
  1. 人食五谷杂粮,难免会生病。

    People eat grain and it is hard to avoid sick .

  2. 要吃五谷杂粮以及大量的水果和蔬菜。

    Eat whole grains as well as lots of fruits and vegetables .

  3. 五谷杂粮真的是最好的选择吗?

    Is that bowl of cereal such a healthy option ?

  4. 五谷杂粮脂肪低且富含纤维。

    Whole grains Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber .

  5. 五谷杂粮,蛋黄白莲,至尊凤梨。

    Mixed Corn and Grains , Egg Yolk & Lotus Paste , Imperial Pineapple .

  6. 五谷杂粮寿司卷(6个)

    Daily brown rice roll ( 6pcs )

  7. 一样是顶着一颗脑袋吃着五谷杂粮享受有生之年的俗人一个。

    Is the same as eating whole grains withstand a head and enjoy a lifetime of the laity .

  8. 人们吃的五谷杂粮、蔬菜、果实,禽畜所需的饲料青草,都来源于植物。

    The food crops people eat , vegetables fruits , the forage grass fools domestic animal needs , all come from the plants .

  9. 课题在创作过程中经过大量的前期调研和论证,对目前市场上的有机五谷杂粮产品的包装形式、材料、制作工艺等方面进行了系统的探索。

    I also did lots of investigation to research the packaging forms , materials , production techniques of the organic cereals on the market comprehensively .

  10. 他白发红颜,身体柔软,平时不吃五谷杂粮,只靠西风饮露就能生活。

    With rosy cheek , white hair , flexible body , he , usually , doesn 't eat grain but drink west wind and dew .

  11. 以小麦粉和五谷杂粮粉、水、酵母、疏松剂等为主要材料,研究开发了营养馍干。

    The nutritious dried bun was researched and developed with wheat flour , corn flour , water , yeast and leavening agents as the main materials .

  12. 就像人吃五谷杂粮会生病一样,企业在经营上也会遇到各式各样的困难,财务危机就是这些困难中一个重量级的存在。

    Company will meet all kinds of difficulties in the business as well as people will be sick , and financial crisis is an important one of these difficulties .

  13. 粮食酒(指用五谷杂粮酿制的酒)含大量对人身体有害的物质。

    Milk liquor and grain liquor different function The grain liquor ( refers to liquor which ferments with grain miscellaneous grains ) to contain massively to the human body harmful matter .

  14. 可以吃到大同的风味饭菜,饭菜比较实惠,口味也很好,在城市燕鲍翅的滋补之外,注入一股属于五谷杂粮的泥土香。

    Datong can get the flavor of the food , the food relatively affordable , good taste , in the city of the Yan Baochi tonic , into a grain cereals belonging to the Hong soil .

  15. 在地球上,我们能够呼吸到新鲜的空气,能够品尝到山珍海味、五谷杂粮,能够获取丰富的资源,更能享受到大自然带来的心灵愉悦。

    On the earth , we can breathe fresh air , to be able to defend against guided tasting , Grains , access to the rich resources , but also enjoy the beauty of nature and spiritual pleasure .

  16. 在这一天,人们用五谷杂粮加上花生、栗子、红枣、莲子等熬成一锅美味的腊八粥,这可是人们过年时不可或缺的一道主食。

    On the day , people will make a pot of tasty porridge with mixed grains and corns , like peanut , chestnut , date and lotus seed , which is an indispensable staple food for the Spring Festival .

  17. 五谷粥屋大酒店经营五谷杂粮面及各色家常菜,酒店环境优雅,可承接婚庆包席,及各类会议包饭。

    Grain porridge housing large hotel operators of grain and miscellaneous grains colored dishes , elegant hotel environment , I can undertake wedding packages , and various meetings Baofan .