
Chónɡ yánɡ jié
  • Double Ninth Festival
  1. 这又叫重阳节。

    It 's also called the Double Ninth Festival .

  2. 按照传统,在重阳节中国人吃什么?

    What dose Chinese people eat in Double Ninth Festival traditionally ?

  3. 重阳节是中国的传统节日。

    The Chongyang Festival is a Chinese traditional festival .

  4. 也许那就是它为什么叫重阳节的原因吧。

    Maybe that 's why it is called Chong Yang Festival .

  5. 重阳节的起源及民俗文化意味

    The Origin and Folk Cultural Meaning of the Double Ninth Festival

  6. 重阳节是老年人的节日。

    The Double Nine Festival is the festival of the elderly .

  7. 那么重阳节是怎么来的呢?

    Well , how the Chung Yeung Festival is to be paid ?

  8. 如今,人们又把重阳节当做“老人节”、“敬老节”。

    People nowadays also begin to spend the Double-Ninth Festival as the Seniors'Day .

  9. 插茱萸和赏菊也是重阳节的传统习俗。

    It is also the traditional custom to wear cornel and admire chrysanthemums .

  10. 在古代,重阳节人们有登高的习俗。

    In ancient time , people used to climb mountains on this day .

  11. 农历九月初九是重阳节。

    The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Double Ninth Festival .

  12. 重阳节始于战国时期。

    The Double Ninth Festival began to be observed in the Warring States Period .

  13. 在重阳节我们有登高的习俗。

    On the day of Chongyang Festival , one traditional activity is to climb mountains .

  14. 明天是九九重阳节,祝愿所有的老人节日快乐!

    Tomorrow is Double Ninth Festival , Wish all the old people a happy holiday !

  15. 重阳节前后也是赏菊的好时间。

    It is best time to enjoy the flourishing chrysanthemum during the Double Ninth Festival .

  16. 今天是农历九月初九,是重阳节。

    Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . it 's the double ninth festival .

  17. 惠州民间重阳节有登高和放风筝的习俗。

    Huizhou folk have the custom of mountaineering and flying kites in Double Ninth Festival .

  18. 本文介绍了中国的传统节日重阳节的来历和庆祝方式。

    The traditional Double Ninth festival is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month .

  19. 我国传统的农历重阳节等其他节日,也不放假。

    China 's traditional lunar chung yeung festival and other festival , also not on vacation .

  20. 我最喜欢的节日是重阳节,因为这一天是我的生日。

    My favourite festival is the Double Ninth Festival , because my birthday is on this day .

  21. 《燕京岁时记》里就提到在重阳节要“烤肉分糕”。

    Yanjing Suishiji ( Yanjing Age in Mind ) described it as " mutton-roasting and cake-sharing " .

  22. 人们经常在重阳节登高远眺。

    On the Double Ninth Festival people often climb hills or mountains to look far into the distance .

  23. 嗯,还有端午节、中秋节、重阳节等等。

    Well , there are Dragon Boat Festival , Mid-autumn Festival , Chung Yeung Festival and so on .

  24. 刚过完十一假期,今天上班,明天是重阳节又放假。

    Last week 's holidays has just finished , today was at work , tomorrow is off again .

  25. 重阳节同阴、阳两种完全相反的自然界规律的理论有关。

    The festival is based on the theory of Yin and Yang , the two opposing principles in nature .

  26. 因此到了近代,重阳节这一传统节日又有了新的节日内涵&敬老、爱老。

    Hence , recently , the Double Ninth Day has become an occasion to pay respect to the old .

  27. 因此,关于重阳节的起源,有种种不同的说法。

    As a result , the Chung Yeung Festival on the origin , there are all kinds of different versions .

  28. 第一章探寻了重阳节的历史起源,并梳理了其历代演变的过程。

    The first chapter explores the Double Ninth Festival in the history of origin and evolution of the need for parallel process .

  29. 农历九月九日,为中国传统的节日重阳节和秋天一个很开心的时候。

    The9th day of September in the lunar calendar is " the Chinese Chong Yang Festival " and a happy occasion in autumn .

  30. 清朝的皇帝会在九九重阳节那天与家人们一起爬上山顶在亭内赏景。

    The Qing Emperors would climb up to the Pavilion on the Double Yang Festival to enjoy the scenery with the royal family .