15 .

  4. 你在浏览78欧元的固定价格菜单时,可以透过厨房窗户观看大厨斯特凡纳·热戈(StéphaneJégo)的精彩表演(和偶尔的坏脾气)。他用大葱酸醋沙司给鲭鱼调味,用牡蛎和兔肉搭配五花肉。

    As you ponder the 78-euro prix fixe menu , watch the theatrics ( and occasional temper ) of the chef , St é phane J é go , through the kitchen window as he perfects dishes such as mackerel in leek vinaigrette and pork belly with oysters and rabbit .

  5. 我比较喜欢吃这里烤的五花肉,很香。

    I prefer to eat here baked wild-pigs , very sweet .

  6. 很多人喜欢吃五花肉做的肉粽。

    Many people like to eat rice dumplings with pork belly .

  7. 10分钟后,五花肉已经五成熟了。

    The pork belly was medium-well done after 10 minutes .

  8. 今天的梅菜五花肉其实很简单,是星期三的晚餐之一。

    This dish " Preserved Vegetables with Pork Belly " is easy to make .

  9. 蕃茄酱汁炖煮五花肉和腊肠,是老伊这个肉食主义者的最爱。

    Tomato sauce stewed the pork and sausages , it 's the meat eater Ivano 's favorite .

  10. 京晶:嗯,我只是将五花肉切成方块,稍煮了片刻。

    Well , I just cut the pork belly into cubes and boiled them for a little while .

  11. 推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。

    The recommended dishes are roast pork , roast beef stick , thick soya bean soup , and Bibimbap .

  12. 五花肉先用水煮熟捞出,用净布擦去肉皮上水分及油,抹上一层酱油使肉皮着色。

    Boil the pig belly , drain the water and fat oil up , coat soy sauce on it to change the colour .

  13. 那个现在缓过劲儿来的服务员给我们端上了海蜇面,之后又端上了生鱼片和一盘卷在圆白菜里吃的五花肉。

    The now-recovered waiter serves us jellyfish noodles , followed by sashimi and a plate of fatty pork to be rolled in cabbage .

  14. 因为相继经过红烧和充分油炸,五花肉那一层肉皮酥脆可口,底下的肉则稍稍有些甜味。

    A fold of pork belly had been red-cooked and then deep-fried , giving it a gentle sweetness under a terrifically crunchy layer of skin .

  15. 这家餐厅供应寿司和美国南方的高档食物,比如滑炒五花肉和鸭肉三明治,很多菜都标明:无麸质,可带走。

    The menu offers sushi and upscale Southern fare such as pork belly sliders and pulled duck sandwiches , many labeled gluten-free and available to go .

  16. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热&上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now & Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .

  17. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热——上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now -- Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .

  18. 本文以猪眼肌肉和五花肉为研究对象,研究了计算机视觉技术应用于猪肉品质等级评定中的基本理论和方法。

    Using the eye muscle and belly of pork , some fundamental theories and general methods of computer vision applied to pork quality grading were investigated and developed in this work .

  19. 他们离开这些教会自己制作鹅肝酱和羊肚菌的奢华餐厅,开设店面餐厅,在这里他们可以用五花肉和柚子、蒸水蛋和齿叶菜随意烹饪。

    They left the luxurious places where they had mastered foie gras and morels to open storefront restaurants where they can mess around with pork belly and pomelo , steamed eggs and sawtooth herb .

  20. 另一种包子同样松软而不太奢侈,陈称之为“gwaco”,它是一种刈包,焦糖色五花肉不是包在里面,而是放在未切开的包子顶上,类似玉米粉圆饼的做法。

    The same bread in less voluptuous form is used for what Mr. Cheung calls a " gwaco , " a version of gua bao with caramelized pork belly not tucked in but laid atop an unsliced bun , as if it were a tortilla .

  21. 上面可能还有一块裹着极松软脆皮的炸猪排,也可能是肥瘦分明、切成蛋糕薄厚的五花肉,或是被煎炸了两次的脱骨鸡肉,松脆的鸡皮格外经嚼。

    Over this may lie a pork chop hammered thin and sealed inside an improbably fluffy crust , or pork belly in slices thick as cake , with descending horizons of lean and fat , or chicken freed of its bones and deep-fried twice , so the crispy shell of skin turns chewy where it clings to the flesh .