
  1. 谈小说《三重门》及其作者韩寒

    About Han Han and His Novel The Three Successive Doors

  2. 美国人不是围墙高筑、重门深锁的国民。

    They are not a nation of walled gardens and closed gates .

  3. 荷锄归去掩重门。

    Take hoe back and cover the heavy door .

  4. 你会经过7重门,再见到你妻子和孩子的。

    You wiII pass through the seven gates and see your wife and chiidren again .

  5. 起重门架体系是应用于大型龙门吊安装的一种索杆混合结构体系。

    Lifting stand system is a cable-strut mixed structure used to erect large gantry crane .

  6. 推开历史的重门&读徐坤的《女娲》

    Open the Doors and Gates of the History & A Study on Xu Kun s " Nvwa ";

  7. 他的第一部小说“三重门”,探测此根据家庭和学校的压力萎缩是青少年焦虑。

    His first novel ," Triple Door ," plumbed the adolescent angst of those withering under the pressures of family and school .

  8. 即使没有高墙重门,层层护卫,这孩子也进不了宫是吧?

    The boy couldn 't get into the palace , could he ? Not with all the guards , heavy doors and high walls ?

  9. 《三重门》以及后续几部小说的主人公都是像韩寒自己一样的年青人。

    The protagonists in that novel and several that followed were young men like himself , raised in small rural townships and disdaining authority , especially teachers , whom Mr.

  10. 韩寒以作家兼赛车手身份入选,该新闻周刊称他凭借首部小说《三重门》而入选。

    The weekly news magazine , which introduced Han as an author and a race car driver , said he was nominated because of his first novel Triple Gate .

  11. 2000年,自从韩寒出版《三重门》一书以来,这部著作至今已加印了数十次,销量约在210万册。

    Since Three Layers of Doors , written by Han was released in 2000 , it has been reprinted dozens of times and about 2.1 million copies have been sold .

  12. 该指控者推测韩寒父亲韩仁均可能是他的第一位枪手,据麦田推测,他父亲可能参与了韩寒第一部小说《三重门》的写作。

    He hence presumed Han 's first ghostwriter was his father Han Renjun , who he alleged might have been involved in the writer 's first novel " Triple Door . "

  13. 我们在说的是单手轻易移动约20吨重的门。

    We are talking about an estimated 20 tons being moved with ease by a single hand .

  14. 苏轼的《江城子·十年生死两茫茫》和贺铸的《鹧鸪天·重过闯门万事非》是北宋时期两首著名的悼亡词。

    Sushi 's Jiang Cheng Zi and Hezhu 's Zhe Gu Tian are two famous mourning poem of North Song Dynasty .

  15. 一但被发现有剽窃的行为发生,轻则该篇报告不及格,重则这门课不及格,而且会被送交纪律委员会处理。

    If you commit this crime , you will at the least get a failing grade on the paper , and at worst fail the course and be taken to the Committee on Discipline .