
wǔ yuè
  • the Five Mountains;the Five Famous Mountains in China
五岳 [wǔ yuè]
  • [the Five Famous Mountains in China] 中国的五大名山,指东岳泰山、西岳华山、南岳衡山、北岳恒山和中岳嵩山

五岳[wǔ yuè]
  1. 南岳位于湖南省中部偏东南,是我国五岳名山之一,是国家级重点风景名胜区,全国AAAAA级旅游区和国家级自然保护区。

    Nanyue Mountain , one of the well-known " Five Mountains " of China , is located in the center by southeast of Hunan province . It is a nation-wide key senic spot , an AAAAA -level tourism area and a national nature reserve .

  2. 五岳的命名是由各自相对的位置而来的。

    All five Yue are named according to their relative locations .

  3. 五岳为辞锋四凕作胸臆&谈李白写景诗的抒情特色

    The Feature of Lyric in Li Bai 's Scenical Poems

  4. 引导学生说出中国的五岳名山。

    The Huangshan Mountain is very famous in China .

  5. 南岳是中国五岳之一。

    Nanyue Mountain is one of the five most famous mountains in china .

  6. 山岳体系中较显赫的有昆仑、五岳,海岛体系中最著名的是三岛、十洲。

    The group of islands mainly comprises the Three Islands and Ten Islets .

  7. 孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?

    Is Confucius the paragon of Mount tai ?

  8. 五岳的腾飞,离不开企业科技的开拓与创新;

    Wuyue Corporation cannot make rapid advances without technological exploitation and innovation of the corporation .

  9. 五岳的成长,离不开全体五岳人无私的付出与奉献;

    Wuyue Corporation cannot grow without the whole Wuyue Man 's self-giving contribution & dedication .

  10. 中国著名五岳之一――南岳衡山座落衡阳市南岳区。

    One of China 's famous mountains-Mount Hengshan is located Nanyue Nanyue District of Hengyang City .

  11. 柴王爷推车在后,车上装着五岳名山。

    Prince Chai followed him pushing a handicart with the five great mountains of China in it .

  12. 五岳的稳健成长是五岳广大客户与每一个员工的共同期望。

    The steady development of Wuyue Corporation is the common expectation of Wuyue 's consumers and its personnel .

  13. 李白说“三杯吐然诺,五岳倒为轻。”

    Li said that " three cups of spit promise , back to Light Five Sacred Mountains . "

  14. 五镇和五岳合称为中国古代的十大名山。

    The five regional mountains and five national mountains put together are known as china 's ten great mountains .

  15. 孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?泰山位于山东省中部,是五岳之首。

    As the first of the five sacred mountains , Mount Taishan is located in the central part of Shandong Province .

  16. 如泰山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳。

    For example , Tai Mountain is called " East Yue " as it is the easternmost one of the five .

  17. 谨以此机会,向所有关心,支持五岳公司的各界朋友致以衷心的感谢。

    I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who care for and support Wuyue Corporation .

  18. 后来泰山及其余四座大山并称为家喻户晓的“五岳”,共同代表着中国最初的统一。

    Mount Taishan , and the four surrounding mountains later became known as the Five Sacred Mountains , representing the original unification of China .

  19. 五岳作为独有的历史文化现象在中国古代社会一直扮演着重要角色。

    As a unique historical and cultural phenomenon , the Five Holly Mountains have been playing important roles in the society of ancient China .

  20. 而作为其重要表现形式之一的道教五岳壁画,也成为反映各个时期社会文化动态的载体。

    As an important expression , the Taoist mural paintings of the Five Holly Mountains are dynamic carriers of social culture of different periods .

  21. 泰山位于中国山东省境内,方圆约360平方公里,是中国五岳之首。

    Mount Tai , located in Shandong Province and covering an area of360 square kilometers , is the first of China 's Five Mountains .

  22. 论旅游主题活动的策划与营销&从五岳盟主到华山论剑

    Research on the Planning and Marketing of Theme Tourism Activities & From the League Leader of Five - Mountains to the Competition on Huashan Mountains

  23. 我们坚信,通过自身拼搏与奋斗以及社会的关心与帮助,五岳公司在未来的发中一定会取得更加骄人的业绩。

    We are fully confident that Wuyue Corporation will acquire prouder achievement in the prospective development though its struggle endeavor as well as social concern help .

  24. 1988年7月15日,我国五岳名山之一的华山突发暴雨泥石流,中断交通,电讯设备被毁。

    On July 15,1988 , a rainstorm debris flow suddenly occured on Hua - shan Mountain , which is one of the five most famous mountains in China .

  25. 本文试以五岳之一的南岳衡山楹联为例,阐释名胜联的特色和作用。

    This thesis tries to discuss the couplets of Hengshan Mountain in China as an example to explain the artistic characteristics and the role of the scenic spot Couplet .

  26. 恒山位于大同市浑源县境内,不仅是中国著名的五岳名山之一,还是著名的道教圣地。

    Mount Hengshan ( Heng Shan ), in Hunyuan County , is one of the " Five Great Peaks " of China , and is also a major Taoist site .

  27. 泰山白首乌化学成分的提取、分离与鉴定泰山位于山东省中部,是五岳之首。

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Cynanchum Bungei Decne ; as the first of the five sacred mountains , Mount Taishan is located in the central part of Shandong Province .

  28. 以五岳为代表的中国山岳文化,具有象征中华民族东、西、南、北、中大一统的深厚意蕴。

    The Chinese mountain culture , with the Five Mounts as its representatives , symbolizes the unity of the Chinese nation from north , south , west , east and central part .

  29. 北京评论家五岳散人表示,“韩寒以对社会事件的敏锐观察以及仗义执言而著称。”,因此韩寒此次入围证明了人们对中国的关注。

    Wuyuesanren , a Beijing-based critic , said Han 's nomination shows people really care about China ," because Han is famous for his sharp observation and unmodified comments on social events ", he said .

  30. 柴王爷推小车,运载着五岳名山,他们行于桥中心,将桥压得摇摇欲坠。

    Chai Wangye pushed a one-wheeled cart , on which there were the five famous mountains in China . When they came to the middle of the bridge , it began to shake and was likely to fall down .