
wǔ xíng
  • Five Penalties;the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China;the five forms of punishment in ancient China
五刑 [wǔ xíng]
  • [the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China] 我国古代的五种刑罚,通常指墨、劓、宫、大辟,也指笞、杖、徒、流、死

五刑[wǔ xíng]
  1. 由奴隶制五刑向封建制五刑的过渡是中国古代刑制史上的伟大进步。

    This transition is a great progress in the history of penalty system of ancient China .

  2. 较奴隶制五刑而言,封建制五刑是一种较文明、较人道的刑罚。

    Compared with five penalties of Slavery , five penalties of feudalism was relatively civilized and human .

  3. 论奴隶制五刑向封建制五刑的过渡建制及人员情况;

    On Transition from Five Penalties of Slavery to Five Penalties of Feudalism the organizational system and the personnel ;

  4. 流刑作为五刑之一被列入法条,才开始大量被应用在司法实践中。

    Exiled in deciding one was included in the law , just began to be applied in judicial practice .

  5. 进入封建社会之后,经过刑制的不断改革,最终在《开皇律》中确立了封建制五刑。

    After entrance into feudal society , penalty system experiences constant reforms , finally five penalties of feudalism is established in Kai Huang Lv .

  6. 而宋代的刑罚体系则有了较多变化,原有的封建五刑刑罚体系被赋予了新的内容。

    When it comes to the Song Dynasty , the penalty system considerably changed , and the original five penalties were updated with new things .

  7. 唐朝继承了这五刑,并有了加役流刑,罪犯也需要服劳役,可是唐朝的监狱仍然是以拘禁监为主。

    The Tang dynasty inherited the Five Penalties , and established the banishment with corvee , which means the the offender also need to servitude .

  8. 中国古代的刑罚在经历了象刑、旧五刑到新五刑的发展之后,到唐律已形成了完备的刑罚体系和量刑制度。

    A comprehensive punishment and penalty measurement system was formed in the Tang Dynasty after the development from Xiang Penalty , old Five Penalties to new Five Penalties .

  9. 在传统的五刑制中,流刑处于降死一等的重刑地位。琼斯是一名负责严重刑事侦缉的侦探。

    Within the traditional system of five punishments , banishment was a severe sentence second only to a sentence of death . Jones is a police detective from the Homicide squad .

  10. 死刑作为封建制五刑中最严厉的刑种,具有剥夺人生命的重要特征。因此,对于死刑的研究具有非常现实的意义。

    The death penalty as the most severe criminal penalty of the five criminal penalties in feudal social system , has the important features of depriving human life . So , the analysis of the death penalty has very important realistic significance .

  11. 流刑萌芽于原始社会时期,到北朝时期正式被列为五刑之一,成为仅次于死刑的重刑,后一直持续到清朝取消流放制度为止。

    It was officially included as one of the five chief forms of punishment in the Northern Dynasty period , and then been kept to be the most severe penalty , except for the death penalty , until it was abolished in Qing regime .